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13 of 24 confirmed (not including DLC)...so who's next?

Arkane Slim

I did a lot but I never hated...
So, I'm sitting here impatiently waiting for MKX information and I start to wonder about the cast list. Many of us recall back in July, Ed said there would be more new characters than any other MK game. So far we've only been introduced to 4 new characters out of the 13 revealed. If you are an optimist like myself than you are probably hoping to see more new characters.

However, like others may have analyzed, to me new characters mean brand new to the series and not somebody that wasn't in MK9. So my questions are: How many brand new characters will we see? How many returning MK series characters will we see? And how many more characters in MK9 show up in MKX?

I'm going to answer these in reverse order but of course all answers are speculations (except this first answer, that's pretty much fact). None of these include the DLC because its an optional service.

- MK9 characters in the game are; Scorpion(Hanzo), Sub-Zero (?), Raiden, Kano, Quan Chi, Kung-Lao, Kitana, Reptile & Ermac. That is 9 out of the 13. The other 4 are the new jacks; Ferra/Torr, D'Vorah, Kotal Kahn, and Cassie Cage.

- Going back to the MK9 story mode, the reboot of the series MK 1 - 3, all those characters between 1 & 3 were included and playable. Quan Chi was the only extra addition in which his video game debut was in MK4. ( and obviously Motaro from MK3 was excluded). With that said, some of us thought the story mode would be more realistic and not have characters returned that were killed but after seeing Kitana, I just knew anything goes in the MK universe. BTW, I wasn't convinced of this theory when I saw Kung Lao because this still could be the Great Kung Lao. If Shang Tsung can have his youth back then why can't the Great Kung Lao?

Anyhow, this leads to the question of who else from MK9 will return? I think characters like Mileena, Jax, Liu Kang & Baraka are the highly probable ones. I still have speculations of Shang Tsung being the surprise boss character but I won't count him in the numbers. Also, I think we got all of our male ninjas and Ed seems to be going away from the "Ninjas" So right now, I count 4 more returning from MK9. (Total of 17 "known" characters)

As far as MK Series returning characters, it's highly probable that Shinnok will return. However, here are others I believe will show up; Havik (big role in story, possible "surprise" boss), Mavado, Reiko, & Tanya. That makes 22 characters. I do think there will be five returning characters from the MK series that was not in MK9

- if my math is right, that leaves 2 characters who I think are brand spanking new. All in All that makes 6 new characters for the full 24 roster. I actually hope I'm wrong and I can omit characters like Liu Kang ( leave him to be a DLC) and Baraka (never really liked him) but at the pace NRS is going, it's looking like only 6 new characters. I'm not going to speculate who the new two are.

Technically it is FAR from the most they've introduced (They've introduced 11 in MKDA). At this point, I'm hopeful of returning MK series characters. I would love to see Havik, Mavado, Reiko & Tanya because I think they would fit well into the story mode.

I will say this: I think they are doing away with the "shoto" concept. Meaning characters that were "alike" in the past..well only one of that archetype will make it in.
-- For example, With Goro and Ferra/Torr in, I don't think we will see too many "big characters". Plus I don't see an over abundance of Shokans being playable so probably no Sheeva, Kintaro, Motaro and we pretty much see the state of Moloch.
-- With my poor Jade being hinted as seeing her demise and ot being playable, I don't think there will be room for female ninjas other than Mileena & Kitana. So I don't expect to see Skarlet.
-- Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile & Ermac are the male ninjas and I hope that's it for them. But with Reptile & Ermac going away from that traditional MK ninja look, we may see room for Smoke. I do have a different theory for Smoke, but for now that means no Noob, Rain, & Chameleon.... And thank goodness for that.
- Ermac means...possibly no Kenshi. I said possibly. (Too much Telekinesis going on.)
- Raiden & Kitana means... Possibly no Fujin. (Too much earth like elements and wind going on)
- Cassie means... No Johnny or Sonya. (I don't see NRS making Cassie giving Johnny a nut punch, or Sonya performing a fatality on her daughter. Sorry, not happening)
- Quan Chi/Shinnok (NetherRealm) along with Kotal Kahn/D'Vorah (Outworld)means... More focus on other realms besides Earthrealm...thus, not many Earthrealm playable characters. Which vegans to rule out a bunch of folks.

Sure we could come up with other scenarios, I'm just trying to be sensible here. So, what say you? Lol

Do you agree? Disagree? If so, why or why not?
Reactions: JAP


Jax should be next. He is already so confirmed with pictures and dialogue its not even funny.
Just show him already NRS no need to hide it anymore.
Also i wanna see the new bow guy already.


Plus on block.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I think that the 11 remaining characters to be still revealed yet :
- 3 new characters
- 4 characters from MK universe but that were not present and/or playable in MK9
- 4 characters that were in MK9

My guess based on speculation above :

- no comments
- Tanya and Reiko as possible options; the other 2 , IDK (could be Fujin and whoever)
- Mileena, Liu Kang, Jax and Shang Tsung


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Some of those proclamations are reaches. DLC will plug missing roster holes anyway. Ermac does not mean no kenshi to me and id even say Kenchi is all but confirmed since he was in the comic. I kind of agree about sonya killing her daughter vice versa, seems a bit much. Nut punch to johnny is fine tho. I do see them using the variations as character replacements (jade) wich im ok with. I do want to see Noob tho.

Do you guys really think they would leave Kabal out? No chance, hes pretty much the scorpion for the upper tier of pros since MK3.

Vak Phoenix

my predictions

6.Bo Rai Cho


Jesus, you people never give up and still think since the E3 build had 24 characters, it automatically has 24 characters even though it's been said too many times to count that's not the current roster size.
Well true but people go with it because its the most logical.
MK9 and Injustice didnt change in roster size. Its better to expect less than too much.
Everyone expecting 30 characters in the main roster gonna be just disappointed.
Would be cool to see 30 but im sure we get 26 at max. 24 from the start and 2 secret.
Mokap and Hsu Hao need to be secret until finishing the story mode.:DOGE

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I'm pretty sure in an interview that Ed said that there would be 30-something characters. Just because there's 24 character slots one of the BETA build menus, doesn't mean there has to be 24 characters in the select screen. Right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I've been under this impression for ages. :)
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5.Errow Black
6.Kung Jin


I'm pretty sure in an interview that Ed said that there would be 30-something characters. Just because there's 24 character slots one of the BETA build menus, doesn't mean there has to be 24 characters in the select screen. Right? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes he said "30-something characters" but that can be with DLC included.
We know for sure there gonna be atleast 30 characters but the question is it with or without DLC?


Dojo Trainee
I'm pretty sure in an interview that Ed said that there would be 30-something characters. Just because there's 24 character slots one of the BETA build menus, doesn't mean there has to be 24 characters in the select screen. Right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I've been under this impression for ages. :)
We dont know if he is referreing to 30 something with DLCs or not.


Plus on block.
boon tweeted a picture of them mokaping a telekinetic fatality from a guy looking away and holding his head like kenshi does . He's a super popular character and he has a role in the story. He'll be there.
Could easily be Takeda.

IRC the telekinesis is from the family inherited sword, so Takeda could easily inherit it from Kenshi and get the powers.