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KombatNetwork is gearing up for Mortal Kombat X and needs your help!


Thank you muchly! And to all who are already donating. I'm keeping track of everything and will contact everyone individually about compensation for these donations if not specified. I didn't expect anyone to start until there was an official page up so you guys don't even know your options yet! Much love.

As for the issues with 4G, there were several events where my 4G options failed entirely, whether the source failed to deliver, people were unable to attend or the connect was just horrible. The best 4G we ever had was through our tech guy Dawson whom many of the players know, and his phone is full unlimited Verizon, in some areas he would get get 20 megs up. I believe we streamed an MK9 summer jam on his phone at 720p and used 16 gigs of data. Even with a solid 4G connection on my MiFi, we can't stream at too high a quality because it burns up the data much more quickly. Streaming a tournament can cost ME almost $200 for a weekend. I'm owed several hundred dollars in overages that I probably will never see.

Also, for the old school MK players, we've been bringing over 10 years of NRS/Midway hype. ;)
dude, never hesitate to ask for donations for your 4Gs, this community is awesome and will for sure gladly help out. also i am a player from 1993 on, but found this in 2011.


I would like to donate $100, but also would like to know more details about the temporary advertisement plan before I commit. For example, do I provide a static stream image for KN to use? In addition, could I include two separate groups on one image, with their respective web addresses shown? Lastly, if I donated more than $100, how much, if any, extension on the advertising plan could I receive?

Thank you for reading, and thanks for any info you can provide! Feel free to PM me.


I would like to donate $100, but also would like to know more details about the temporary advertisement plan before I commit. For example, do I provide a static stream image for KN to use? In addition, could I include two separate groups on one image, with their respective web addresses shown? Lastly, if I donated more than $100, how much, if any, extension on the advertising plan could I receive?

Thank you for reading, and thanks for any info you can provide! Feel free to PM me.
We will accept a special splash page at 720p (so fit all your advertising on there) from anyone who donates for ad time and air the ad a minimum agreed number of times for X number of seconds during X number of majors along with verbally read advertising from our commentators, (probably 4 for $100 as incentive specifically for this donation deal which would cover roughly a 6 month time frame depending on major dates) and shown separately from the ads purchased by other sponsors, however not as frequently.

We can put an additional logo in our personal sponsors area for our local events (not at majors because those sponsors buy that space for a premium from the TO running the major) which is shown just about every time the players do button checks or we go to commentators. If for some reason your ad is not aired during an event to your satisfactory, please alert us and we'll extend ad running for an additional event and iron out concrete time frames. The splash logo would also receive more attention during local/non majors and not affect major ad air time as long as it falls between the selected event time frame.

Ad space and air time is precious and perceived as very expensive/valuable. Expect streams that get in the 20,000 viewer range to charge as much as $1,000 for ONE event. $100 for 4 events is an absolute steal for what will probably range in the 1500 to 2000 viewer range for at least the first 6 months. Normal pricing for ad per private event would probably be at least $100 for KN.


Can we donate in person? I'm like 15 min from vsm and I'm pretty sure I can drop 50 for a hoodie, but I dont have a credit card/paypal


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
If uncle Sam gives me the money he owns me in time for my taxes i will contribute. I want me a KN Jersey heh but still hope Uncle Sam comes through.

Good luck shock & KN with all you do for our scene i can't see u not making the cap.


@Shock Thanks so much for the reply! You are right, that is definitely a good bargain. I will be donating soon, once I get my ad information together.


Can we donate in person? I'm like 15 min from vsm and I'm pretty sure I can drop 50 for a hoodie, but I dont have a credit card/paypal
Try to make an arrangement with @9.95 who is in that area and is doing the hoodies/jerseys.


I should be posting some Raffle items on the site along with RiteAV/UltraSpec Fundraiser items and explain more stuff in detail tonight. Busy weekend!


The HellRaiser info is live on kombatnetwork.com/raffles so anyone who wants to check it out, please do so and any questions, fire away or email through the designated address on the page. Remember this will be open until the 28th for the raffle and donations and fundraising will continue during the stream.

Thanks guys, we appreciate any help possible!


Just so you do not get this question asked 100 times, for the people that got hoodies / jerseys or shirts is there a timetable on when we shall receive them?
Standard 4-6 week delivery. I have to order the jerseys/hoodies in bulk then do the work on them and then ship them out. I want to be fair to everyone, so that's the timetable for them. (Good question though)


Just so you do not get this question asked 100 times, for the people that got hoodies / jerseys or shirts is there a timetable on when we shall receive them?
All the hoodies/jerseys will be ordered once all donations have been received, and the order will/should be placed Monday the 30th at the earliest, at which time they will take 2 days to arrive depending on availablility. Working time will begin at the earliest Wednesday the 1st, and each Jersey/Hoodie will be shipped on completion. I would expect everyone to have their items around the 27th of April as long as there isn't a huge number of them.

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
Standard 4-6 week delivery. I have to order the jerseys/hoodies in bulk then do the work on them and then ship them out. I want to be fair to everyone, so that's the timetable for them. (Good question though)
Thank you.

All the hoodies/jerseys will be ordered once all donations have been received, and the order will/should be placed Monday the 30th at the earliest, at which time they will take 2 days to arrive depending on availablility. Working time will begin at the earliest Wednesday the 1st, and each Jersey/Hoodie will be shipped on completion. I would expect everyone to have their items around the 27th of April as long as there isn't a huge number of them.
Thank you.


Mk heads and the likes, please check out the goodies in the raffles section, more stuff is available buy we're not really getting any signups. That having been said we are currently over the $600 mark, part of which will go towards jerseys /hoodies but still well over $500 cleared. Remember to tune in all day saturday for some fun! Twitch.tv/kombatnetwork


In Zoning We Trust
KN has provided massive levels of entertainment over the years. Friday nights alone, 2 drinks in half an hour run me $50. The only decision I'm making is should I donate $50 or more than that. Choices choices lol.

Will donate tomorrow at work. Good luck guys. Very deserving of any help people can offer.


Soooo what's the stream event going to be like? @Shock
I'm still waiting on some responses for players to act as challenges for online players but not getting any responses, if that doesn't happen it will probably be a lot less eventful that I would hope. I will invite online players to have match sets streamed on KN, announce raffle winners (again not really getting a response on that end) but we are getting donations mostly because of the jerseys/hoodies and stream advertising which is good. I will email everyone tomorrow who's donated so far and see if they want to enter any of the raffles if they haven't specified compensation. Probably a lot of MKX talk and subsequent injustice and MK9 bashing, no promises there. Probably a lot of impromptu stuff.

Do you plan on coming? Would love to see people challenge you Lex for $5 first to 5s.