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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Head Cage
I see people are using MoS mostly... How about Mystic?
His force push is unsafe on block. It can't be used as a zoning tool, but more so a punishment tool, but why punish with for push if tele-slam comes out just as fast and has the same range? Tele-slam will net you more damage as well. Characters can punish a max range blocked force push with slides, projectiles, ranged moves, et cetera. Mystic is good, but I feel it's matchup specific now. Then again I'm no expert. This is just my opinion after a few games irl with the variation against different characters.


Hi guys. 2 ermac master of souls combos ( sorry about my bad cam )
1. jumping 2, f+21d+2, step f+4bf+2,dash bf+1,neutral jump 2, jumping 3db+4,d+1db+1 37% meterless
2. jumping 2, f+21d+2, step f+4db+4,d+1db+1+block,bf+2, dash bf+1,neutral jump 2, d+1 into ddu3 for reset . 36% dmg +8% dmg
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Nothing too earth shattering but I figured I'd post it. I'm sure there are some very similar (if not identical) combos in some of the other posted videos. Either way, enjoy.



Can someone explain how to read some of these combos?

I don't understand: xx, njp, ~, jip, things like that.

i understand dbf1234, but I am having trouble deciphering some of these. I am somewhat new to the community so I apologize if I sound like a noob.


Can someone explain how to read some of these combos?

I don't understand: xx, njp, ~, jip, things like that.

i understand dbf1234, but I am having trouble deciphering some of these. I am somewhat new to the community so I apologize if I sound like a noob.
xx = cancel (example: 2,2,2 xx db+2), basically it just notifies that you're cancelling the normal move into a special move.

njp = neutral jump punch, it's noted like that because a neutral jump punch with give you a bounce state that lets you continue the combo.

jip = jump in punch, since both punches share almost the exact same properties, you don't need to specify which punch button to use, so jip is used as a "fits all" kind of term.

~ = slide input (example: 3~4), that'd mean you slide from 3 to 4 really quickly, some chars have moves that require a quick slide across inputs so it's notated like that.


MoS Ermac
Can someone explain how to read some of these combos?

I don't understand: xx, njp, ~, jip, things like that.

i understand dbf1234, but I am having trouble deciphering some of these. I am somewhat new to the community so I apologize if I sound like a noob.
Jip= jump in punch
Njp= neutral jump punch
Xx= cancel
D= down
U= up
B= back
F= forward
MB= meter burn
1= forward punch/light punch/Square
2= back punch/medium punch/triangle
3= forward kick/light kick/X
4= back kick/medium kick/circle
Hi everyone,

here the best i found so far.


jip, f21d2, jik, teleport, 222, Lift, njp, b12 push 35%

jip, f21d2, f21 lift, njp, f4 push 30%

jip, f21d2, f4 lift, njp, f4 push 31%

jik, teleport, 222 Lift, njp, b12 push 28%

jip, 222, tp, d1 lift, njp, f4 push 30%

The push can be replaced by x-ray for more damge if someone wants to spent the meter this way.
I am quite new but alot of your combos have f21d2, which uppercuts them into the air. Unfortunatlely for me, it wont let me continue the combos after the uppercut, especially a jik. Can you post a vid of you doing this? Thnx


I am quite new but alot of your combos have f21d2, which uppercuts them into the air. Unfortunatlely for me, it wont let me continue the combos after the uppercut, especially a jik. Can you post a vid of you doing this? Thnx
Its just timing. You can hold u/f or just press it after the string, dont press 3/4 as soon as you leave the ground.


I have a keen eye for all things broken.
Thanks for updating the OP @zaf! I've been messing with Cassie the past couple of days but I think I'm ready to come back to Ermac. I might look into some combos for Spectral so we can have some in the OP.


I have a keen eye for all things broken.
Meterless MoS 38% starting with standing 2 which is 8 frame punisher
222-bf2, jip, f21d2, jik-db4, 222-db1

B12 hit confirm 35% meterless
B12-bf2, jip f21d2, jik-tele, 222-db1
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Sorry to ask but i'm new here.

Just want to practice with Earmac,

11xx Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel*, 34xx force push
f21d2, *hold forward slightly* f4xxTelepunch, d1xxTeleslam, njp, *tap forward*, 33xxForce Push
f4xx Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel*, 34xx force push
JiP, b3, tp, d1, TKL, f-dash, NjP, b2, 1, d2, TKP
. aa
Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel* 22xx force push

What does these means :


And i know the rest. Thank you! :)


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
Sorry to ask but i'm new here.

Just want to practice with Earmac,

11xx Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel*, 34xx force push
f21d2, *hold forward slightly* f4xxTelepunch, d1xxTeleslam, njp, *tap forward*, 33xxForce Push
f4xx Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel*, 34xx force push
JiP, b3, tp, d1, TKL, f-dash, NjP, b2, 1, d2, TKP
. aa
Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel* 22xx force push

What does these means :


And i know the rest. Thank you! :)
tkl = telekenetic lift/ teleslam
tkp = Telekenetic push (mystic variation)
jp (also written JiP) = jump in punch
tp = teleport
aa = anti-air


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
Here's a small Spectral Combo: JiP, 112, f4, tp, d3, bf2 - 26%

On the OP, there's this combo in MoS for 40%
jip,f4,bf2, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, 222, db1

Can anyone try to confirm if we can add after the tp this string: b12
So it would look like this:

JiP, f4, bf2, JiP, f21d2, JiK, tp, b12, 222, db1 - ?%


KH Fusion
Here's a small Spectral Combo: JiP, 112, f4, tp, d3, bf2 - 26%

On the OP, there's this combo in MoS for 40%
jip,f4,bf2, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, 222, db1

Can anyone try to confirm if we can add after the tp this string: b12
So it would look like this:

JiP, f4, bf2, JiP, f21d2, JiK, tp, b12, 222, db1 - ?%
you can but after doing b12 if your timing is off 222 lift will drop. if you land it successfully it'll be 41 or 42 (can't remember off the top of my head) but I know for a fact it works cause it's become my bnb off f4. (a risky bnb cause you have to commit, but worth it for the raw damage alone)


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
you can but after doing b12 if your timing is off 222 lift will drop. if you land it successfully it'll be 41 or 42 (can't remember off the top of my head) but I know for a fact it works cause it's become my bnb off f4. (a risky bnb cause you have to commit, but worth it for the raw damage alone)
Is it unsafe if they block the f4 and ball? I see the knock-back is pretty big no?


1. jumping 2, f+21d+2, step f+4bf+2,dash bf+1,neutral jump 2, jumping 3db+4,d+1db+1 37% meterless
This combo VFELLHN mentioned seems to completely trivialize any meter combo below 37%, I personally do:

f21d2 > f4 xx > bf2 > dash > bf1 > nj2 > j3 xx > db4 > f4, 3 (37% meterless)
or low start:
b3 xx > bf2 > dash > bf1 > nj2 > j3 xx > db4 > f4, 3 (meterless)

Essentially, I'm asking why bother using meter at all for combos that start with a mid/high, when you can just do meterless combos that do just as much or usually more damage. These come with the added benefit of having meter on the side for combo breaking, with no drawbacks besides predictability.

So where are the EX combos that out-damage the meterless combos for Ermac?


Noob Saibot
I didn't see this one listed and I've been using this 1 bar mid-screen combo Master of Souls variation. Its easy to land online and does 37%.


Sorry if this has been posted. Feels good to be back playing the soul crusher.


This combo VFELLHN mentioned seems to completely trivialize any meter combo below 37%, I personally do:

f21d2 > f4 xx > bf2 > dash > bf1 > nj2 > j3 xx > db4 > f4, 3 (37% meterless)
or low start:
b3 xx > bf2 > dash > bf1 > nj2 > j3 xx > db4 > f4, 3 (meterless)

Essentially, I'm asking why bother using meter at all for combos that start with a mid/high, when you can just do meterless combos that do just as much or usually more damage. These come with the added benefit of having meter on the side for combo breaking, with no drawbacks besides predictability.

So where are the EX combos that out-damage the meterless combos for Ermac?
I agree with you. It seems meter combos cant add much more dmg , thats why with almost every char im looking for the best meterless combos. It seems the meter combos are just there for make your combos easier to execute or to look more cool. ( dont misunderstand me, ofc meter combos could be useful ,depends what char you use. for example some chars have specific juggle moves that require meter, or situations like you have to use them as a starters for abare/risk situations) But yeah from my ermac exp for the time being i havent found any meter combo worth to mention.
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