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My dream guest character for MKX: Riddick!


"You think you bad? Pffft, You ain't bad.."
What's up TYM, so when I was at BLT last night (NorCal's weekly injustice local) the topic of guest MKX characters briefly came up. I am a pretty big nerd when it comes to stuff like this. I'm a huge fan of properties like Alien, Predator, Judge Dread, Solid Snake/Big Boss, etc. These characters are obviously fantastic choices for MKX and I would be hype as hell to see any one of them make it into the game, but there is one character that I never really see anyone mentioning. I have no doubt people have suggested this character and I'm just free as funk and haven't noticed, for this I apologize in advance. Even so, I still wanted to make this thread just to see how many fans there are of this particular character.

So without further delay, the character I'm referring to is none other than:


I absolutely love this character. It's not even that I think the movies are jaw droppingly amazing (because honestly they're not). It's the character himself. His lore and world that he inhabits is one of my absolute favorites. Personally, I hated the second movie. I love the world they tried to flesh out, but I felt the movie lost its soul. Riddick became an a-typical action hero, where as in the original pitch black (which was fantastic) he was always see-sawing that grey line between good and evil. The movie was also PG-13 and that bugged me to no end. Thankfully, the recent Riddick movie brought him back where he belongs: in the realm of all time greatest badasses. It had Riddick being Riddick and thats about all I needed for it to be one of my favorite movies of that year.

Then there are the games. The Xbox masterpiece The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is till this day, regarded as one the all time great first person shooters. The subsequent sequel was received with a very mixed reception, but personally, I loved it. I thought it was a worthy sequel, but maybe that's because I had absolutely no expectation of it being as amazing as EFBB. The fact that it was packaged with an updated, graphically enhanced remaster of EFBB was also pretty freaking awesome.

I apologize for the fanboy rant, back to MKX.

So, I think Riddick would fit in gloriously with the MKX roster for these reasons.

1.) He is just as violent and physically capable as pretty much anyone in the MK universe. He is a master assassin, he is a borderline ninja in terms of stealth, he has insane strength and conditioning, he has his eye shine ability, he has vast knowledge of guns and weapons, and probably the most deadly of all his skills, his mastery of knives and blades.

2.) The games that he has already appeared in are very mature and dark. Vin Diesel himself is a big gamer and actually owns what used to be Tigon Studios. He's said himself that his favorite character he's ever played is Riddick, and the man personally financed the third film in order to keep it R-rated and return the character back to his roots. Suffice it to say, he loves Riddick, and he loves games. Win-Win.

3.) He would have absolutely gdlke fatalities!!! Hell, his executions in Dark Athena are already so like MK fatalities, they would make Ed Boon's beautiful eyebrows raise with delight. (Double Sabre Claws to the face? YES PLEASE!)

4.) VARIATIONS! Thinking about the possible variations he would have makes me Aquaman's trait myself. Variation A: Eye Shine Assassin. He could have unique properties that involve his trademark Eye Shine such as an eye shine zoning tool, stealth-kill looking command grabs a-la Bane and Grundy WC (since he always goes into stealth kill mode when he takes his goggles off), and even an eye shine activation that gives him unique buffs or even parries. AND, lets not forget, he would not be wearing his goggles the whole time, which would look so cool.

Variation B: Sabre Claw Master. This variation would include his signature Sabre Claw Blades. If you don't know what those are, just imagine wearing brass knuckles, only you have long blades curving from your knuckles back towards your wrists. This variation would obviously involve a lot of knife related special moves and combos as well as potential knife zoning! I can see him being very rushdown and agile in this variation.

Variation C: Hound Master. Basically Quan Chi's summoner variation, only replace the demons with that badass hound in Riddick (the 2013 movie). Possible animality ender? Nuff said.

Honorary Variation mention: Lord Marshal Riddick, basically king of the Necromongers Riddick? A lot to work with there as well.

There can be many others, these were just off the top of my head and obviously, NetherRealm would do a waaaaaaaay better job at fleshing Riddick out. Please tell me your variation ideas and ideas for special moves!

So thats pretty much it. I really love this character and I would lose my shit if he actually made it into MKX. I know that the possibility of that is pretty small (seeing how other equally awesome characters are way more mainstream)... but a guy can dream, can't he?

So who else here would like to see Riddick in MKX? Please tag whoever you know that likes Riddick!

*Side conversation topic for my Riddick guys: Why is there no Riddick Comic? Seems like such a sure fire hit..

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Dojo Trainee
Predator would fit perfectly in MKX. With all those weapons he has, they could easily come up with his variations. Plus he would look cool in the jungle stage ha. I think he has a high chance. Not here for them other horror characters. Also people want Sweettooth? Wtf... No


It would make sense and work decently. Just have to get the owners of the riddick rights to sign off on him getting brutally murdered.


"You think you bad? Pffft, You ain't bad.."
Predator would fit perfectly in MKX. With all those weapons he has, they could easily come up with his variations. Plus he would look cool in the jungle stage ha. I think he has a high chance. Not here for them other horror characters. Also people want Sweettooth? Wtf... No
I love predator but the only thing that holds me back with him is that cyrax and sector are already predator lol.. They are all so similar aesthetically. I would still be psyched to see him in mkx though not gonna lie


Come On Die Young
I was thinking this couldn't happen because Riddick is owned by Universal, not WB.

But then I read Vin Diesel actually bought the rights to the character. So maybe they could use him.

But they'll more likely use a character from a WB-owned franchise.


You picked a bad time to get lost friend
I'd personally love Fulgore to make an appearance on the Xbox side, especially if no robots make the final roster.

He could have some interesting variations to say the least.


Meta saltmine
I'd personally love Fulgore to make an appearance on the Xbox side, especially if no robots make the final roster.

He could have some interesting variations to say the least.
I imagine futuristic geologists will find unmatched rock salt deposits here if that happens while Sektor is left out.


I thought you were gonna say Rorschach :)

Ever since I saw the character silhouette with what appears to be a Fedora, I've suspected that he will be a guest character. He could easily have a variation basee on counters, as he tends to often do while breaking bones, but I'm at a loss as far as the rest of the design.

NRS relationship with DC comics is what gave me the idea in the first place, even before seeing the silhouette.


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
My personal choice for dream guest character is right there in my avatar. Its not as far fetched as youd think either considering MK1 Cage ripped directly from Van Dammes Bloodsport. Chong Li would be epic if not for being outdated.