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Mortal Kombat 9 PS3 XBOX 360 Question

Hi friends from TYM! i got some questions that i would love to know because it´s pissing me off:

What are the difference between every Mortal Kombat for each console?

I always say to Hanzo that Mortal Kombat PS3>Mortal Kombat XBOX 360 because i see more faster the PS3 version... i don´t know why exactly but the XBOX 360 version it´s seem to be more slow than the PS3 version, maybe is just my imagination but i don´t feel them exactly.. maybe is that the 360 version got that stupid problem in the Choose Your Fighter screen (you know that shit when you highlight king lau and then move to Sheeva (for example) and you even choose sheeva but the highlight still in Kung Lao

Another thing (from the MKAK) do you feel the game exactly as arcade? because i don´t feel it in that way i feel that UMK3 is slow than arcade

take care guys im pretty sure that there will be some good opinions and answer :)
I don't know if it's true (I have only played the PS3 version) but some announcer at some tournament stream mentioned that the PS3 version has slight lag when starting up X-rays compared to the 360.


Get staffed bro
I don't know if it's true (I have only played the PS3 version) but some announcer at some tournament stream mentioned that the PS3 version has slight lag when starting up X-rays compared to the 360.
Yep the PS3 xray seems to cause slow down. You have to adjust your timing from PS3 to 360 trying to tag on anything on after Kung laos for example as it ends quicker.

What I really want to know is though is whether the lag is any less on 360? I can't seem to get an answer from anyone on this.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
360s better IMO

- It doesnt have the banned stage/character
- Doesn't slow down on X-Rays
- Can now be patched offline anyway

These make it better for tournies

If you're an online player then apparently there is less lag on 360 compared to PS3.


I play 360 at home and PS3 at friends houses / locals. They are identical in speed. Only difference is the PS3 stutters during the xrays.

PROS for 360
- slightly smoother gameplay (smooth xray)

PROS for PS3
- better controller
- extra character
- no Halo kids (if you play online)


The Free Meter Police
I prefer the 360 version due to the smoother game play. As far as controllers go... it shouldn't matter because there are converters and dual mods.


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK
I'm used to the 360 controller because I never owned a Sony console in my life.

I preffer the PS3 version but i feel it something faster than the xbox 360 version don´t know is just things of me :p btw one char and one extra stage? no way! i hate Kratos (it´s like Noob Saibot in MKT), and I REALLY HATE Krato´s Stage...
Mustard i love oyur sign lol
agreed with the shaking thing that´s why i hate the stage.. sometimes i think the opponent it´s hitting by me but hey! is the stage shaking! hehe
it´s remind me the MKT for PC/PSX when you win hehe

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I like the stage, but the shaking really sucks. Why does it need to do that?
Honestly, I'm not sure. I honestly don't remember if it shook in the fight in GOW3, but even if it did, they should've plugged it in so the 111-111 code could cancel it out, because in spite of the fact that I friggin' love it, the trembling really is distracting as all hell.

And Kratos is the shit. If he were tournament viable, I'd be Fear Kratos all damn day.