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Am I the only one who found the music unappealing?


It's too movie-like for my tastes. It has a couple of epic beats, but it's nowhere near as melodic as it used to be. Dan Forden's work in the first 4 games really drew my attention. The Asian-sounding tunes and epic beats of The Pit, Palace Gates, Wasteland, and The Bridge, not to mention the epic organ of The Temple, kept me playing just so I could hear the music of these stages while I fight.

I'm glad they give you the option to play Klassic Music, because that's what I always do. The only new songs or arrangements in this game I like are The Armory, The Courtyard, The Courtyard (Night), and Goro's Lair. I'm really hoping Dan Forden goes back to the old MK1-3 style he had for the next game, or better yet, even go with that mystical feeling of Mythologies and MK4's style.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
as a big of a Dan Forden fan there is, I didnt have much of an issue with the MK9 music, other than the fact Dan Forden's music IS MK. :)


Bone and Metal
There's music in this game?
Lul, that was my thought when I finally heard the music once I turned down the volume on the sound and voices. They really screwed up on the volume for the BGM, you have to like turn everything else down by 50%.


Deus Fulminatus
Lul, that was my thought when I finally heard the music once I turned down the volume on the sound and voices. They really screwed up on the volume for the BGM, you have to like turn everything else down by 50%.
Hey Z9 from gfaqs, lol. Didn't know you're from PA.

Anyway, the music sucks. I'm tired of Klassic Musik. I refuse to pick it anymore. Fix it next game.


Bone and Metal
Sup, Yeah I'm surprised at how many players there are in the Philly cheesesteak area.

Honestly they should just make every piece of music in the game incorporate heavy use of the accordion and pipe organ.

Vulcan Hades

I always hated MK music. So boring, repetitive and kinda forgettable. Sure, it fits the dark MK universe but I kinda wish MK had more catchy tunes. The only MK theme I really like is the old Reptile theme. I hate Skrillex though.

Street Fighter and Killer Instinct, now THAT'S some good music I'll listen to on my ipod. :)


Bone and Metal
Oh dude, Killer Instinct has like the best main theme ever in a fighting game.

Amazing shit.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I always hated MK music. So boring, repetitive and kinda forgettable. Sure, it fits the dark MK universe but I kinda wish MK had more catchy tunes. The only MK theme I really like is the old Reptile theme. I hate Skrillex though.

Street Fighter and Killer Instinct, now THAT'S some good music I'll listen to on my ipod. :)
Mk1 Soundtrack is fucking epic. But that "old Reptile" isnt MK music, its Juno Reactors remix of a Traci Lords song!!! fuck the MK movies, but the soundtracks to those flicks were amazing.


as a big of a Dan Forden fan there is, I didnt have much of an issue with the MK9 music, other than the fact Dan Forden's music IS MK. :)
dude, i love your avatars lol

on topic: i personally like the music, is not the best, but is good enough for me, specially the rooftop one :)


Much like MK, Street Fighter's music has seen better days. I'm not a particular fan of the techno approach they've taken recently. Everything from SF2, through the Alpha series, and SF3 was really good. But they dropped the ball on SF4's soundtrack.

MvC3 has too much techno, but the songs that aren't are quite good. BlazBlue, Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur have the best music in fighters currently.

Vulcan Hades


What's Stryker's theme again? Subway stage? The Streets? The Rooftop? What are Baraka's and Jade's themes? Exactly.


Agree completely. Like I said before, MK 1-4 had the best music and I still find myself listening to the tracks on YouTube or playing with Klassic Music. I just wish there was a way to let NRS know.


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK
IMO, MK4/MKG's soundtrack was the best. I mean seriously...The stage music was just epic that even I remember how they went and always sound familiar when I hear them. Such fast paced catchy beats and MKish melody. Too bad the shitty voices of the characters made the soundtrack unforgettable to many people. Where did Dan Forden go wrong after that. :(

And My personal favorite

I still don't even know how most of the music in MK9 go. If I had to hum it, I would not be able to. >.>


Play Monster Hunter!
Yes, MK10 needs better, LOUDER music. Some of its alright, but its to ambient. Also it needs character themes, well I hate dubstep, those songs inspired by the warriors should have been in the game. If there really lazy just add in custom soundtracks, but like actual ones, not just xbox dashboard music crap, allow me to set music to stages and characters.

Also, the game really needs an announcer, quan chi would be perfect. It's just so weird how the failed so hard on the sound design, well the sounds you can actually hear are pretty good though, especially the tin can sounds when you punch robots.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
For all the people talkin about not hearing the music, turn down the SFX

As for the mk9 music, its boss

i dunno why you guys are so picky