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How to get my friend to play MK...

I need the help of the MK community.

My best friend and I love playing fighting games. We play Marvel and Street Fighter and even Smash Brothers. I love Mortal Kombat, I enjoy playing it so much. He on the other hand, doesn't. He can't get over the fact of hitting a block button (which is odd cause we did that back in the SSBM days), instead of just holding back like you do in SF and MvC.

Anyone have any advice for me on how I can help my friend see the light, help him see how freaking awesome this game is?

Thanks, VK

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
This is Ford vs Chevy dude. Some things you cant change.

Why the hell is a block button so difficult for these people to wrap their minds around?? One way or the other you're pushing a button to block.


If thats the issue, just continue playing with him and maybe he will start to realize it isnt too bad. What I usually do to coerce my cousin into playing games with me is by letting him win a few matches in the beginning lol. That usually makes them feel good enough for another round. After a while, if they still dont like the game, theres nothing you can do to change that.
Yeah, I really don't see the big deal either. My big argument was we played SSBM for so long and that has a block button you have to use too so what's the big deal right?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
What I usually do to coerce my cousin into playing games with me is by letting him win a few matches in the beginning lol. That usually makes them feel good enough for another round.
What in the world is the point of that? My friend went out and bought this game, learned Scorpion's 111 leg sweep and continued using it against me attempting to win. From that point on, he hasn't even loaded up the game, or spent 5 minutes in the trainer as far as I'm aware. Hell, he likely may have sold it, I have no idea.

There's no reason for you to tone yourself down and feel sorry for someone, if they don't care to invest 20 minutes to learn a basic bnb. Either they'll rise to the challenge and your ass kicking will motivate them, or they'll just give up. Going easy on someone only hurts you in the long run. Now, this isn't saying that you can't inform them of said errors, but never reduce yourself to that.


What in the world is the point of that? My friend went out and bought this game, learned Scorpion's 111 leg sweep and continued using it against me attempting to win. From that point on, he hasn't even loaded up the game, or spent 5 minutes in the trainer as far as I'm aware. Hell, he likely may have sold it, I have no idea.

There's no reason for you to tone yourself down and feel sorry for someone, if they don't care to invest 20 minutes to learn a basic bnb. Either they'll rise to the challenge and your ass kicking will motivate them, or they'll just give up. Going easy on someone only hurts you in the long run. Now, this isn't saying that you can't inform them of said errors, but never reduce yourself to that.
Noone likes to play a game they get squashed at. First and foremost, games should be fun. Besides, if you just squash your buddy in the first outing, he may just get angry with you thinking that all you wanted to do was show off your mad skillz. Either way, odds are you will turn your friend off MK (or any other game) if you do this.

My suggestion would be to take him on a tour of the game. show him all kinds of stuff form big-hit kombos to specials to Babalities (those always get em ;)). Maybe drop in to Story Mode to show the depth there.

If he has already tried it and is not fond of the Block button, you may be fighting a losing battle. Try setting him up against Raiden and see what he says.