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"This One" Is Back!:Steam Co's CD Jr Wins The Break Weekly #304


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!

Come one come all to the Blood Bath that is The Break Weekly. It has been some time but we are finally back and ready for some MORTAL KOMBAT X. Our TO KDZ was either kind enough or crazy enough to have a MKX tournament on the day of the launch tournament. Meaning we will be having MKX tournaments every week.

This week we had 23 people enter the tournament. Wow people are hype for MKX and they should be. The entire stream can be found here:

Challonge Brackets:

Here they are your Top 3 for the First MKX Tournament at The Break:
First Place: Steam Co|RM|CD. JR
Second Place: EMP|RM|DarthArma
Third Place: Emperor Zyphox

Congratulations CD JR for winning the first MKX tournament at The Break. And shout outs for everyone who showed up. Hopefully we will continue to grow and get more people.

8 On the Break is Located:
Address: 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: (732) 752-8880
The Tournament is Hosted by KDZ Every Tuesday at around 8:30pm 9:00pm. The Tournament is also Streamed by Jaxel over at 8 Way Run. And the Brackets are made and called by Hacker. Please Make sure to support the stream by following, Subscribing, Turning off ad block, or subscribing to his YouTube channel. Tournament entry is $10 Dollars. With no venue fee. Thats right. NO VENUE FEE. Stop by and play with some of the best Injustice Players the Area has to Offer. Meet new people and level up. If you are in the area you should also check out the Break which holds many different games. And is home to the Break Steak Special.

MKX will be Ran on PS4. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Shoutouts to @G4S Claude VonStroke for Asking me to write this
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Falls down too much
I know you guys want to give props to the winner, but I never get to watch these streams live and it's a very small bummer to have grand finals spoiled. It's actually the reason I quit coming to TYM regularly, because I wanted to watch the streams.

That said, I'm going to go watch it anyway. Heh.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
I am gonna be the best commando and cybernetic on the planet. Cutthroat is fun but not my style, I'm not big into 50/50s like rest of these tasteless clowns, I'm all about them reads.
My dude! Stealing all dat commando tech, no shame. And rooting for you week in and week out. Lezgo grapplers!