Blue Blurs for Life!
Shinnok's Sirkle of Terror, the MK2 tournament game which set a record for online prize money giveaways in classic MK, is coming to Winter Brawl! This time with a slight twist... KUTTHROAT KOMBAT.
The fun, excitement, and randomness of the Sirkle of Terror returns. The only difference? You will now be able to spin the wheel LIVE and in person! Watch the wheel turn and determine the fate of yourself and others in this must see event at the east coast major, this February. In addition, two slots will be added to the wheel which will allow players to essentially sabotage their opponent and force them to play with severe, yet hillarious handicaps. Here are a few examples of those handicaps that could come into play...
DATE: Winter Brawl Weekend, Feb 21st
All contestant names will be dropped into a hat. There will be a prize wheel known as the Sirkle of Terror that will constantly spin to determine the types of matches that will be played.
From there, the player chosen from the hat will have to face the Sirkle of Terror and watch it spin one time. After that, another player will be randomly chosen from the hat and both players will have to face each other while taking into account the consequences of the wheel. Play will continue like this until only two players remain. The final two remaining players will play a First-to-Four (best of 7) series to determine the winner.
The wheel will have 16 different slots. Listed below are examples of slots as used in the previous online version of the game. Note that the Kutthroat Kombat sabotage items are subject to change.

The fun, excitement, and randomness of the Sirkle of Terror returns. The only difference? You will now be able to spin the wheel LIVE and in person! Watch the wheel turn and determine the fate of yourself and others in this must see event at the east coast major, this February. In addition, two slots will be added to the wheel which will allow players to essentially sabotage their opponent and force them to play with severe, yet hillarious handicaps. Here are a few examples of those handicaps that could come into play...
- Play while looking in a mirror
- Play with a broken controller (one broken button)
- Force a pad player to use a stick (or vice versa)
- Tabletop controller (forced to use a gamepad while it lies on the table)
- Thumbless Kombat - Fingers only
- Force the opponent to play while wearing ski gloves.
- Ball Kombat - Force the opponent to play while balancing softballs on the controller.
DATE: Winter Brawl Weekend, Feb 21st
All contestant names will be dropped into a hat. There will be a prize wheel known as the Sirkle of Terror that will constantly spin to determine the types of matches that will be played.
From there, the player chosen from the hat will have to face the Sirkle of Terror and watch it spin one time. After that, another player will be randomly chosen from the hat and both players will have to face each other while taking into account the consequences of the wheel. Play will continue like this until only two players remain. The final two remaining players will play a First-to-Four (best of 7) series to determine the winner.
The wheel will have 16 different slots. Listed below are examples of slots as used in the previous online version of the game. Note that the Kutthroat Kombat sabotage items are subject to change.
- God Tier - The player must select either Liu Kang, Mileena, or Jax (2 slots)
- MK2 Tier - The player must select a 2nd tier character - either Kung Lao, Kitana, or Shang (2 slots)
- MK3 Tier - The player must select a 3Rd tier character - either Scorpion, Raiden, or Baraka (2 slots)
- Garbage Tier - The player must select either Cage, Sub Zero, or Reptile (2 slots)
- Mirror Match - Regardless of who lands on this space, player 1 must random select and player 2 must choose the same character. This slot trumps all others except in cases where the opposing player can perform a swap, and Kutthroat Kombat. (2 slots)
- Shao Kahn- The player landing on this spot waits to see his opponent. The Player landing on Shao Kahn must force two players of their choosing to battle it out in a free select match. (Both players free to choose their character.) If both of the originally chosen players happen to land on Shao Kahn, then both P1 and P2 select another player to fight in their respective places. Players who are forced to fight as a result of landing on this space do NOT get a spin of the wheel. (1 slot)
- Kintaro - The player MUST fight, but can choose their opponent in a free select match (both players free to choose their character) (1 slot)
- Noob Saibot - The player landing on this spot may not lose a single game in the match, which will be free select. Loss of a game will result in a loss of the match and elimination from the tournament. (1 slot)
- Shinnok - The player faces the judgement of the fallen Elder God. The player will be forced to play with a low tier character under Noob Saibot+ rules. (Low Tier + Cannot lose a round). In addition, players landing on this slot receive a strike. 3 strikes will result in being eliminated from the contest. Should the player forced to play under these conditions manage to win, it will result in the ressurection of a RANDOMLY CHOSEN previously defeated player. The resurrected player will immediately be given a new spin and allowed to continue on in the tournament. A resurrected player cannot be revived a second time. (1 slot)
- KUTTHROAT KOMBAT - This slot trumps all others. When a player lands on KK, both players enter into an auction for two randomly chosen sabotage items. Both players will spin the wheel to determine who gets sabotaged. Each slot on the wheel will be numbered 1-16.(wheel must make one full revolution to be considered a true spin) Whoever spins the highest number on the wheel gets to sabotage the opponent. The opposing player will then have the option to play with the sabotage they receieved, or spin the wheel a second time for the other sabotage item. Same rules apply, highest number spun wins and forces the loser to take the sabotage item. This means that both players could wind up sabotaged and handicapped or one player could be DOUBLE sabotaged.(2 slots)
- Single elimination
- Matches are best of three
- The final match will be best of 5 (first to 3), free select.
- The wheel must make one complete turn on all spins.