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Problems with Wakeup Attacks.


Sometimes they just don't come out. It's happened to me many times as Sub-Zero, where I would be trying to slide to get out of a corner, and they would just keep hitting me.

And I was just fighting this Ermac player as Liu Kang. I kept doing the B3 1 2 combo in the corner and he must have used the Force Push several times because I kept seeing "Wakeup Attack" above his bar. It almost never came out.

Was this intended or a glitch?


If you input your wake up attack at the right time the wake up attack will be invincible, and it'll go through any attack. Input it at the wrong time and it won't be invincible (note it is still considered a wake up attack by the game). How to input it correctly? Spam the inputs, that's all I can tell you.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
If you input your wake up attack at the right time the wake up attack will be invincible, and it'll go through any attack. Input it at the wrong time and it won't be invincible (note it is still considered a wake up attack by the game). How to input it correctly? Spam the inputs, that's all I can tell you.

-b_s- :headbang:
invinsibilty frames

If you input your wake up attack at the right time the wake up attack will be invincible, and it'll go through any attack. Input it at the wrong time and it won't be invincible (note it is still considered a wake up attack by the game). How to input it correctly? Spam the inputs, that's all I can tell you.
Actually the wakeup system is a buggy one, a good example is the wakeup teleport. For example if you pressure sektor on wakeup, some low attacks or string can hit him out of the wakeup even if it is timed right. That is because you only get a small amount of time with invinsibility and the teleport takes longer than that to get off the screen and reappear at the other side, so you will get hit.

But I think subzeros wakeup is pretty solid and have never heard of anyone getting hit out of it, because at point blank range the slide is almost instant.

Some examples of good wakeup attacks you cant stuff are cyrax's ragdoll, kun laos spin, reptiles dash, ermac's force push etc.


Yeah I probably should have specified that I was referring to Subzero's wake up attacks. I've done lots of testing with scorpion's wake up attacks and they never seem to have invincibility (this was on cpu however, and the cpu was exclusively using ex wakeups).

Yeah I probably should have specified that I was referring to Subzero's wake up attacks. I've done lots of testing with scorpion's wake up attacks and they never seem to have invincibility (this was on cpu however, and the cpu was exclusively using ex wakeups).
yeah i know, scorpions wakeup teleport is the worst of the three(smoke,scorpion and sektor)

scorpion has the slowest, sektor in the middle and smoke the fastest. Smoke is a lot harder to pressure than scorpion.

Scorpion has one of the worst wakeup attacks in the game next to shang. All people have to do when they want to pressure scorpion is d4 him and when he does get to pull of his teleport you can just uppercut him because youre crouching and the teleport wiffs if you duck(same holds true for ex version). so the main problem with the teleport is not that its to slow but the invinsibility moment is too short, I have told people about this on the scorpion forums but people are just too cocky to recognize this.

people say things like ''work with what you have'' and stop crying for buffs etc. but this is clearly something that shouldnt be in this game and neither scorpion players nor other players seem to understand this. I mean since when is it normal for a character to only have the option to block on wakeup, i thought wakeup was a guessing situation.

And id like to make it clear im not asking for a buff here but blocking on wakeup as the only situation is not OK. and this isnt even character specific evryone has a down 4 so its really fucked up as a scorpion and smoke player. I play JC also but they dont see me crying when his f3,2 gets hit unconfirmable, but i see them crying when i want a proper wakeup situation where i can either guess right or wrong at least.

It seems players only want either buffs for their own characters and shuut down their honest opinion when it comes to other characters.

now the rumors say his takedown is going to be faster, but i dont know whether this will create a proper guessing situation for scorpion on wakeup.


hasn't it been confirmed that NRS is extending the window of frames for you to pull off an invincible wake up?


Guardian of Outworld
I hope they can patch the game so it specifies what a real (invincible frame) wakeup is.
I think according to Tom Brady. The way wake up attacks work. is that you need to input them frame perfect. You have a window of something like 5 frames to input them. If your late on the input, then the number of frames your late, affects when your invincibility kicks in. So if you input it at the 5th and final frame, the opponent has 5 full frames to hit you out before you become invincible. But if you input it on the first frame, your fully invincibile from the get go, etc.
hasn't it been confirmed that NRS is extending the window of frames for you to pull off an invincible wake up?
that would be godlike, but no they haven't i dont think they are going to... damn nrs, why they spend time on things that dont need to be fixed like

touchng reptile?
touching kung lao?
touching raiden?

they need to fix things that actually matter.