The reality of the situation is so real right now. 'A kiss from a rose' is so Seal right now. If he hadn't been consuming enough water, his feces would be so teal right now. Words cannot express how I've been made to feel right now. I found a hair in the middle of my meal right now. It was tragic, cause I was having delicious veal right now. I swatted the plate; it was worthy of a highlight reel right now. I did it because my arm's strong like Neil right now. Everyone agrees that Leffen is so heel right now. Those who didn't watch Apex won't understand my spiel right now. The cringe-worthiness mirrored Shaq's movie Steel right now. Or a marathon watching of Ally McBeal right now. So I turned on the channel to seal the deal right now. Like a conjugal agreement with Jessica Beil right now. A task many would seek with utmost zeal right now. An opportunity that would make grown men squeal right now. Like crying incessantly to onion peels right now. Their manliness wavers and then they kneel right now. Like Zod's quote or likewise of an even keel right now. For their lamentation, they may need to heal right now. Or watch Pat Sajack on an episode of Wheel right now. And guess accurately like a Black Ops Galil right now. It never missed, like Sandra Bullock in Congeal right now. Though that's beyond that point; it's not ideal right now. For like Arma mentioned, the match up is so real right now.