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Looking Back - Top Three Hypest Injustice Fights


Number One: Arguably the best VS one of the supposed "worst" players. Nobody would have predicted the result.

Number Two: The greatest comeback in the history of Injustice

Number Three: The greatest time out victory in the history of Injustice



Live by the sword, Die by the sword
That funny because those 3 where actually the 3 I was just going to mention lol.


i Use a modded cyber now
Number One: Arguably the best VS one of the supposed "worst" players. Nobody would have predicted the result.

Number Two: The greatest comeback in the history of Injustice

Number Three: The greatest time out victory in the history of Injustice

To me hands down its this one



Number Two: The greatest comeback in the history of Injustice

Actually, watch this match:

If you watch the Batman vs Martian match, there was one point in the match where Batman only had 10% red health and Martian had 90% white health..... So that means Martian had a whole health bar, plus 80% of another health bar more than Batman. And Batman still made the comeback and won!

180% comeback basically. That, is the greatest comeback in the history of Injustice


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I showed up for Tyrant vs Emperor Theo zero second win and did not leave disappointed. Stuff had me cheering.


Tell me, do you bleed?
REO vs Tom Brady in Civil War V. My two favorite characters in Injustice played by two of my favorite top players.

Darth Arma vs REO. Another favorite.

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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
This is how Jupiter reign of terror was stopped

This is how Theo Reign of Terror was stopped.

Those are my top 2 favourites


Administrator and Community Engineer
PL vs. KDZ has to be in there:

As well as Ducky vs. Wound at KIT:

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