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MKX - PS3 Arcade Sticks Compatible with PS4

As part of today's MKX Stream it was announced that PS3 Arcade Sticks will be compatible with the PS4 copy of MKX.

As a player that prefers to use Arcade Stick when playing MK9, I would like to thank the team at Netherrealm or any team members that were responsible for including this option in the game. I am sure this means a lot to several players.

(Thanks to @LabZeroGames via Twitter)

(edited in by Tim Static)


Kung Fu Treachery
I find it interesting that they specifically mentioned playstation 3 sticks would work on the PS4 version. No mention of 360 to XB1.

I personally don't play on stick (would love to try eventually) but this is really awesome for those of you that do!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
this is great news, MAJOR PROPS to nrs for doing this!!!!
i already have got my ps4 stick only last week but im glad ill still be able to use my baraka stick :)

also is this for ps only? (be funny if it was #fuckxbox)


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Do they ONLY work for the game or will you be able to use the PS3 stick to navigate the PS4 menu and have full control of the system?


This news made my whole month .... i'm gonna play on PC so i think i could use my ps3 stick anyways, but if i ever go to a friends house or decide to travel to any tournies i don't have to worry about buying a new stick. SOOOOOOOOOO stoked. This is the best news i personally could have gotten about mkx. :):):)


It's only for PS4 because Lab Zero the maker of skull girls has their game on PS4 and created the driver to have the PS3 sticks compatible with their game it's not on xB1 so no such driver exist for that system. So if anyone had skull girls on ps4 and will test to see if the ps360+ works that would be awesome


"officially licensed PS3 products work for sure, others are going to be hit or miss. I personlly don't have a ps360+ to try atm." from Paulo. I asked Mike aswell hopefully he can answer it.