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blink-182 enthusiast
somebody better than me needs to help me put together a good strategy

what should my gameplan be

i'm getting bodied by just trying to charge in


Hey I also remembered guys that we have a free 10.8% with X-Ray on block. It is more guaranteed than 3 EX Punchwalks because you are +15 from the X-Ray (correct me on that frame data if I'm wrong). JIP 21 xx X-Ray, punchwalk. If you time it properly, all hits from the punchwalk will connect including the first hit; none will whiff. Good to kill if you have 3 bars. No need to hunt for the combo just chip them out. Again, I don't know if it's practical, but a good bit of information to know nonetheless.

somebody better than me needs to help me put together a good strategy

what should my gameplan be

i'm getting bodied by just trying to charge in
I don't necessarily know if I'm better or not but I have a few points that you should consider while playing. Hopefully, this helps:
- You have a command grab that can be cancelled into; use this on people that want you to commit to punchwalk on blockstrings
- Dude is nasty in the corner with all that armor; get your opponent to the corner (which is pretty easy considering punchwalk)
- Blockstring into punchwalk into EX punchwalk; conditions your opponent to not press buttons
- D1 is 5 frames.....use it; PERIOD
- Generally open people up with command grab, punchwalk, and overall pressure because of block damage
- Think I read bf2 from Tigrar is +13 on block; utilize that in blockstrings
- Chest charge in Kuatan Warrior is crazy good for spacing

As an overall note:
- Take advantage of the ability to stuff non-enhanced wakeups
- Punish dashes since they cannot be cancelled at all (Goro specific would be dbf3, punchwalk for corner carry, or bf2 I think it is from Kuatan Warrior)
- Take advantage of the floaty jumps (easier to anti-air and anti-crossup even with sub-par options)
- Use your backdash invincibility; great option for crossups that I have found

Basically from what I've read and used: Tigrar is heavy zoning but has great blockstring pressure from bf2 being +13 on block as well as fireball spacing and shenanigans; Kuatan is very spacing and footsie oriented; Fangs are ridiculous rushdown. So far, I have been utilizing the fangs because I like to overwhelm my opponent once I get in and from what I can tell so far, it has the biggest damage. Keep in mind that damage potential is a different can of worms. The other variations may excel in damage down the road once they are more explored, so who knows really? If you are weaker in you spacing, baiting, and footsies overall, I would use Kuatan because that is where he excels. Tigrar is good for zoners and shenanigans, and also has great blockstring potential. They are also matchup specific, so keep that in mind. Right now, I want to highlight my strengths (rushdown) to smother my opponent. With certain matchups, against certain opponents, or possibly later down the road, I will switch to buff my weaknesses with Kuatan. Basically, highlight your strengths or hide your weaknesses. Other than that, get in the lab!!! I'm sure someone else will have a great strategy but this is what I've found so far. Hope it helps.


Going to sleep right after this but I just tested some things in the corner with Tigrar Fury.

21 dragon breath on block is +13, and 21 close ground fireball is +7, so doesn't that give a free shokan grab given it's 7f (and takes 1-2f for opponent to unblock)? From what I tested seems only interrupt able by fast armoured specials.
Anyone have any dragon breath pressure options? After dragon breath I think the only good options are the command grab, punchwalk, d1 and d4(both can be xx into punchwalk or command grab) from midscreen

In the corner what can he do after dragon breath. I tried experimenting with diff things but sadly I think most can be poked out of.

The following require Goro to be up close with the opp in the corner.

I tried bf2 d1 d4 xx en db4 d4 bf2 but db4 has no armor( close ground fire) so that's a failure against pokes

then i do
bf2 d1 d4 xxbf2 d4 bf2

is this viable? d1 and d4 to keep opp in check and to prevent them from poking that might stop dragon breath due to slow startup.

dragon breath is +13
d1 5f startup and allows you to do an attack thats less than 9f due to block adv being -5 and cancel is 14f
d4 is 5f and you can pretty much cancel it to anything. When in the corner I use d1 and d4 in succession to keep Goro far away enough to avoid getting poked during dragon breath, but I'm not 100% sure on this. I just thought the idea of doing multiple dragon breaths in the corner is pretty cool haha


i am having difficulty with the command grab input >:I
Added to the fact that is a tough input by itself, it is finicky when coupled with cancelling off normals and strings. When cancelling the special, you need to buffer the input as soon as possible; do NOT rely on visuals for when to cancel because it will not come out. It is easier alone and you can actually separate each button and go one by one d,b,f,3. Best way to input it in any way to me is rolling the thumb more so than the individual method. If you happen to hit up, it will more than likely still come out if you have entered the commands fast enough. Other than that, just sit in lab and practice that beast. Start ending all of your combos with it to get even more practice in and you should get hold of it in no time.


Going to sleep right after this but I just tested some things in the corner with Tigrar Fury.

Anyone have any dragon breath pressure options? After dragon breath I think the only good options are the command grab, punchwalk, d1 and d4(both can be xx into punchwalk or command grab) from midscreen

In the corner what can he do after dragon breath. I tried experimenting with diff things but sadly I think most can be poked out of.

The following require Goro to be up close with the opp in the corner.

I tried bf2 d1 d4 xx en db4 d4 bf2 but db4 has no armor( close ground fire) so that's a failure against pokes

then i do
bf2 d1 d4 xxbf2 d4 bf2

is this viable? d1 and d4 to keep opp in check and to prevent them from poking that might stop dragon breath due to slow startup.

dragon breath is +13
d1 5f startup and allows you to do an attack thats less than 9f due to block adv being -5 and cancel is 14f
d4 is 5f and you can pretty much cancel it to anything. When in the corner I use d1 and d4 in succession to keep Goro far away enough to avoid getting poked during dragon breath, but I'm not 100% sure on this. I just thought the idea of doing multiple dragon breaths in the corner is pretty cool haha
I have a few points to highlight in your pressure above. Trust me, I'm not trying to be "that guy" but I do want to make sure that I understand where you are coming from so that we can continue to bounce ideas off of each other!

Firstly, anything is viable as long as it makes sense mathematically and situationally, at least. I will rewrite your strings so that you can see the gaps in them where they can possibly be blown up. As long as you are aware of this and can condition your opponent to know this, then you can get fancy off of the knowledge they have; then the yomi begins. I will highlight "holes" with parentheses on the part of the string that can be poked or armored after.
bf2, (d1), (d4) xx bf2, (d4), (bf2).

Now this is where it gets all mathematical and ish, and if anyone needs to correct this, feel free. I want to make sure that I am posting the correct information. You have 13 frames of advantage off of the bf2 so you are good to go into d1 immediately after. That is a frame trap 100%. You are also allowed to commit to d4 off of the bf2 which is also a frame trap on block. Essentially, +13 frames means your d1 comes out in -8 frames, also meaning your opponent cannot even attempt to attack. In theory, you are able to frame trap the opponent as long as your move comes out in less than 13 frames, HOWEVER, this is very difficult in practice. For example, go to practice with Kung Lao and set reversal mode to Vortex. Bf2 him and try your hardest to get the b3 normal to connect before his reversal attack starts up. I've done it once in about 50 tries. Is it possible? Yes. Is it viable? For some maybe, but for the masses no. This is reaching what is known as the "just frame" area of fighters. If you can do this successfully consistently, then you can pretty much accomplish anything. You have 1 frame of play to get that attack out before Kung Lao can activate armor. That's why it's tough. This is also why an acceptable frame trap for say PL, may not be an acceptable frame trap for me. Skill level plays a major role and some things in games are just plain impossible for humans to pull off. Since you are +13, once you get into the realm of attacks that have between 10-12 frames of start-up, it gets pretty tough to execute. Another example would be take Kung Lao just like the above and reversal set to Vortex. Bf2, b3 then try bf2, 2 and tell me the world of difference you feel. Even though it's possible in theory, doesn't mean it's viable. This is where the mind comes into play.

You have guaranteed pressure off the bf2. The opponent knows this but you have to make them respect it. So, bf2, d1. Do this a couple of times to dictate that you have that guaranteed and they can't move after bf2. Then, and only then, can you get really nasty; bf2, bf2, 21 xx bf2, d4 xx EX Punchwalk. Although this is not a true frame trap, it would be known as a pseudo frame trap. It takes the opponent a couple of frames to make the necessary reaction to punish the bf2, bf2. Even then, they still may not be able to recognize it after one or two loops, depending upon the opponent. Take for example MK9 Johnny Cage. Why did you see people getting "frame trapped" by 2,2,2,2 or 2,1,d3, f3? Pseudo my friend; takes them awhile to recognize what's going on and from then on, they can look for it which leads them to get blown up by something else.

I'm sorry for the wall of text, however, I wanted to be sure that this was understood because you technically can't go from d1 to d4 for free. Go against a great counter poker like Tyrant and see what I mean by that. They are waiting for the poke to come out because generally, they are negative on block or at best neutral. D1 on block is -5, meaning that your d4 will come out AT BEST in 13 frames. That is a HUGE window to punish, therefore, making that variation of your pressure have a pretty large hole. If you want to get that block pressure going, at least minimize your gap time to be safer. I would recommend something like this off of an already landed bf2: 21 xx bf4. Guaranteed, no holes, and safe at the end. Once you condition your opponent, maybe throw in another bf2: 21 xx bf2, 21 xx bf4. You can d1 check at the end of that to see if they jump and if so, convert to full combo d1, 21 xx EX bf4, NJP, 121 xx dbf3 for 33% for a bar or d1, 12, 12, 121 xx dbf3 for 25% no bar. Once they eat that. then they will pretty much be free to d1 xx Punchwalks for forever.


Wow that was a good post. Don't worry I'm glad you're "that guy" because I was exhausted yesterday and you're right d1 to d4 is punishable. What's the startup for 21? I'm not at home right now so I couldn't check the frame data but I thought there's a gap between bf2 and 21?


Wow that was a good post. Don't worry I'm glad you're "that guy" because I was exhausted yesterday and you're right d1 to d4 is punishable. What's the startup for 21? I'm not at home right now so I couldn't check the frame data but I thought there's a gap between bf2 and 21?
Thanks man...just don't wanna come across as an ass lol. The startup for 2 is 9 frames, so it's tight but not too difficult.
Goro is a pretty good character(not saying he is high tier). Very simple in execution, but extremely momentum based as some people were saying before. I think the one thing that sets him back now is ending combos in special moves that give up position. He has to fight his way back into the opponent's face to start his gameplan again.

For now, I have been trying to find combos that wouldn't sacrifice too much damage to keep him close, such as finding juggle combos that drop the last of punch walk to keep him close (but he is slightly negative afterwards). Besides that I've been unsuccessful. One option is to use combos that pushes the opponent furthest towards the corner. Another option would be to use MB stomp to leave the opponent close and pressure afterwards.

In some matchups it is hard to punish unsafe moves on block because either goro's faster normals don't have the reach (b1), too slow (f3), or does laughable damage the opponent will repeat it anyways (d1). One example is Kitana's square wave(butt attack) in royal storm variation. It's -16 on block, but timing to get f3 to connect is extremely strict.

I'm still researching, but corner pressure is so much fun. When the opponent is in corner and feels helpless from MB punch walks and just blocks and takes like 3-4 command throws. simple high/low mixup works too.

EDIT: I should explore Kuatan Warrior variation more. The chest lunge leaves the opponent in a hard knockdown and close enough for goro to retain momentum.
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kung jin is really annoying to fight against. fucker's got some stupid reach

you can armor out of his launcher bf4 but I'm pretty sure it's hit confirmable. feels rough
Stuff I've found after playing Goro for a few days

I'm starting to think Kintaro is his best variation. B3 has a nice amount of mix-up off it (tick throw, EN Punchwalk beats poke outs and backdashes, EN fireball to keep pressure) and 21 xx low fireball is p decent. Flame breath is also good, super plus and good in footies imo. I honestly don't see the real point to the other two. Fangs gives you an extra pop-up when we already have punchwalk, the low poke isn't enough to pick it. And Kuatan has the side switch, which is nice, but ground pound is so bad you can jump twice and (some, not all) can whiff punish it.

B2, F4, 4, F2, telestomp, F3 (late throw invincibility in the frames) all throw immune. Reversal telestomp vs Kotal Sun God D4 xx Sun God Choke, telestomp wins and kotal just barely has time to backdash (which you can read with directing the stomp).

Lastly, if you're fighting someone with armored wakeups (1-hit only), meaty 3D3 breaks through it. This only works for moves where the opponent isn't in a low profile state. I wouldn't advise trying this on Mileena's wakeup, because Roll low profiles normally and she gets a combo. Only try this on someone like Kenshi, who needs meter to wakeup and the non-EN wakeups for them are non-existent.


Any tips about inputting the command grab using the ps4 controller?
I'm having a hard time trying to cancel it out sometimes, expecially from b3....what a pain. Even doing it naked out of run is a problem


Any tips about inputting the command grab using the ps4 controller?
I'm having a hard time trying to cancel it out sometimes, expecially from b3....what a pain. Even doing it naked out of run is a problem
you can do every command individually. Like, the buffer window for command grabs has been HUGE in NRS games. If you do down back then forward 3 you'll get a big window to complete the input for the grab

You should also start doing it preemptively to get in the habit of doing it faster, when you actually want to use it


also I have just learned how silly Kintaro mode is. So many frame traps, and so many tick throws, it's absurd

Time to start playing with fire

Deleted member 9158

I was really expecting him to be the next Sheeva online (stompin' all day err'day) but I haven't come across a single Goro yet.

Then again it's mostly scorpions and ermacs


Your Emporer
I see it as
Kintaro: General mode for most match-ups. Suprisingly good at ranged play since his close range specials can nearly fullscreen, especially that 7 frame grab.
Fangs: For any matchup with weak zoning, if you don't need the better ranged attacks the massive chip dmg is more useful. I love Chip damage but I can see this mode suffering against strong zoners if you struggle to get up close. The spin followed by d3 is particularly fun pressure since generally only other jab moves can deal with it.
Warrior: Not sure how I feel about it but not a fan.


In Fangs I´ve notice that after a :exFangSpin you can B12U2, so it leaves way more option for better combos

I love Kuatan because of the ground pound :) .. and if your opp. jumps you can catch them with the chestpump or the stomp using the close version. Also the chestpump can punish sooo much things . Only 9f and a huuuge range. Yes, you loose the breath pressure, but you can cancel the 2,1 with 4 which is low, and also 2,1 I think its safe on block by itself and on hit is +21 so its nearly a free F2,1 (21f) or a F3
And regular proyectile is very similar than regular fireball from Kintaro,the difference is the :exversion IMO
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In Fangs I´ve notice that after a :exFangSpin you can B12U2, so it leaves way more option for better combos

I love Kuatan because of the ground pound :) .. and if your opp. jumps you can catch them with the chestpump or the stomp using the close version. Also the chestpump can punish sooo much things . Only 9f and a huuuge range. Yes, you loose the breath pressure, but you can cancel the 2,1 with 4 which is low, and also 2,1 I think its safe on block by itself and on hit is +21 so its nearly a free F2,1 (21f) or a F3
And regular proyectile is very similar than regular fireball from Kintaro,the difference is the :exversion IMO
Yeah that's what I do too. Don't forget he has a projectile in all of his variation so you can also do a projectile when you opponent starts jumping toward you. I feel like people are underestimating his KW variation. IMO I think it's as important as his TF variation.


I had a few matches yesterday with Guamo and I can confirm that the Kuatan variation is damn near useless. I was using Kuatan against the Hollywood Cassie variation and the ground pound just doesn't cut it. On top of that, the chest charge doesn't cover enough ground to be useful, at least in this matchup. When I threaten her range with the chest charge, I am actually in her dominate range for advancing, quick hitting normals. The zoning isn't strong enough to warrant going to Tigrar, however, I could see why it is a great option. I took about even wins with both the Tigrar and Fangs variations, but I could definitely see the Tigrar being the go-to for the matchup. Just have to be careful because she can fire off gunshots pretty quickly.

I have some worries about this Kuatan variation at this point in time. It does need some more fleshing out like everything else, but the threatening range ffor the chest charge is not big enough in my opinion to warrant selecting this variation. I found myself using EX Punchwalk to cover more distance with more armor. Also the ground pound is dreadful. Too slow, and can easily be punished, almost from full screen depending upon the character. I will probably switch up to Tigrar to get used to it now, and pull out those fangs for characters such as Reptile and are required to get in.
^Kuatan is a counter style when you need it. It's awesome.

Making players jump nets you free %30 combos and stops a lot of ranged pressure and projectile chip.
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