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(Supposedly) Polish Magazine Reveals Kabal as Living Tower Modification and Fujin as....(Spoilers)


If this is true then, thank fuck. Kabal being revealed as playable would have severely damaged the hype I have for the game.

This Fujin stuff is getting me real excited, though. Holy shit, if he is somehow the Big Bad, I'll wet myself. From both marking out and terror.


Here... I am a god!
Hmm.. I dunno how to feel about that. I really thought Shinnok was going to be THE big bad, seeing as they showed him in the end of MK9 and all. But why Fujin? Feels weird to me but oh well, we'll see.


@REDRUM you prob wanna see this being a Fujin fan.
thanks for the tag...(big fan of The Fart God , i mean God of Wind)

Was hoping id see some Polish jokes... jk..

But onto Fujin... Since Raiden almost killed Fujin by accident when he uses that dagger in the Sky Temple and Fujin says "You never listen Raiden" as he has a giant whole in his chest because of Raiden essentially, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Fujin becomes more and more tired of Raiden and turns ... but this is pure speculation...


thanks for the tag...

Was hoping id see some Polish jokes... jk..

But onto Fujin... Since Raiden almost killed Fujin by accident when he uses that dagger in the Sky Temple and Fujin says "You never listen Raiden" as he has a giant whole in his chest maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Fujin becomes more and more tired of Raiden... but this is pure speculation...
The whole "the elements went wild" part could also lead to "Fire God Liu Kang" and his resurrection (and possible alignment with Fujin instead of Raiden). Again, purely speculative as none of this information from the magazine is even confirmed.


TYM resident party pooper
while I don't want Kabal back (never liked the character), these tower modifications have made me a bit irritated... where's the modifications with characters that are playable? Just to confirm or disconfim characters.

Is NRS seriously not giving Rain a spot on the main roster in yet another fucking mortal kombat game? WTF? The character has a big fanbase and yet he's by far the least developed character in the entire franchise.

Here's his entire bio: He is an edenian prince who joined Shao Kahn for power and happens to be a demi-god as he's half Elder God half edenian. That's it.
Even Mokap has a more extensive bio.

Also... Fujin rocks. His design in the comics rocks.
Fujin has to be playable because so far MKX is disappointing as fuck to me in terms of roster.
... Now I keep it in my chest for long enough, i guess..

Now I like RAIN so SO much and I rly want him to be playable more than anything!. But Im not the kinda guy who will go against NRS and mkx just for not getting wt he wanted.

when something is revealed or a trailer is uploaded ...etc. I was just discussing it with my frndz and never actually commented on anything be4 in the internet. But this comment pushed me to my threshold :

"" Is NRS seriously not giving Rain a spot on the main roster in yet another fucking mortal kombat game? WTF? The character has a big fanbase and yet he's by far the least developed character in the entire franchise. ""

I 100% agree with that ( and btw I didnt like RAIN being a DLC in mk9 at all ), but I have more to say.

Now if rain is just not there I will be a little upset - obviously - but the thing is that NRS/ED BOON are giving us too many irritating responses about RAIN.

The only char that a lot of ppl are asking for that almost got officially DECONFIRMED is RAIN !!!

1- In an interview with ED, he answered the quastion ( is RAIN going to be there as a DLC ? ) with : the chances that rain is gna come back as a DLC is less likely , we wanna keep things fresh ! ( I know he meant as a DLC and not as a "playable char".

2- in another interview he said chances of RAIN being in ( in general ) is low.

3- he tweeted a picture with 5 ninjas with different colors with 2 guys looking at them and one of the guys is saying : " the one on the left looks suspicious ". Now with the others containing sub-zero, scorpion, reptile that could mean he is the only ninja thats not gna make it ( and they were all the same nothing actually looked suspicious about RAIN in the pic) !.

4- A guy sent him a pic of Reiko i guess but it looked like nightwolf -with that feather thing on his head- and the guy wrote : plz bring him back and ED replied : " bring who back Reiko-wolf-rain ?
i have no idea why did he include rain, but I thought it meant that none of these is returning so it was like saying " who do u mean from those ? cuz we havent done any of them anyways ".

5- After a lot of us got the ERMAC-hint be4 his reveal, ed tweeted a fatality with audio alone and that we ll know what was goin on in the video the next day ( in the live stream ).
Actually this was very very irritating to me cuz it was SOOO clear that he wanted us to think that it is RAIN and we knew that it was not gna be him cuz why would he give us such a very clear hint ? aside from the fact that it was known that we were going to have 1 char reveal the next day.

6- this tower modification thing... again this was like saying " KEEP CRYING RAIN's FANS CUZ NO IM NOT BRINGING HIM BACK :p ).

7- A lot of other tweets where he was just saying ( yes I mean RAIN and therefore dont get excited cuz I wouldn't tell u that he is in if he was really in )!.

This was my humble interpretation of wts goin on about RAIN ..

I hope a miracle occurs soon -who knows- but it pissed me off that his fans were treated that way.

and sorry for all of u fellow RAIN fans...

one more thing: RAIN havent been in any of MK 1-3 , Im sure he can fit perfectly in the story of mkx, a lot of ppl like him, he can easily have 3 variations, he appeared less than a lot of other chars... BUT YET HE IS OUT !!!

It is what it is ... i think they preferred having 9 variations of the same char than having a spot for RAIN ( cassie + sonya + johnny ).

and I apologize if this is not the right place for this comment / it disturbed any of u guys.

respect to all of you

Elder God

I think this is only a challenge in the tower, maybe Fujin will be playable and die during the story and you can found this reference on the tower.
I'm sand about Fujin death, but the most important thing after all is Fujin playable in MKX.


TYM resident party pooper
completely agree with petros.

I'm not gonna talk smack about Cassie, because female cocky fighters are one of the two type of female characters that I actually like seeing and playing as in fighting games. But with her in, why the fuck would we need Sonya? Actually out of all the MK9 characters, the one thing that made me really happy about Cassie (and at first I didn't like her) was that Sonya was likely out. Of course not. And likely we're also getting JAX and JACQUI.

Not to mention that OUT OF ALL the ninjas RAIN HAS THE MOST abilities to warrant 3 variations.
Super strenght (super kicks)

He has three different abilities that wouldn't need to be made up like Scorpion now throwing a fireball or summoning skeletons or simply using his swords.

It makes me mad time and time again despite having my favorites dropped in nearly every game.
SoulCalibur- Hwang, my favorite, has been dropped since SoulCalibur 2. He was my main in SoulBlade and SoulCalibur 1. He got an updated moveset in SoulCalibur 3 arcade edition but in SoulCalibur 4 they brought everyone, including a loli character who got an updated moveset in SC3 AE, minus Li Long and Hwang.

Tekken- I have two favorites in this. Both were dropped in tekken 3. Kazuya and Baek. They returned but now in tekken 7 Baek is dropped again.

Street Fighter- Guy was dropped in SF3. He only returned in SSF4. Currently not in SF5. Hopefully part of the next batch of characters (season 2 of SF5)

Dead or Alive- Ein is my favorite. They dropped him in the vanilla version of DoA 5.

It sucks. My favorites aren't given chances to gather more fans and thus increasing the odds of them showing up in the next games.