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Emperor Eevee wins The End of Injustice tournament @ Arcade Legacy

Emperor Eevee

Learn to take a joke pal!
As Injustice comes to a close, @Sonic Lionheart choose March 30th to be the day that our scene would have our last Injustice tournament and say our goodbyes to the beloved game as the release of Mortal Kombat X was in site. It's been an eventful 2 years since the game was released and I've had a blast since day 1. Hopefully my scene and I will show even more improvement once MKX is released.

1. AL| Emperor Eevee - Harley Quinn(Best Harley Quinn, not called @RM SaltFace )
2. AL| @Mod - Superman (Never gets his Divebomb resets)
3. AL| Kenshinoyo - Martian Manhunter (Always does B2/B1>Martian Grab)
4. AL| Ryuseiken - SHAZAM! (Only viable when he plays high)
5. AL| @Sonic Lionheart - Nightwing/Hawkgirl (Wingdings are the answer to everything)
5. AL| @Fromundaman - The Joker (Joker has useless plus frames)
7. AL| ImmaAriesBaby - SHAZAM! (I didn't come to play, i came to win. Now lets play.)
7. Jellityme - Killer Frost (Xbox controllers suck)
9. EchoBlaque - Lobo (Doesn't remember Lobo's inputs)
9. Russy - Scorpion (Dropped Lobo for Scorpion)

Archive (Apologizes for the quality. The internet at the Mall is terrible) http://www.twitch.tv/arcadelegacy/b/645036126

Emperor Eevee

Learn to take a joke pal!
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! :mad::mad::mad:
Lol, how is this an Outrage?

Congratulations Eevee.Hope your scene will be huge in MKX :)
I hope so too! Kenshinoyo is our only Injustice player who played MK9, and he had a decent Noob. I'm honestly worried i won't do so well transitioning into Mortal Kombat format, but I'm not gonna let that stop me.

Lol @Emperor Eevee

Haters gonna hate. :cool: But still great job bro. I told you Harley can do it man.
Lol, no hate here :p You've always told me Harley could do it and you have yet to steer me wrong. Thanks Saltface, i appreciate all you've done for me.