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Do you think some fans act spoiled from the earlier NRS streams?

The point is the question ^. I don't see how normal news is spoiling that's something everyone does, but what not everyone does is stream months before release...I mean lets face it, MK never did that before, SF don't do it, Smash, Tekken etc.
This isn't the 90's, and the evolution of game marketing has changed drastically. We've got faster internet, easier access, and a TON of "early access" games selling like wildfire. Demo's in the way they're showing them build hype, and most other fighters are doing so as well. SFV has already shown several gameplay vids and it's literally an alpha, KI does several for each new character, and I wouldn't be surprised if tekken ones were out there (i just don't care about tekken).

In short this quickly going to become industry standard up to a point. The fine line is always managing expectations and making sure you can get away with building the hype without making the game feel oversold, and of course making sure that it's actually worth the time/effort/money to do it. Crowds who are in the know at this point are still a fraction of their overall market, but they're becoming more and more important because of how word spreads these days, so keeping them happy and tweeting/trending/facebooking/whatever pays off as long as it's done right.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Its not pointless its a valid question.

Tbh yea I mean they're doing all of this out of the goodness of their heart and then giving us the game for free... Dude plz.. We are more than entitled when we each have to pay 70$ and they do it to sell more..
Dude, its 60 and nobody is forcing you to buy it. Dont like it, dont buy it lol.

Lets put it this way, mk1, 2 and 3 made by 5 guys now mk games are made with over 100peopke, your damn right they'll charge you 60 bucks....you try making a game, then offer it 'for free'
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There are differences between a spoiled brat and NRS fans who are eager for more info: the spoiled brat is annoying to the person they are pestering, not giving them anything in return, and the person being pestered wishes that they would stop. Here, people are giving their $ and I am pretty sure that NRS is thrilled that people are excited about the game and characters. There is no game company that would think there is too much hype over an upcoming release or that would be sad to see people are dying for more info. It is something of a fallacy to isolate one individual and say "oh, NRS doesn't need that person's $60, thus all the collective hype is bogus." I'm not saying that every individual at NRS is a huge fan of every individual fan, but collectively: heck yeah. If given the choice between a chorus of fans demanding more streams and Goro footage vs. the sound of chirping crickets and yawns, it is a safe bet that NRS is pleased with fans being hungry for more.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@ The john guy:that's good points true, but i also think one other thing that's often overlooked is the time, effort and money that goes into these games now days. I believe it costs around 1 million for every cgi movie scene....and the time it takes well, years and over 100 people nuff said lol. Im just saying, all games and all things cost something,nothing in life is free if it's of quality. Know what i mean?

This isn't the 90's, and the evolution of game marketing has changed drastically. We've got faster internet, easier access, and a TON of "early access" games selling like wildfire. Demo's in the way they're showing them build hype, and most other fighters are doing so as well. SFV has already shown several gameplay vids and it's literally an alpha, KI does several for each new character, and I wouldn't be surprised if tekken ones were out there (i just don't care about tekken).

In short this quickly going to become industry standard up to a point. The fine line is always managing expectations and making sure you can get away with building the hype without making the game feel oversold, and of course making sure that it's actually worth the time/effort/money to do it. Crowds who are in the know at this point are still a fraction of their overall market, but they're becoming more and more important because of how word spreads these days, so keeping them happy and tweeting/trending/facebooking/whatever pays off as long as it's done right.

Not the point, it doesnt matter if it's the 90s or 2020, tech means nothing regarding the question. Technically these guys dont have to release any info if they really wanted to, look at other games. Batman for example, do we know "every character" who will be in the game? playable? villains? hell even whoever the hell the arkham knight is? no....does that mean i wont buy cause they wont tell me who is under the mask?? no....i'm also pretty sure weve got a shitton of mk x vids as well....including ones we technically dont need to see like story mode trailers? pre order exclusive teases? streams every other week? ive tried betas, while they're nice they are also glitchy as well and dont always work properly. demo? last two nrs games we got demos, so we dont get one this time. Big deal, i'd rather they work on the game itself to be better than release a unfinished, rushed demo a week before only to hear bitching from casuals or people claiming every other move is broken like mk9....when those issues were patched anyway.

I agree with you regarding how with the net we have twitter, fb etc which they use but just saying, how many developers out there for countless games dont do that, dont have twitter, dont give a shit about what fans want all they care about is $ in their pocket, mean while mk is still so popular we have web series, comics, streams, games still being made. I'm very grateful for all this, yet you have posers out there crying because jade is not in, not buying or demanding goro or someone be showed. I see what you're saying but I'm saying some people out there seem entitled to have demos, have news released every week or day, speaking of 2015, it also means now days it dont work like that. WB has rules being the owners of the properties be it dc, mk whatever. Meaning they tell nrs when to release shit and when not to.

I say as true mk fan like most on here im sure, deal with it and buy if you're really that interested or dont buy. One thing i've noticed is they cant possibly please the entire fanbase, never have and never will and you have fans who judge buying off of one or two characters. i'm sorry but to me that's retarded logic. Especially if the game is solid, good and fun.


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
I believe that bitching and complaining like an entitled whiner is perfectly fine as long as you don't say dumb things like "I won't buy if ___". I want more info, it's like crack as the other posters gif said, but I'm getting the game no matter what.


cr. HP Master
I simply don't give a shit what you say. You don't offer Goro as a pre order bonus and then refuse to show him. What would have been a brilliant marketing strategy is to show him.....and have him be badass and follow with, "only if you pre order." I have not pre ordered out of pure spite. SHOW ME WHY I SHOULD if you're going to put him as the bonus.
@ The john guy:that's good points true, but i also think one other thing that's often overlooked is the time, effort and money that goes into these games now days. I believe it costs around 1 million for every cgi movie scene....and the time it takes well, years and over 100 people nuff said lol. Im just saying, all games and all things cost something,nothing in life is free if it's of quality. Know what i mean?

Not the point, it doesnt matter if it's the 90s or 2020, tech means nothing regarding the question. Technically these guys dont have to release any info if they really wanted to, look at other games. Batman for example, do we know "every character" who will be in the game? playable? villains? hell even whoever the hell the arkham knight is? no....does that mean i wont buy cause they wont tell me who is under the mask?? no....i'm also pretty sure weve got a shitton of mk x vids as well....including ones we technically dont need to see like story mode trailers? pre order exclusive teases? streams every other week? ive tried betas, while they're nice they are also glitchy as well and dont always work properly. demo? last two nrs games we got demos, so we dont get one this time. Big deal, i'd rather they work on the game itself to be better than release a unfinished, rushed demo a week before only to hear bitching from casuals or people claiming every other move is broken like mk9....when those issues were patched anyway.

I agree with you regarding how with the net we have twitter, fb etc which they use but just saying, how many developers out there for countless games dont do that, dont have twitter, dont give a shit about what fans want all they care about is $ in their pocket, mean while mk is still so popular we have web series, comics, streams, games still being made. I'm very grateful for all this, yet you have posers out there crying because jade is not in, not buying or demanding goro or someone be showed. I see what you're saying but I'm saying some people out there seem entitled to have demos, have news released every week or day, speaking of 2015, it also means now days it dont work like that. WB has rules being the owners of the properties be it dc, mk whatever. Meaning they tell nrs when to release shit and when not to.

I say as true mk fan like most on here im sure, deal with it and buy if you're really that interested or dont buy. One thing i've noticed is they cant possibly please the entire fanbase, never have and never will and you have fans who judge buying off of one or two characters. i'm sorry but to me that's retarded logic. Especially if the game is solid, good and fun.
I'm literally saying it doesn't matter if people are ungrateful or not, NRS would do it anyways because it's about building hype and marketing the game and getting people to talk about it. People bitching about jade not being in MKX is still people talking about MKX which is exactly what they want. No they don't have to release info if they really wanted to. Why take free money in a market that has a wonderful preorder system that allows you to sell absurdly well on hype alone when you could not....for no reason? Especially when WB will likely replace you with someone else who will because they sure as hell don't care half as much.

NRS and by extension WB is in this to make money. Thankfully they're in it to make a great game as well (and if you played armageddon you'd know that was a pretty questionable claim not too long ago), but I think it was Boon himself who even pointed out that a lot of games in the genre that are hailed as amazing aren't even a financial success, and believe when I say that while the "giving back to the community" and "make more money" goals line up pretty neatly, there's still very much a business plan behind all of this.

In short, it doesn't matter what people think about it as anyone actually complaining at this point is such an unbelievably small minority it's not even of concern at this point.


Scrub God Lord
I simply don't give a shit what you say. You don't offer Goro as a pre order bonus and then refuse to show him. What would have been a brilliant marketing strategy is to show him.....and have him be badass and follow with, "only if you pre order." I have not pre ordered out of pure spite. SHOW ME WHY I SHOULD if you're going to put him as the bonus.
what if they showed him and ppl didn't like it?
you can't hate what you haven't seen.
NRS isn't stupid, they know what they are doing.
They promised that you would get goro if you preordered, they never said anything about showing it before hand.
Goro might not be playable on day 1 for all we know.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'm literally saying it doesn't matter if people are ungrateful or not, NRS would do it anyways because it's about building hype and marketing the game and getting people to talk about it. People bitching about jade not being in MKX is still people talking about MKX which is exactly what they want. No they don't have to release info if they really wanted to. Why take free money in a market that has a wonderful preorder system that allows you to sell absurdly well on hype alone when you could not....for no reason? Especially when WB will likely replace you with someone else who will because they sure as hell don't care half as much.

NRS and by extension WB is in this to make money. Thankfully they're in it to make a great game as well (and if you played armageddon you'd know that was a pretty questionable claim not too long ago), but I think it was Boon himself who even pointed out that a lot of games in the genre that are hailed as amazing aren't even a financial success, and believe when I say that while the "giving back to the community" and "make more money" goals line up pretty neatly, there's still very much a business plan behind all of this.

In short, it doesn't matter what people think about it as anyone actually complaining at this point is such an unbelievably small minority it's not even of concern at this point.
Of course they want to make money, everyone does and that's just part of my point. Regarding dlc, those whiners who are like 'why exclusive preorder" for one it's not even "exclusive as in you cant get him any other way" for one nrs isnt capcom, and two i already asked them day one on twitter and two got back to me and even kyle said last stream "you can buy the dlc stuff later on,you dont have to preorder, get special editions to get this stuff"The goro bit it's more like "preorder to get goro earlier" would be moreaccurate...but some people act like "omgi must preorder to get goro, no other way lae!!" when that siply isn't true.

I also disagree a little regarding the "they dont care about fans" bit, if that were true they wouldnt do streams, and would never answer anyone o twitter like ever. Ed, tyler, shawn h and shawn k have answered me several times in the past year. The fans matter to the smart developers because in the long run, mk would not be here if not for us. There has to be a product to buy, no sale=no more series.

Take psi ops, made by midway fantastic game but sadly did not sell....thus no sequel. It's simple really.

Sure, nrs dont care about ungrateful or grateful but they surely appreciate the ones who do appreciate their product, wouldnt you?

MKA mind you they were under midway at the time who rushed them bad, and thus we got average or below quality games. But once wb got them, they got more money, proper tools, time and we get gems. Mk9 and Injustice and i have no doubt mkx will follow.

I know it's a business too, that's actually a big part of why i get why developers do dlc. some people think it's a gimmick for more money, i happen to disagree. Unless you're capcom who charges for tons of on disc shit, "real endings" and 10 copies of the same game for 40 bucks a pop, the average developer will make a game, keep it fresh adding high replay value and longevity for months and perhaps years later putting stuff out. its a fair trade imo, i want more shit to do in the game, but for a price. Let the posers and complainers refuse to preorder(when its not even extra its actually free they take it off your game price to the dude complaining about "they have goro preorder, and dont show us' yeah...well too bad, dont buy the game then. It's THEIR game afterall...they do what they want.

I get your points though, and i just want you t get mine. i honestly dont care about the skeptics, haters or people who bitch about goro and dlc. All whos making money and hyping up a game aside, a lot of what i refer to isn't exclusive to this site but also youtube, other sites. I mean obviously the comments like "no jade, no buy, oh preorder no buy" or "not enough minorities, not buying" are just idiotic and ignored lol. Yes, ive actually seen ridiculous comments like this....believe it or not.
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To quickly summize some points made thus far:

Paying customers have every right to demand information for the product they're purchasing. It's fair to say that 90% or more of TYM's forum readers are buying the game. I mean come on, they're on an online forum eagerly searching for information.

Similarly, NRS has every right to withold any info they'd like in order to build hype or avoid showing an unfinished product.

It's simply not fair to compare a fighting game to any other genre in terms of information prior to release, especially a single player adventure game.

Most fighting games have much more detailed information and gameplay available by the time it's gone gold. The fact that MKX has gone gold means it's fair to say that its suspicious that NRS has shown so little. Note that I said "fair", not "plausible".

The way that they've handled Goro has been pretty shitty. Even the world's most glorious carrot loses its flavor when it's been dangled in front of somebody's face for months on end. Give us a bite, damn it!

The fact that so many people are constantly demanding more information is probably VERY pleasing to NRS (hate mail aside, of course). I know that if I made a game, I would love knowing that thousands of people every day were crying and pulling their hair as they waited in anguish for the next little slice of info.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@ Awesumpossm:Well the action game could be any game, its the analogy that's the target point not so much the genre comparison because let's face it any genre or game can sell well or shitty, if MK 9 sold like shit chances are we wouldnt have mkx, right? exactly...besides any game can have tons of info. COD, batman, fighters whatever.

I agree on people asking for info but given the fact that they havent yet paid a dime, they can demand nothing. The goro is just to add more hype and anticipation to the game, every game does something of this nature but I must say noobhunter brought up a great point, when did nrs ever say 'we must show you, we will at such a such date" they never did.

The hatemail bit i forgot about, ive seen some nasty stuff on their walls that are just trolly or dumb posts like "no rain, no buy" like, to me thats not a real mk fan, not even a casual but a poser who obviously dont care about a quality game but 'their fav character" above everything else. YEah, i love fujin but if he dont make it i'm still buying lol.


"we want too much now"

The fuck? We're buying a game based on information and they have been purposely witholding so much info that it's honestly making me worried that they don't think the game will deliver if they reveal everything before the preorders are set. We have gone like... TWO full months without them showing us any-fucking-thing then having possibly the shittiest reveal of all time with that kung lao bs. We only got indepth trailers on like... 4 characters in the very beginning and the rest have gotten streams with NRS employees that really know fuck all about fighting game mechanics.

They haven't really shown us a lot of information either, we don't know how in depth online will be (just very vague understanding of it) we don't know a lot about the offline modes, we don't know HOW GOOD THE FUCKING NETCODE IS???? MKX is about a month away and there's still so much in the dark.

Having GORO be such a huge draw and them refusing to show the rest of the roster (which they KNOW is disappointing, lets be real) is just screaming "pls preorder before we show everything".

Not even being pessimistic because I can't wait for this game, but that's only the logical explanation. We don't even know the size of the roster officially, we don't know less than half of the characters.... there's gotta be something up? Maybe not? Idk. But that's bullshit saying we are being greedy cause we have got to be one of the most patient communities for a game ever. What other game keeps their consumer base on such a leash like boon does? It's fucking annoying sometimes. I also have a feeling that while some characters variations are awesome and inspiring, some are very lacking (Reptile's?) So there could be plenty more of that, which is maybe why they don't want to show the rest of the roster yet.
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Its not pointless its a valid question.

Dude, its 60 and nobody is forcing you to buy it. Dont like it, dont buy it lol.

Lets put it this way, mk1, 2 and 3 made by 5 guys now mk games are made with over 100peopke, your damn right they'll charge you 60 bucks....you try making a game, then offer it 'for free'
First off where I live its 70 and I know in other places is even higher.. It's called market competition. When you have awesome games like sf and ki out who have marketed their game way better than nrs, the consumers expectations have been raised and if nrs can't deliver then that will affect them negatively. Lol at taking my giving jt for free comment seriously.. If you want to be complacent go right ahead but when I see iron Galaxy bloowing away nrs in the way they market their game, it makes me expect more


God forbid we ask for general information about the game before we decide to dish out 70$.. Lol greedy.. Plz.. Am I supposed to just hope the game has what I'm looking for and buy blindly. I mean obviously I will buy the game no matter what but what about others who are on the fence about it


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Boon does enjoy to tease and keep the fans in the dark, but still NRS still treats their fanbase a million times better than fucking capcom does.

The online we wont know til it hits, they cant get into the netcode for various reasons no developer does a lot. Even if they show "hey this is how it plays for us online" it dont mean it'll play like that for everyone you know?

The problem is different people want different things, who wants all characters revealed, who'd complain about certain roster of characters, who wants guest characters, no guest characters, this mode, that mode lol. I can only imagine the crazy requests from the fanbase whole and game developers being like "shit where do we start, what if this pleases some fans but doesnt others"?

The waiting doesnt effect me TOO much because i still have to wait to apri 14th so in that regard makes no difference

i bet though when they do show goro, some will be like "omg all that for this shit? he looks bad, wtf" someone some where will say this willing to bet lol.


God forbid we ask for general information about the game before we decide to dish out 70$.. Lol greedy.. Plz.. Am I supposed to just hope the game has what I'm looking for and buy blindly. I mean obviously I will buy the game no matter what but what about others who are on the fence about it
yeah how dare you, so entitled and greedy.
I think they should be showing stuff. Quan Chi was revealed and we had no news for months, I understand why people wanted news. Showing more, but not too much, is also a great marketing strategy for NRS imo.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
First off where I live its 70 and I know in other places is even higher.. It's called market competition. When you have awesome games like sf and ki out who have marketed their game way better than nrs, the consumers expectations have been raised and if nrs can't deliver then that will affect them negatively. Lol at taking my giving jt for free comment seriously.. If you want to be complacent go right ahead but when I see iron Galaxy bloowing away nrs in the way they market their game, it makes me expect more
I never used "greedy" I said spoiled...

Buy blindly? wha? lol im sorry you're acting as if they've revealed nothing or like 4 characters....i admit I was one of those initially during the 2 month of nothing period who was like, will we get news then got a shitton so I cant complain.

sorry to hear that wherever you live you're getting ripped then....

Matter of opinion, i think nrs has done fine marketing, i mean their first reveal trailer only broke 8 million views in under a week far more than ki or sf last time i checked, just saying...and mind you that wasnt even an actual gameplay just a 2 in teaser showing the direction they were going. But even their first few gameplay trailers broke a few miill too, they've done streams, i have no issues with their marketing.

Dude, seriously? MKX will stomp the shit out of ki3....lol but if you want to obsess over just marketing, be my guest lol. i was going by what you said earlier. I respect a game for good product, ki had that gimmick of "free game but you gotta pay for characters" as their way of making money then eventually put the game for retail shelf anyway and digital download. Teasing the fans and not revealing everything is actually quite smart, keeps people begging for more lol.

Would you rather make a game, reveal all and have people judge it off the bat or make a game, show 75% of the roster and leave the rest to the imagination? To each his own then, hope you enjoy the game. i know i will.
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while we are being honest i dont like any of your posts ever OP so some people are spoiled, some are unlikeable but in the end who cares, no one will make a thread about it.... oh wait