what should I follow up with in pop up combos?
right now after the fang spin or with b12u2 I do njp f3 xx ex punchwalk f3 grab. gives me ~35% for a bar
also I'm not kidding, goro has stupidly easy screen cover with run cancels into his millions of advancing moves. I love this character
Depends on the situation but I have a few combos for you to try. JIP usually adds about 2%.
b12u2, run xx b12u2, 21 xx dbf3 ~ 33% **For max damage; no bar
21 xx EX db2, NJP, (walk forward a bit) 21 xx bf4 ~ 35% **For max corner carry
21 xx EX db2, NJP, (walk forward a bit) 21 xx dbf3 ~ 37% **For max damage; 1 bar
21 xx EX db2, NJP, 21 xx EX bf4, 1 xx dbf3 ~ 41% **For max damage; 2 bar
Corner is really self explanatory for the most part. For example, try doing a NJP then a JK mid combo after a pop up. It gives pretty good damage potential. Also, good swag corner combo would be 21 xx EX db2, NJP, 21 xx EX bf4, d2, throw back into corner. Lands 42% but of course it burns two bars so it may not even be practical. Had to make sure that I said it was swag! It doesn't include the jump kick but these should let your imagination begin to work! Find anything useful to add to these, make sure to post up.
Before I forget you can also cancel into du command after any combo, however, ONLY DO THIS IF YOU KNOW THAT THE OPPONENT WILL NOT TECH ROLL!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stress this enough. The jump stomp will get there before the opponent is able to wake up. It is purely gimmick and based upon a read. It could also use some more testing because I only tested it against a couple of characters. It OTG's and of course beats all regular wakeup attacks as long as.....THE OPPONENT DOES NOT TECH ROLL. An example combo would be 21 xx EX db2, NJP, 21 xx EX bf4, 11 xx du. Combo hits for 38% and the jump stomp adds 10%, so 48% total, but hella gimmicky. Also, poke xx bf4 on block into EX bf4...FTW!