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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Mexican street vendor
Mystic Variation - Most damage I can get off a raw teleport is: teleport, d1xx hang, Njp, 222xx push (22%)

If anyone can get anything better let me know!


What i meant was that ex teleport has the potential to launch some armored moves due to it beeing a multi-hit move that comes from behind. Ofc it requires a read on your opponent more than not. I just mentioned it cuz the talk was about punishing stuff and to not let the ex teleport look so useless compared to the normal one :)

Just for making an example if i am not making myself clear enough: If you cancel a string into it and Sub tried to punish it with ex Hammer you would launch him. His hammer would whiff you and you would beat his armor with the multi attack and launch him.

Ex Vanish seem to have some sort of armor. Collision happens but Ermac still dissappers.


『T R I G G E R E D』
Found a new Mystic 222 combo higher than the one in the OP
Jip, 222, teleport, d1, lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel, 2, push 32%


with a bar i do

teleport, d1, ex lift, f21d2, run cancel, b12 lift 31% or
teleport, d1, ex lift, f21d2, run cancel, f4, lift 29%

Its most probably not optimal though... after the run cancel of the first combo you hit them pretty high... should be able to squeeze something more in...
wasnt able to do so yet.


Wow nice on the 25% one. Works great thanks :)

Also... can you try if you can connect f3/f4/s4+push instead of the 22+push?
I can connect them with blast or lift at the end but not with push... would like to know if its just me or if it doesnt work :D


『T R I G G E R E D』
Wow nice on the 25% one. Works great thanks :)

Also... can you try if you can connect f3/f4/s4+push instead of the 22+push?
I can connect them with blast or lift at the end but not with push... would like to know if its just me or if it doesnt work :D
no luck here


Makes women fap
So, it turns out our air teleport(raw) gives you better options. You can hit f4, f3, b3, d1, d3 and im almost positive i got S2. The timing is hella strict so its kinda impractical, but it makes for some swagger combos


The Nonsense
Think they can just block out of that after the bf2 because of the input delay doing bf1... I'm not sure tho.
you are absolutely right... the bf1 can be blocked due to the delay... you would have to dash forward then bf1 into the rest.... which cancels the combo reset for the extra damage... thank you so much for the tip :)


The Nonsense
you are absolutely right... the bf1 can be blocked due to the delay... you would have to dash forward then bf1 into the rest.... which cancels the combo reset for the extra damage... thank you so much for the tip :)
I set the dummy to always crouch block to see if the bf1 timing with the dash was fast enough.. it is but it brings the damage down to 37%



After an raw air teleport you can hit 222 lift NJP f21d2 push for 26% or 222 exlift, f21d2 run cancel b12 lift (35%)
Basically the same stuff that you can do after jik+tp. So the bar is well spend i think.

Wasnt able to connect a run cancel for the meterless, maybe someone else can?
Tried f4 instead of 222 - could connect run cancel into 22+push / uppercut but the result is still 26%.

You can also connect 112 after raw air teleport but so far i dont see any point in this.


Makes women fap
After an raw air teleport you can hit 222 lift NJP f21d2 push for 26% or 222 exlift, f21d2 run cancel b12 lift (35%)
Basically the same stuff that you can do after jik+tp. So the bar is well spend i think.

Wasnt able to connect a run cancel for the meterless, maybe someone else can?
Tried f4 instead of 222 - could connect run cancel into 22+push / uppercut but the result is still 26%.

You can also connect 112 after raw air teleport but so far i dont see any point in this.
Yeah man. I dont think ill do some flashy type combos from it in a tournament environment, but i think its still helpful and cool to do


Let's fighting love
So I picked up Ermac, fun to play! I think he's got great potential when it comes to anti-airing, here are some MoS combos I've recorded.
(Links says .mp4 but they're webm and will run from browser)

http://a.pomf.se/wviext.mp4 d2 EX lift > RC > f21d2 > RC > 22 xx soul ball > dash njP 22 xx lift - 34% 1 meter
http://a.pomf.se/cccbmr.mp4 d4 222 xx soul ball > dash bf1 njP f21d2 > RC 22 xx lift - 35%
This can be tough to land but njP can be omitted for a way easier combo, 33% - http://a.pomf.se/fpgpdi.mp4

http://a.pomf.se/npxxhe.mp4 njP jiP xx tele > f4 xx soul ball > jiP f21d2 RC 22 xx lift - 30%
http://a.pomf.se/ablbek.mp4 jiP xx tele > f4 xx soul ball > dash bf1 njP f21d2 RC 22 xx lift - 31%

Preferring playing with MoS because of vanish. So much fun to use. http://a.pomf.se/oigbxc.mp4
Cool combos, now its time for setups

f21d2, f4 bf2 dash bf1 nj1 run cancel f43 (35%), run cancel into f4 bf2 or b3 bf2 and repeat, or grab, or block if they have meter.
+it keeps you on the same side for corner carry
+you cant back roll after landing from f43
+you cant backdash out of safety from the meaty f4 or b3
-they can delay stand and avoid everything
-they can armor

f3 is -2, f34 is -5 and the 4 is an over head, and b3 is 12 f startup, so im thinking if you get people scared of it, f3, then fuck you B3 combo dont block overheads bitch
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I wanted to use Mystic, but not having a fireball really fucking sucks. And the ability to get resets off the restand fireball is too good. Not to mention better combos, better spacing, and VANISH.