Dude you are the shit. Thanks for all the help. When I get a cc, ima show the the fruits of my labor. Hopefully I can get videos of my invisibility set-ups in match.
Okay so here is me vs revolver, we have familiarity with each other, some usual gimmicks here but you can see especially late in the set some real stuff. The thing that bothers me the most in the MU that isn't the armor is the orb. it's his way of stopping ares from teleporting for FREE. He gets to force a block and either close the space then mix up or nets him a free trait activation. He also is really good at reading teleports and thinknig ahead of me with a mine setup. Mind games. He is not too difficult to block outside of the corner. Lex risks a lot with 50.50's into suck in, Ares punishes like a sum bitch. His hitbox allows for easy conversions off of f2, 3 into instant j1 interact otg which I love. He only has the 1 wake up option, so reversing it in the corner pretty much fucks him. Any hit stun into a j2 is ambigious as hell on him, like 1,1,2 or 2,2 if you have no sword feel free to check him with it. If he throws out an orb close to you force him into a block and time the orb and MB godsmack, he will be waiting for the laser to force a block and will not be scouting it. So you absorb the laser and bnb off gs. Godsmack setups you can delay a sec to beat out WU corpse charge, but its a huge risk. Off a bar being taking or full screen stand off always check with sword to negate trait startup or orbs, helps a lot. Throw a lot of friggin dark energies and tele aways. And theres a small analysis.