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officially 2D?

i have a friend who came over last night to play some madden.
me not being a fan of sim football games mk9 was in the xbox already
so i say"lets squeeze off a game of mk9.now me and this dude been friends
since mk2 released and we rented it from the video store for his sege genesis.
yes im old''' he had never played mk9,,,so i told him right before the match
the best way i can explain it is mk2,,,,,he almost beat me(not really)but he gave me a go
just off me explaining it to him that way.he didnt do any combos or breakers or anything
he just rememberd to 2D fighting style of old mk games and was able to put up a fight(i still kicked his ass with liu kang)

what i'm getting at here is,,, are we back to 2D?

sf4 is on its third installment of it's revamped 2D fighter
with the popularity of mk9 ,and the due to be released umvc3,,
and numerous others. are we reverting to the days of a room full
of kids playing"if you loose give it up"or arenas of thousands watching
people play for much money....

soul caliber v comes out next year sf4 ,mk9 ,and umvc3 are all 2D fighters
can it withstand? will we go back to 333333333D fighters in the future?

what do you think

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I fucking hope so. It didnt work in 3d and was ok in 2.5D (which i still think MK9 is a 3d fighter on a 2d plane)

but MK from here on out should be 2D....unless NetherRealm puts on their Capcom hats and branches out for a couple different teams to make a couple different Mk's (even tho I'd hate to see them put any effort into a 3d fighter) even making RPG like Conquest games or Shaolin Monk type of action/adventure games too.

2d ftw
I fucking hope so. It didnt work in 3d and was ok in 2.5D (which i still think MK9 is a 3d fighter on a 2d plane)

but MK from here on out should be 2D....unless NetherRealm puts on their Capcom hats and branches out for a couple different teams to make a couple different Mk's (even tho I'd hate to see them put any effort into a 3d fighter) even making RPG like Conquest games or Shaolin Monk type of action/adventure games too.

2d ftw

yes i too think the next mk's should be 2D. i would say the physics feel more 3D,,,so your right on that

but,,,, us playing the hell outta mk9 and other 2D fighters going to keep us from enjoying soul caliber 5?

i havent tried to play one yet,,,but i did go back and play mvc2,,,,i dont even like it anymore..


Fix this one first. I'm disappointed with mk9 and not the only one.
Not buying anything from them unless they show that they can fix what they frogged up.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Considering that I'm still struggling with getting used to the 2D plane for Mortal Kombat, my answer may come as a surprise:

They'd better keep MK in 2D from this point on.

Why? Because it makes the challenge of a fighting game all the sweeter. 3D was fun while it lasted, but you've gotta try new things out to see if you're worthy of calling yourself a veteran among the fighting game community. Besides, Mortal Kombat started out in 2D and it was able to shine in the golden age of gaming (i.e. the 90's) because of its technical aspects. Why give up what works so well for the franchise?
Considering that I'm still struggling with getting used to the 2D plane for Mortal Kombat, my answer may come as a surprise:

They'd better keep MK in 2D from this point on.

Why? Because it makes the challenge of a fighting game all the sweeter. 3D was fun while it lasted, but you've gotta try new things out to see if you're worthy of calling yourself a veteran among the fighting game community. Besides, Mortal Kombat started out in 2D and it was able to shine in the golden age of gaming (i.e. the 90's) because of its technical aspects. Why give up what works so well for the franchise?

my question is,, must we move on?

mk started in 2D we went on to play many cool 3D fighters?
what we thought was the future of fighting games

now thats it's back in 2D ,how do we move on ?

what is the fighting games genre's future?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage


Play Monster Hunter!
2D hopefully.

Being able to sidestep kinda makes 90% of the special moves null and void.

If they want to make a 3D fighter again they should start from scratch and make it a new IP.
3d and 2d fighters are different genres with different IPs and different markets. I don't think they affect each other all that much.

We're only just starting to see 3d fighters that actually take advantage of the technology beyond an awkward sidestep, too. look at the new Dead or Alive trailer.

I just like fighting games. I'll happily play more 3d ones if developers make some that aren't horrible Tekken clones, with their mechanics designed so that 2 high level players fighting look exactly the same as 2 scrubs hitting random buttons.


Online Punching Bag
I personally like the 3d graphics on the 2d plane myself. The whole sidestepping ect in older games kind of wasted some game play elements, you could just keep walking sideways to prolong matches unnecissarily. I wouldn't enjoy it in full 2d I think though. I'm not a fan of flat/cartoony looking graphics of games like SF. I prefer the realistic look but that's just me. I wonder what kind of crazy games they will start making when the systems and tv's are integrated well with 3d technology as in 3d Tv's not 3d models just to clarify.


The Mad_Hattr
I personally like the 3d graphics on the 2d plane myself. The whole sidestepping ect in older games kind of wasted some game play elements, you could just keep walking sideways to prolong matches unnecissarily. I wouldn't enjoy it in full 2d I think though. I'm not a fan of flat/cartoony looking graphics of games like SF. I prefer the realistic look but that's just me.
I'm with you Lumpy! I definitely approve of the 3d char's on a 2d plan. Yes, it messes with the hitboxes a bit, but it's not anything crazy that can't be overcome with a little practice.

I wonder what kind of crazy games they will start making when the systems and tv's are integrated well with 3d technology as in 3d Tv's not 3d models just to clarify
They're already starting to, but I get what you're saying. Fighting games will certainly jump in tech once 3dTV tech becomes less pricey and is in more households. It will be interesting.