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What weakness do you want to improve when MKX drops?


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Over the past several months i've taken a step back to really break down my weaknesses as a player and to improve my overall game in order to succeed in MKX (not just in MKX but you get the point) and for me my biggest weakness has always been Defense. i know what you (and M2dave) will say, blah blah flash players have no Fundamentals, have no defense their just offense 24/7 whatever. in High School playing basketball Defense was my thing, i would always guard the best player on the court, i made it my mission (i used to play Small forward) whether the guy was almost 7'0 or 4'11 speedy gonzales. i'm trying to take B Ball philosophy to improve my game like i did with a real life sport. i always had the natural talent for B Ball being 6'3 (and apparently Dominican for MK lol) so i had to work on other areas to improve my overall game, you know the Fundamentals. I had rebounds and defense, but i need to develop my scoring game, so i worked hard at it and by the end of my senior year i was 2nd on the team in Points per game and led our team in rebounds (and we had a dude who was 6'9 on our team, talk about tall for nothing). anyway i thought about doing the same because like everyone else i'm going super hard for MKX like Metapod using harden, its that real.

So my question is what is your biggest Weakness as a player (DO NOT INCLUDE CHARACTERS *looks at joker players) and what are your plans to improve them?

inb4 @Pig Of The Hut uses all this info for scouting purposes.


What I'm currently working on improving is when to be disrespectful, sometimes I feel like I play with a little too much respect. Gotta make em earn it first! Another is improving upclose pressure when there's no 50/50 involved. I tend to go on autopilot when I use Batman or Kabal. I want to get better at calculated rushdown. Good thread!


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Let me jump in as a random dude nobody cares about :p

My weakness has always been AA. I can react to frame traps, pokes, projectiles, but when someone jumps at me I freeze like a retard.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
My weakness were poor aas, weak wake up attack game and horrible at pokes and counter pokes.... Sike Inj didnt have any lol.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
Defence, I've been watching a lot of Injustice top 8's this week and it's something that really stood out to me. The main thing that separates the top from the rest is their defence. They don't always go in on a knockdown, they just wait because they are confident in their ability to defend against whatever their opponent will throw at them.

Also I tend to get into habits too much which are easy for my opponent to pick up on, conquering these two is my first goal for MKX.


I will stop playing lame using cheap online tactics
I will start playing fair now in MKX :)
so I wont receive so many hatemails anymore like it was the case in IGAU


Former Divine Power Abuser
I don't exactly know what my most evident weaknesses are but there are several areas I plan on improving, most importantly, my mentality, going to grind hard as I possibly can from day 1, learn as much as I can constantly, try
to make those around me better as well.
One thing that really stands out to me is how I tend to be very reactive at times and less proactive. I might be waiting for the opponent to do something and by me waiting on it I'm giving away what I'm waiting for lol
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What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
another weakness i have is not training at 100%, this is important and i'm sure a lot of you also do this. in casuals i either sandbag or i don't even play casuals at tournaments. this was my biggest flaw, i was so caught up at tournaments trying to do too much. either i was trying to find places to eat, people who trying to smoke and drink or just trying to hang out, i need to focus more at tournaments AND have a good time.