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Jason Momoa as Aquaman first picture revealed.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main

Khal Drogo of GoT is now a Superhero and he looks BADASS.

Zack Snyder tweeted the photo for the upcoming film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", Momoa will also play as Aquaman for the future Justice League films.

"Unite The Seven" is a reference to the 7 seas, as Aquaman is the King of the 7 Seas.

Zack Snyder also tweeted "There is only one true King #unitetheseven"

Let's just soak in the total badassness.
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>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
He's a great pick for Aquaman, I'm very interested to see how the future DC films turn out.


undefeated online evo champion
Pretty badass

With the tribal tattoos it looks like they took Mamoa's lineage into account in building this version of Aquaman. Also, I thought "Unite the 7" referenced the founding members of the Justice League.
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Looks awesome and like a guy who would could beat Superman up but i also miss a little bit the lack of color in his outfit.


Tailgates & Tan-lines !
yeah but thats not aquaman thats sea king...
yeah but it's a evil version of him. I just wanted to show the similarities minus the hook. I still wish they would have dyed his hair blonde or idk add more color to this photo