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Questions about the MK lore!

1. Why can human characters like Johnny Cage and Liu Kang cast magical attacks and survive high impact damage like falling out of choppers? Has that ever been explained, or do they simply live in a world, where people can have special abilities (superpowers)?

2. How big of a deal is "Prince" Goro? The comic is overhyping him as hell and so was the MK movie, but to me Goro always looked like a jobber (someone, who is there to lose to other characters, so that they end up looking good).

3. Who is the most powerful being in the MK universe and what are some of his / hers capabilities?

4. How powerful is Raiden? I remember MKFAN30 getting banned from Comicvine, because he was aggressively claiming, that Raiden could beat Thor in a fight, which I don't see happening at all.

5. Is Liu Kang + Kitana actually a thing, or was that just in the movies and a little bit hinted at in MK9?

6. What's the reason that Raiden's bosses can't simply help him out, when he needs their help against Shao Khan? Why does he always have to participate in convoluted tournaments instead?

7. Who is the better warrior: Scorpion or Sub-Zero? In the trailers Scorpion always wins, but didn't the first Sub-Zero straight up kill Scorpion in a fight? And then Scorpion got a power upgrade and returned the favour, but then again lost to that first Sub-Zero's brother in a straight up fight?


Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
1. Johnny has powers because genetics. He belongs to master race. Liu kang was trained by Raiden and learned to harness chi.

2. Goro is indeed jobber, prince is just a title. Do you know who else is prince? yeah you guessed it right, Rain.

3. If its your story chapter then you are the most powerful. Though Angry Raiden would body pretty much everyone in MK.

4. oh the memories but that's not why he was banned.

5. Liu kang is in love with Raiden but Raiden doesn't love him, he loves Johnny cage and Johnny cage is straight.

6. They are evil, they don't even give Raiden his salary and you thought your boss was cruel.

7. Sub-zero, the answer is always sub-zero.
1. Why can human characters like Johnny Cage and Liu Kang cast magical attacks and survive high impact damage like falling out of choppers? Has that ever been explained, or do they simply live in a world, where people can have special abilities (superpowers)?

2. How big of a deal is "Prince" Goro? The comic is overhyping him as hell and so was the MK movie, but to me Goro always looked like a jobber (someone, who is there to lose to other characters, so that they end up looking good).

3. Who is the most powerful being in the MK universe and what are some of his / hers capabilities?

4. How powerful is Raiden? I remember MKFAN30 getting banned from Comicvine, because he was aggressively claiming, that Raiden could beat Thor in a fight, which I don't see happening at all.

5. Is Liu Kang + Kitana actually a thing, or was that just in the movies and a little bit hinted at in MK9?

6. What's the reason that Raiden's bosses can't simply help him out, when he needs their help against Shao Khan? Why does he always have to participate in convoluted tournaments instead?

7. Who is the better warrior: Scorpion or Sub-Zero? In the trailers Scorpion always wins, but didn't the first Sub-Zero straight up kill Scorpion in a fight? And then Scorpion got a power upgrade and returned the favour, but then again lost to that first Sub-Zero's brother in a straight up fight?

1. liu kang has the power of the dragon, other than that, bcuz MK. there is also speculation that Johnny just throws a snotball.
2. Goro killed Johnny Cage in MK1 canon and was Shang Tsungs Sub-Boss. Somewhere between big deal and jobber.
3. The Elder Gods, who have no alignment but interfere under certain circumstances.
4. Raidens powers are as much as a guy who can teleport at anytime to any place, control lightning and mastered martial arts can do. his mental capacities are just those of a normal human though.
5. it was, but seems not to be anymore
6. these are the rules of the universe. the elder gods have to take care of more than just earthrealm. its like paulo garcia walking into ed boons office and asking to do another mk9 patch.
7. as they have been fighting for ages now, theyre probably about even


Skarlet who ?
1. Why can human characters like Johnny Cage and Liu Kang cast magical attacks and survive high impact damage like falling out of choppers? Has that ever been explained, or do they simply live in a world, where people can have special abilities (superpowers)?

2. How big of a deal is "Prince" Goro? The comic is overhyping him as hell and so was the MK movie, but to me Goro always looked like a jobber (someone, who is there to lose to other characters, so that they end up looking good).

3. Who is the most powerful being in the MK universe and what are some of his / hers capabilities?

4. How powerful is Raiden? I remember MKFAN30 getting banned from Comicvine, because he was aggressively claiming, that Raiden could beat Thor in a fight, which I don't see happening at all.

5. Is Liu Kang + Kitana actually a thing, or was that just in the movies and a little bit hinted at in MK9?

6. What's the reason that Raiden's bosses can't simply help him out, when he needs their help against Shao Khan? Why does he always have to participate in convoluted tournaments instead?

7. Who is the better warrior: Scorpion or Sub-Zero? In the trailers Scorpion always wins, but didn't the first Sub-Zero straight up kill Scorpion in a fight? And then Scorpion got a power upgrade and returned the favour, but then again lost to that first Sub-Zero's brother in a straight up fight?

3. I'm pretty sure you could just google it and find those "One Being" and "Elder Gods". Elder Gods have no feats whatsoever, and in games you see guys like Cage beating up on Shinnok (mkay ?). One Being at least has something for him. If you exclude those 2, the most powerful would probably be Onaga the dragon king.

4. Please dont mention that #1 MKST or he will appear and start intoxicating this thread with his nonsense.


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
1. Johnny is descended from a race of mystical warriors and has learned how to tap into his powers. Liu has learned how harness his Ki

2. He killed the Great Kung Lao, helped Shao conquer Kotal's people and was unbeaten in Mortal Kombat for 450 years. He's a pretty big deal but people are mistaken in thinking he killed Cage in any canon or that Cage killed him. It's a franchise in-joke that Johnny dies in every game but he survived from MK1-MK2. If he died in MK1, he'd have to be revived for MK2 and the first character to return from the dead in the original timeline was Mileena. She was killed by Kitana in MK2 and resurrected to serve Shao while actually serving Shinnok in UMK3.

The Cage-Goro rivalry is explicitly movie-related. So far as I know, the only shoutout to that in the games was the Cage-Goro MKA edition. Remember, MK1 was a tournament. Only one guy got a shot at Goro: if he lost, Goro won the tournament. If Cage was killed by Goro in MK1, Liu would never have had a chance to defeat Goro. So logically, the final match of the tournament was Liu killing Goro. Liu then challenged Shang Tsung because (if I remember correctly) the tournament was originally governed and held by the Shaolin order but Shang over time corrupted it and stole it away from the Shaolin as they got weaker and weaker after the death of the Great Kung Lao. Technically, even had Shang killed Liu, Earthrealm would have won the tournament. The idea that Shang has the right of a former champion to jump into the tournament at any time is another movie invention: it's never been clarified what actually happened in Shang's first tournament run. We do know his primary motive for winning the tournament was that the winner becomes immortal, which is Shang's thing. Some sources say he was spared by the GKL and made a deal with Shao for his soul in return for eternal life via soul stealing, others say he cheated in his first defence of his title and was cursed by the Elder Gods to live only by soul stealing. Realistically, Shang could never have been the champion of Outworld anyway: if Bo couldn't fight for Earthrealm because he was born in Outworld, Shang couldn't fight for Outworld because he was born in China. He was the Grandmaster, the overseer on behalf of Shao. When he subsequently fought for Outworld, in MK2/3/DA, they weren't real Mortal Kombats, sanctioned by the Elder Gods. They were, respectively, a tournament invented by Shao as an excuse to kill Liu Kang, a war and a tournament invented by Shang and Quan to steal souls for their zombie army.

So yeah, the whole Goro-Cage thing is an invention of the movie. The climactic battle of MK1 was Goro-Liu and then Liu decided to clean house and kick Shang's ass.

In original MK1 canon, Goro lost to Liu and was spared because Liu at the time was a hardcore pacifist. He then pissed off into hiding until MK4 when Shao Kahn was weakened and Kitana offered an alliance in separating Edenia and Kuatan from the rest of Outworld. Goro was actually a good guy in MK4 until Noob assassinated him. Shao resurrected him in MKD and he went back to being head of the goon squad.

Cage survived MK1 and, according to an audio file leaked in the run-up to MK3, was killed by Kintaro in MK2. However, this would violate the idea of MK2 still being a tournament: if Cage couldn't fight Goro, then how could he fight Kintaro as the canon has Liu beating both? The only way it would work is if Kintaro was a basic level entrant in the tournament for Outworld like Baraka which we know isn't the case: I theorize he was Kahn's nominated champion but Kahn reserved the right to face the victor. Remember that MK2 was NOT a Mortal Kombat tournament under the rules of the Elder Gods: it was cobbled together by Shang and Shao as a Plan B in case Goro lost because Shao refused to wait another 500 years.

The accepted canon now seems to be that Cage was killed by Motaro in the beginning of the invasion: this is stated in MKDA and seems to be confirmed by the fact that he survives in MK9 after Raiden tackles Motaro through a bridge. He wasn't in Trilogy and came back in MK4 because he saw his friends fighting Shinnok while he was in Heaven and asked the Elder Gods to restore him to life so he could help them. He then died at the hands of Shang and Quan, resurrected as a mindless zombie by Onaga and was killed at Armageddon. Then we reset and MK9 story mode.

3. Right now, the Elder Gods. Their allegiance is to an ordered existence where the realms obey the rules of MK. Their capabilities are uncertain but they easily obliterated Shao in MK9. Overall, the most powerful individual being was the One Being. In the beginning, he was all of existence until the Elder Gods forged the Kamidogu and used them to kill the One Being. His existence was shattered into the realms, the primary ones being Earth, Netherrealm, Chaosrealm, Seido, Edenia and Outworld but there presumably are more we don't know about, minor ones are absorbed into Outworld all the time. The One Being now acts by influencing the actions of individuals who could merge realms: were all the Kamidogu to be reunited along with Shinnok's amulet, the wielder would gain unparalleled power and thus be able to merge the realms, thereby restoring the One Being to existence. This is the plot of Deception: Onaga is deceived into acting for the One Being in a similar fashion to Shujinko acting for Onaga. Shao has also been speculated to be acting under the One being's influence: he doesn't pick sides, he just wants the realms re-merged so he can exist again.

4. Raiden's overall power levels are unknown but Shao was once the protector of Outworld as Raiden is the protector of Earthrealm, it can reasonably be assumed that he's at a similar level to Shao but significantly less due to Shao absorbing billions of souls. Millions of years ago it was Raiden who was charged with the Elder Gods with defeating and imprisoning Shinnok when he 'fell' from the Elder Gods. It destroyed whole realms and drove the Saurians from Earth to Outworld but as Raiden was victorious with the help of the Elder Gods, we can presume Raiden is extremely powerful in his godly form. His mortal form is less powerful but still capable of almost matching Soulnado Shang and Amulet Quan. And he can't die of course: he always reforms.

5. Originally in the movie but hinted at in MK4 and explicitly confirmed in MKDA. One of the best parts of both characters because it makes sense: Liu is the champion and thus immortal, so he has to watch his friends and loved ones die while remaining forever young. Kitana is 10000 years old and looks to be in her early twenties so they're a perfect match. He'd probably still pre-decease her as nobody could reasonably expect to win over 20000 MK tournaments on the bounce.

6. The Elder Gods do not directly interfere in the affairs of the realms. Thus Mortal Kombat and thus in Deception, when they knew they needed to act to destroy Onaga and prevent the One Being reforming, they transformed Scorpion into their champion.

Remember, from their viewpoint Shao has done nothing wrong. Okay he renounced his Godhood but it seems he's entitled to do that. Every realm can declare war on another and try to conquer it: it requires 10 straight victories in MK tournaments. This was implemented by the Elder Gods for the same reason City States in Ancient Greece didn't send forward armies of thousands, but instead a few hundred: why have massive destruction every generation when you can just have a few dozen or a few hundred? (This is what made Sparta so terrifying, it maintained a standing army of thousands of highly trained troops. Contrast that with the Theban Sacred Band) It minimizes the losses and the Elder Gods could be reasonably certain that most realms will throw up a great warrior once every half a millenium. And if not, well maybe they deserved to be conquered. It isn't until Shao violates the rules of MK that they intervene: in the original timeline, they don't intervene at all: Liu beats Shao on his own in MK3.

7. Bi Han killed Hanzo, Scorpion killed Bi Han. Kuai Liang was getting the better of Scorpion until he was kidnapped by Sektor and Cyrax. Cyber Sub was clearly OP in terms of story but it seems he's being quietly forgotten. Which is a good thing, because he beat Ermac but Ermac destroyed Jax but Cyber Sub beat Kintaro and Goro simultaneously but that would make him the greatest warrior of all time, since only Kung Lao and Liu were capable of beating either and that was one on one. But then Cyber Sub got pwned by Sindel but then Sindel was killed by Nightwolf. But Scorpion beat Nightwolf, but Sub Zero beat Scorpion. Measuring power levels through the story mode is pointless and extremely FUCKING frustrating.

Overall, it's pretty even between them. I'd say Scorpion beats Bi Han/Noob but Kuai Liang beats both (ignoring their enhanced forms with the Dragon Medallion for Kuai and as the Elder Gods Champion for Scorpion). Bear in mind though, Scorpion gets more and more powerful the longer he spends in the Netherrealm. So were he to fight Kuai in the Netherrealm, he'd likely win. Arguably that's the only reason he defeated Bi in the runback.

@Shad how'd I do? Might need Razor's corrections
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Energy Crisis

new to posting, but I been a ghost for years
I tried replying to this from work but my phone wouldn't post my reply. Lol. Anyway... my answers were pretty much less in depth duplicates of what @Charybdis posted with 1 little hiccup @ the end. The 1st fight between Bi Han & Hanzo Hisashi (the one where his fam & clan were murdered) was later revealed to be an illusion. Quan Chi actually killed them all & made Scorpion think it was Bi Han. But from what I remember the rest of his post is pretty spot on


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
I tried replying to this from work but my phone wouldn't post my reply. Lol. Anyway... my answers were pretty much less in depth duplicates of what @Charybdis posted with 1 little hiccup @ the end. The 1st fight between Bi Han & Hanzo Hisashi (the one where his fam & clan were murdered) was later revealed to be an illusion. Quan Chi actually killed them all & made Scorpion think it was Bi Han. But from what I remember the rest of his post is pretty spot on
But Bi Han did kill Hanzo in MK Mythologies: he sent him to hell. Bi Han was there for the Lin Kuei and Hanzo for the Shirai Ryu. Bi Han killed him and sent his soul to hell, whereupon Quan murdered his family and clan, told Hanzo's soul it was Bi Han and offered him the chance of revenge as.....SCORPION


Meta saltmine
Oh... Here's my take.

3. Who is the most powerful being in the MK universe and what are some of his / hers capabilities?
One Being. He existed before pretty much anything else. Elder Gods managed to beat him though by their powers combined (so if you consider them to be a single power, then maybe they are at least on par with One Being). They cut his body into many pieces and put some safeguards to ensure that he will never come back. Those pieces are realms. This is why they occasionally interfere when someone wants to merge realms - once One Being is glued together, he may actually be able to slap Elder Gods. They obviously don't want that to happen.

6. What's the reason that Raiden's bosses can't simply help him out, when he needs their help against Shao Khan? Why does he always have to participate in convoluted tournaments instead?
See above. They don't care really. All that matters to them is that not all realms are merged. Why don't they stop any attempt dead on its tracks? Well...



My GT: UncappedWheel82
1. Why can human characters like Johnny Cage and Liu Kang cast magical attacks and survive high impact damage like falling out of choppers? Has that ever been explained, or do they simply live in a world, where people can have special abilities (superpowers)?

2. How big of a deal is "Prince" Goro? The comic is overhyping him as hell and so was the MK movie, but to me Goro always looked like a jobber (someone, who is there to lose to other characters, so that they end up looking good).

3. Who is the most powerful being in the MK universe and what are some of his / hers capabilities?

4. How powerful is Raiden? I remember MKFAN30 getting banned from Comicvine, because he was aggressively claiming, that Raiden could beat Thor in a fight, which I don't see happening at all.

5. Is Liu Kang + Kitana actually a thing, or was that just in the movies and a little bit hinted at in MK9?

6. What's the reason that Raiden's bosses can't simply help him out, when he needs their help against Shao Khan? Why does he always have to participate in convoluted tournaments instead?

7. Who is the better warrior: Scorpion or Sub-Zero? In the trailers Scorpion always wins, but didn't the first Sub-Zero straight up kill Scorpion in a fight? And then Scorpion got a power upgrade and returned the favour, but then again lost to that first Sub-Zero's brother in a straight up fight?

1. The human characters in MK are not super human, they are simply like comic book characters. from way back in MK1 they were shattering rubies, stone, and diamonds with there bare hands, and it was all because of their ability to harness chi, or fa jing, or ability to tap into the "fabric of the realm" and do extraordinary things. To boil it down to the lowest common denominator though,yes, they live in a world where people have special abilities and are thus semi super-human.

2. Goro IS NOT a jobber (at least he wasn't until MK9), and is/was always a big deal.

From MK1 through MK5, Goro was a character who was ONLY talked about and trotted out to convey a sense of power. Goro was the champion of MK for 9 Generations in a row, that means he was undefeated in combat for more than 500 years and he was the only person who challenged and beat the Great Kung Lao in his prime. No other being on Earth, Outworld, and many other realms, could ever beat him. This is played up more in the new, and old, comics as Goro defeated an Osh-Tek King, as well as it was shown/ implied that he defeated many other champions from many other realms.

Again, Goro is a big deal in MK as he truly is a 'Master of Kombat', and thus when he come out to fight, other characters are put on notice...again, until he was used in the MK9 story as a punching bag, and he lost to like 4 people in a row. That was some jobber shit right there.

3. The most powerful beings in MK are the Elder Gods and the One being. What can / did they do? The created the realms themselves.

Other than them, the most power characters in MK are Raiden, Shao Kahn, Onaga, Shinnok, and a few other characters. Some of the things they have done:
  • Raiden and Shinnok almost destroyed the earth in their past battle for the realm, as they were credited with killing the dinosaurs (forcing Reptile people to flee to Zatera) which made the Earth uninhabitable for centuries / Millennia.
  • In MK3, Raiden and Shao Kahn fought and it was said that their battle shook the core of the planet
  • Shinnok used his power in MKMSZ to reshape the reality of an entire realm before. Under his own power he transformed all of the Netherrealm in to what it is today. Also, all those demons you see in MKX's story mode...they all come from Shinnok; they are he apparitions. He is essentially waging war against Earth with an army of demons that all come from his power (not the power of the amulet).
4. Raiden is very powerful, but probably not Thor powerful in the physical sense. I have no doubt that Raiden could match / exceed Thor in terms of control over storms, but Raiden doesn't have a weapon of the caliber of Mjolnir, and he's never had adventures that saw him being flung into the sun as surviving as such. Raiden has caught falling planes out of the sky though (90+ tonner), and ahs flown with them on his back before in the comics. He's been shown to be able to use his power to manipulate Earth's elements to a great degree before to create earthquakes and very powerful, (implied) global storms and such.

Honestly, I'm really eager to see MKX's story mode in full just to see how they portray all the characters now, and where they have taking the story.

5. Liu Kang and Kitana were actually a thing. Their relationship started in MK2 and developed off screen through MK3. Kitana credited him for giving Edenia a chance to be free from Shao Kahn, and thus in MK4 it was shown / said that Liu had feelings for Kitana (and vice versa), as that was his only purpose for going to Edenia, and he did so alone with the purpose of "saving her". In that game he was unsuccessful in his plan, and thus he returned home and gather other heroes to help Edenia / Kitana.

Then Liu died. Then Kitana died. They of course were brought back in some form or another, but at that point in the story, both characters had seemingly moved on. Then again, Kitana became the "anchor" of Liu Kang's spirit in MK Deception, so they could have still had felling for each other. IDK.

6. The reason the Elder God don't "simply help Raiden out' is because of the One Being.

The short answer that the EGs made rules for themselves to not get involved because they didn't want to unwittingly help the One Being reform. They choose not to get involved with the affairs of mortals, and thus they only watched as events unfolded beneath them. This is why Shinnok is called a fallen elder God, he entered the realms and got involved against the wishes of his fellow EGs, thus he lost his place among them and was imprisoned in the Netherrealm. Raiden also has a history of breaking their rules too, as he defied them in MK5 to come back to Earth and be its protector again...which ultimately lead to him become dark Raiden in MK Deception and Armageddon.

So yeah, the EGs have rules that they follow, important rules that when broken, bad things happen.

7. Scorpion vs Subzero. It depends on the day, the time in the storyline, which Sub we are takling about, and who has what upgrade.

At base "Subzero" and Scorpion are equal, but Scorpion can "power up" by being in the Netherrealm and using it as an external power source, where Subzero would have to have to use cryomancer artifacts to get more powerful. At the pinnacle of their power though, I'd say Scorpion was more powerful, but then again an argument can be made that while Scorpion was the Champion of the EG and was the embodiment of their will, Subzero became an unsanctioned ice god, but that is whatever.
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Energy Crisis

new to posting, but I been a ghost for years
But Bi Han did kill Hanzo in MK Mythologies: he sent him to hell. Bi Han was there for the Lin Kuei and Hanzo for the Shirai Ryu. Bi Han killed him and sent his soul to hell, whereupon Quan murdered his family and clan, told Hanzo's soul it was Bi Han and offered him the chance of revenge as.....SCORPION
I forgot all about Mythologies. Lol. There is that. That part of the game always seemed like a bit of a plot hole to me tho as every other time we see Hanzo's death he's there with his family & clan. Unless I'm just confused because we always see Quan's manipulation & not how things actually went down (damn he's good @ this manipulation shit. Lol). Good catch tho. I'm glad you reminded me about MKM:SZ. Kinda off topic... Didn't that game mark Fujin's MK debut?


Oh, my days !
Remember, from their viewpoint Shao has done nothing wrong. Okay he renounced his Godhood but it seems he's entitled to do that. Every realm can declare war on another and try to conquer it: it requires 10 straight victories in MK tournaments. This was implemented by the Elder Gods for the same reason City States in Ancient Greece didn't send forward armies of thousands, but instead a few hundred: why have massive destruction every generation when you can just have a few dozen or a few hundred? (This is what made Sparta so terrifying, it maintained a standing army of thousands of highly trained troops. Contrast that with the Theban Sacred Band) It minimizes the losses and the Elder Gods could be reasonably certain that most realms will throw up a great warrior once every half a millenium. And if not, well maybe they deserved to be conquered. It isn't until Shao violates the rules of MK that they intervene: in the original timeline, they don't intervene at all: Liu beats Shao on his own in MK3.

Measuring power levels through the story mode is pointless and extremely FUCKING frustrating.

@Shad how'd I do? Might need Razor's corrections
Great write! Nice to see a well-informed MK fan here!
From an MK geek to another MK geek... respect!
PS: Boys like RyuHayabusa should read this if they are interested in the mk franchise's story.


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
I forgot all about Mythologies. Lol. There is that. That part of the game always seemed like a bit of a plot hole to me tho as every other time we see Hanzo's death he's there with his family & clan. Unless I'm just confused because we always see Quan's manipulation & not how things actually went down (damn he's good @ this manipulation shit. Lol). Good catch tho. I'm glad you reminded me about MKM:SZ. Kinda off topic... Didn't that game mark Fujin's MK debut?
Yep. He was the wind god in the temple. Quan Chi's in game debut too


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Bi Han did beat Hanzo, but he didn't beat Scorpion.
Correct. Presumably Scorpion was a power boost for Hanzo and he did take him to the NR so he got an additional boost. I always wanted a Noob Scorpion rivalry after MKD
Bi Han beat Hanzo in the beginning of MKMSZ, but he also beat Scorpion in that game in the Netherrealm when they were both imprisoned in the same cell. So Technically Bi Han defeated both Hanzo and Scorpion. Actually now that I think about it, in multiple comics as well it was implied that Bi Han defeated Scorpion a few times, but yeah, in the games Bi Han did beat Scorpion at least once.


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
Bi Han beat Hanzo in the beginning of MKMSZ, but he also beat Scorpion in that game in the Netherrealm when they were both imprisoned in the same cell. So Technically Bi Han defeated both Hanzo and Scorpion. Actually now that I think about it, in multiple comics as well it was implied that Bi Han defeated Scorpion a few times, but yeah, in the games Bi Han did beat Scorpion at least once.
Very good point I forgot about the prison cell. To be honest I've wiped most of the Netherrealm level from my mind. I just remember Sareena and the dudes riding dinosaurs


Skarlet who ?
Very good point I forgot about the prison cell. To be honest I've wiped most of the Netherrealm level from my mind. I just remember Sareena and the dudes riding dinosaurs
That was in Shinnok's fortress and on Bridge of Immortality. Encounter happened in Quan Chi's prison of souls.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
1. Johnny Cage is the descendant of a Mediterranean cult that bred warriors for the gods: warriors with special abilities. One of these is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Cage uses this power, afterimages of a green color are produced. Cage can augment the power of these shadow attacks, which are represented by afterimages of a red color. In addition to these physical shadow abilities, Cage also has the ability to launch blasts of energy. Liu Kang's is Chi based and also shows a form of shapeshifting (the dragon)

2. Goro was the winner of 9 consecutive Mortal Kombat tournaments, beating the Great Kung Lao but losing to Liu Kang in the 10th tournament. Goro is one of the best known recurring sub-bosses in the FGC. His overwhelming power and surprising agility make him one of the strongest fighters in the realms. So in lore, he's incredibly dangerous and powerful...in games, he's a punching bag.

3. The Elder Gods are but they don't really do shit. So quite possibly Shinnok who is a fallen Elder God, as he has the shapeshifting ability of Shang Tsung but does not need the soul of the fighter to do so and mimicry of any kombatant's ability...he simply must beat the opponent. Related to his mimicking abilities, Shinnok is capable of creating clones or physical illusions of other warriors with their powers and abilities intact. His magic abilities also include the ability of creating demons and wraiths to do his bidding. He even created a clone of himself to aid Daegon. With his amulet, he gains all of the powers befitting of an Elder God.

It can also be Raiden.

4. Raiden is very powerful as he is the God of Thunder/Lighting and has full control of all electricity. That's pretty strong. Even tho is decision making in MK9 was shit tier.

5. We'll have to play MKX to really find out, but there is definitely something.

6. The Elder Gods take no side, all realms are equal to them. But when one realm breaks the rules (Shao Kahn invading Earthrealm without participating in Mortal Kombat), they take action.

7. Scorpion always wins in trailers because he is Ed Boon's favorite, so he kind of takes priority. But, as previously stated, you can not base strength around if they have won in the story. That being said, Bi-Han possessed incredible control over the element of ice. He could easily deep freeze opponents to the point of them becoming brittle enough to shatter into pieces. By a single touch he was even able to flash-freeze opponents and had the ability to freeze the entire air itself by concentrating all of his ice power into one destructive blast. Hanzo did not obtain many of his powers until Quan Chi resurrected him. So vanilla Bi-Han vs vanilla Hanzo, Bi-Han is stronger. Scorpion vs Bi-Han is much more equal, Scorpion just had vengeance on his mind, which surely helped him. Vanilla Kuai Liang has the ability to flash-freeze and make an ice clone...he only became much more powerful after obtaining the Dragon Medallion. Raiden has said that Kuai Liang is more powerful than Bi-Han...so take that with a grain of salt. It's just hard to say who is stronger.

Some of this was copy/paste from MK wiki.
1. Johnny is descended from a race of mystical warriors and has learned how to tap into his powers. Liu has learned how harness his Ki

2. He killed the Great Kung Lao, helped Shao conquer Kotal's people and was unbeaten in Mortal Kombat for 450 years. He's a pretty big deal but people are mistaken in thinking he killed Cage in any canon or that Cage killed him. It's a franchise in-joke that Johnny dies in every game but he survived from MK1-MK2. If he died in MK1, he'd have to be revived for MK2 and the first character to return from the dead in the original timeline was Mileena. She was killed by Kitana in MK2 and resurrected to serve Shao while actually serving Shinnok in UMK3.

The Cage-Goro rivalry is explicitly movie-related. So far as I know, the only shoutout to that in the games was the Cage-Goro MKA edition. Remember, MK1 was a tournament. Only one guy got a shot at Goro: if he lost, Goro won the tournament. If Cage was killed by Goro in MK1, Liu would never have had a chance to defeat Goro. So logically, the final match of the tournament was Liu killing Goro. Liu then challenged Shang Tsung because (if I remember correctly) the tournament was originally governed and held by the Shaolin order but Shang over time corrupted it and stole it away from the Shaolin as they got weaker and weaker after the death of the Great Kung Lao. Technically, even had Shang killed Liu, Earthrealm would have won the tournament. The idea that Shang has the right of a former champion to jump into the tournament at any time is another movie invention: it's never been clarified what actually happened in Shang's first tournament run. We do know his primary motive for winning the tournament was that the winner becomes immortal, which is Shang's thing. Some sources say he was spared by the GKL and made a deal with Shao for his soul in return for eternal life via soul stealing, others say he cheated in his first defence of his title and was cursed by the Elder Gods to live only by soul stealing. Realistically, Shang could never have been the champion of Outworld anyway: if Bo couldn't fight for Earthrealm because he was born in Outworld, Shang couldn't fight for Outworld because he was born in China. He was the Grandmaster, the overseer on behalf of Shao. When he subsequently fought for Outworld, in MK2/3/DA, they weren't real Mortal Kombats, sanctioned by the Elder Gods. They were, respectively, a tournament invented by Shao as an excuse to kill Liu Kang, a war and a tournament invented by Shang and Quan to steal souls for their zombie army.

So yeah, the whole Goro-Cage thing is an invention of the movie. The climactic battle of MK1 was Goro-Liu and then Liu decided to clean house and kick Shang's ass.

In original MK1 canon, Goro lost to Liu and was spared because Liu at the time was a hardcore pacifist. He then pissed off into hiding until MK4 when Shao Kahn was weakened and Kitana offered an alliance in separating Edenia and Kuatan from the rest of Outworld. Goro was actually a good guy in MK4 until Noob assassinated him. Shao resurrected him in MKD and he went back to being head of the goon squad.

Cage survived MK1 and, according to an audio file leaked in the run-up to MK3, was killed by Kintaro in MK2. However, this would violate the idea of MK2 still being a tournament: if Cage couldn't fight Goro, then how could he fight Kintaro as the canon has Liu beating both? The only way it would work is if Kintaro was a basic level entrant in the tournament for Outworld like Baraka which we know isn't the case: I theorize he was Kahn's nominated champion but Kahn reserved the right to face the victor. Remember that MK2 was NOT a Mortal Kombat tournament under the rules of the Elder Gods: it was cobbled together by Shang and Shao as a Plan B in case Goro lost because Shao refused to wait another 500 years.

The accepted canon now seems to be that Cage was killed by Motaro in the beginning of the invasion: this is stated in MKDA and seems to be confirmed by the fact that he survives in MK9 after Raiden tackles Motaro through a bridge. He wasn't in Trilogy and came back in MK4 because he saw his friends fighting Shinnok while he was in Heaven and asked the Elder Gods to restore him to life so he could help them. He then died at the hands of Shang and Quan, resurrected as a mindless zombie by Onaga and was killed at Armageddon. Then we reset and MK9 story mode.

3. Right now, the Elder Gods. Their allegiance is to an ordered existence where the realms obey the rules of MK. Their capabilities are uncertain but they easily obliterated Shao in MK9. Overall, the most powerful individual being was the One Being. In the beginning, he was all of existence until the Elder Gods forged the Kamidogu and used them to kill the One Being. His existence was shattered into the realms, the primary ones being Earth, Netherrealm, Chaosrealm, Seido, Edenia and Outworld but there presumably are more we don't know about, minor ones are absorbed into Outworld all the time. The One Being now acts by influencing the actions of individuals who could merge realms: were all the Kamidogu to be reunited along with Shinnok's amulet, the wielder would gain unparalleled power and thus be able to merge the realms, thereby restoring the One Being to existence. This is the plot of Deception: Onaga is deceived into acting for the One Being in a similar fashion to Shujinko acting for Onaga. Shao has also been speculated to be acting under the One being's influence: he doesn't pick sides, he just wants the realms re-merged so he can exist again.

4. Raiden's overall power levels are unknown but Shao was once the protector of Outworld as Raiden is the protector of Earthrealm, it can reasonably be assumed that he's at a similar level to Shao but significantly less due to Shao absorbing billions of souls. Millions of years ago it was Raiden who was charged with the Elder Gods with defeating and imprisoning Shinnok when he 'fell' from the Elder Gods. It destroyed whole realms and drove the Saurians from Earth to Outworld but as Raiden was victorious with the help of the Elder Gods, we can presume Raiden is extremely powerful in his godly form. His mortal form is less powerful but still capable of almost matching Soulnado Shang and Amulet Quan. And he can't die of course: he always reforms.

5. Originally in the movie but hinted at in MK4 and explicitly confirmed in MKDA. One of the best parts of both characters because it makes sense: Liu is the champion and thus immortal, so he has to watch his friends and loved ones die while remaining forever young. Kitana is 10000 years old and looks to be in her early twenties so they're a perfect match. He'd probably still pre-decease her as nobody could reasonably expect to win over 20000 MK tournaments on the bounce.

6. The Elder Gods do not directly interfere in the affairs of the realms. Thus Mortal Kombat and thus in Deception, when they knew they needed to act to destroy Onaga and prevent the One Being reforming, they transformed Scorpion into their champion.

Remember, from their viewpoint Shao has done nothing wrong. Okay he renounced his Godhood but it seems he's entitled to do that. Every realm can declare war on another and try to conquer it: it requires 10 straight victories in MK tournaments. This was implemented by the Elder Gods for the same reason City States in Ancient Greece didn't send forward armies of thousands, but instead a few hundred: why have massive destruction every generation when you can just have a few dozen or a few hundred? (This is what made Sparta so terrifying, it maintained a standing army of thousands of highly trained troops. Contrast that with the Theban Sacred Band) It minimizes the losses and the Elder Gods could be reasonably certain that most realms will throw up a great warrior once every half a millenium. And if not, well maybe they deserved to be conquered. It isn't until Shao violates the rules of MK that they intervene: in the original timeline, they don't intervene at all: Liu beats Shao on his own in MK3.

7. Bi Han killed Hanzo, Scorpion killed Bi Han. Kuai Liang was getting the better of Scorpion until he was kidnapped by Sektor and Cyrax. Cyber Sub was clearly OP in terms of story but it seems he's being quietly forgotten. Which is a good thing, because he beat Ermac but Ermac destroyed Jax but Cyber Sub beat Kintaro and Goro simultaneously but that would make him the greatest warrior of all time, since only Kung Lao and Liu were capable of beating either and that was one on one. But then Cyber Sub got pwned by Sindel but then Sindel was killed by Nightwolf. But Scorpion beat Nightwolf, but Sub Zero beat Scorpion. Measuring power levels through the story mode is pointless and extremely FUCKING frustrating.

Overall, it's pretty even between them. I'd say Scorpion beats Bi Han/Noob but Kuai Liang beats both (ignoring their enhanced forms with the Dragon Medallion for Kuai and as the Elder Gods Champion for Scorpion). Bear in mind though, Scorpion gets more and more powerful the longer he spends in the Netherrealm. So were he to fight Kuai in the Netherrealm, he'd likely win. Arguably that's the only reason he defeated Bi in the runback.

@Shad how'd I do? Might need Razor's corrections
Actually Shang did win Mortal Kombats on behalf of the Outworld. It was explained as when he got powers from Shao Khan his soul became somehow mystically connected to Shao, so he was considered legit to represent Outworld. And he was defeated by the Great Kung Lao, that is why later on he brought Goro in, who defeated The GKL. And according to some latest tweets from NRS employees Mythologies stuff never happened in this new timeline which MK9 started. That doesn't make sense of course as it was before the MK1 tournament, but hey it is their game, they make the rules )))

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
Great write! Nice to see a well-informed MK fan here!
From an MK geek to another MK geek... respect!
PS: Boys like RyuHayabusa should read this if they are interested in the mk franchise's story.
I agree, his post is like 600lbs fat woman's ass which covers every inch of family size couch. You better save his post on 400gb hard drive and send to NRS in reinforced steel box so they can lock it up in shinnok's amulet. 500 years from now this whole world will be full of autism but don't worry people will develop telepathy and when they discover the hard drive they will be thanking you not him. Your words are full of wisdom would read your post to my children as bedtime story.


Oh, my days !
I agree, his post is like 600lbs fat woman's ass which covers every inch of family size couch. You better save his post on 400gb hard drive and send to NRS in reinforced steel box so they can lock it up in shinnok's amulet. 500 years from now this whole world will be full of autism but don't worry people will develop telepathy and when they discover the hard drive they will be thanking you not him. Your words are full of wisdom would read your post to my children as bedtime story.
Don't worry son.
Women find men attractive. You've got a lot of work to do to get to having children. Peace.