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Problem with EXTRA slow startup with MK on Steam

So, here's the problem that I'm having for a very long time. Every time that I launch the game, it needs cca at least 30 seconds to startup. This is a very strange issue due to the fact it runs perfectly with no problems whatsoever once it had started. I have no problems with slow motion or anything similar, I also never had those issues where I couldn't start the game at all, but those are the only issues that I found people reporting about. I haven't seen anyone with the same issue that I have in google and steam forum searches. On top of that, I've already posted similar thread on steam forums several times, but not a single person even responded to it.

Let me tell you some other interesting symptoms of the problem:

- I can make it go away for maybe a few days or at least few hours by deleting and reinstalling my gpu drivers (amd radeon r9 280x). But I strongly doubt the drivers could be the cause of that because everything else runs perfectly on my pc. As mentioned before, the issues always comes back soon, so I have to delete drivers again and again which is a painfull and somewhat pointless process.

- I've been able to solve this (only for limited time again) by installing some c++ visual redists, I don't remember which ones exactly, but it doesn't matter anyway. I still highly doubt the problem lied here, because it came back shortly after again. It seems to me that something is messing with MK on my pc, deleting and reinstalling some stuff makes it go away for a brief period of time, but it always reappears shortly after. It seems like the game itself or some other program quickly installs some files that are messing with MK startup and heavily prolong it, but I haven't been able to found the exact cause.

- Similar symptoms than before, I've fixed it once by deleting MKKE folder in %appdata%, but it worked only once! I've tried doing the same every time before starting the game, but with no effect ever since.

Needless to say this slow startup is eating me a lot of nerves, especially due to the fact that MK is my favourite game and basically the only game which I have time to play at the moment. I play it almost every day and having to wait up to a minute for it to launch is just horrible. On the other hand, when I delete GPU drivers and the problem temporarily goes away, the game starts in cca 10 seconds, as it always should.

My pc hardware and software:
- amd fx 8350
- amd radeon r9 280x
- 16 gb of ram
- 256gb samsung ssd
- 1tb wd sata drive (where MK is currently installed)
- windows 7 sp1 ultimate 64bit.

And another thing, I've already tried having MK on SSD too, but it does absolutely no difference. The same problems is constantly happening no matter which drive I install it to.

I beg you for some help on this, I've already lost all hope on Steam forums :(
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Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Wait so your problem is that it takes 30 seconds to load up? Honestly, when that started to happen to me I just lived with it because I don't personally see it as an issue since the game runs fine. I don't even play anymore because when I start inputting buttons my game starts lagging, even offline :/

Wish I could help you but you seemed to have tried everything I would have tried already. The only thing I could suggest is cleaning up your computer by either reinstalling your OS then make sure you have a dedicated HDD for games and a dedicated drive for your OS and a dedicated drive for everything else, haha.

I like to run this program every now and then to get rid of unecessary files that OS's litter everywhere: http://www.stevengould.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=69

I doubt it will help that much though, I just figured something is better than nothing.
Wait so your problem is that it takes 30 seconds to load up? Honestly, when that started to happen to me I just lived with it because I don't personally see it as an issue since the game runs fine. I don't even play anymore because when I start inputting buttons my game starts lagging, even offline :/

Wish I could help you but you seemed to have tried everything I would have tried already. The only thing I could suggest is cleaning up your computer by either reinstalling your OS then make sure you have a dedicated HDD for games and a dedicated drive for your OS and a dedicated drive for everything else, haha.

I like to run this program every now and then to get rid of unecessary files that OS's litter everywhere: http://www.stevengould.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=69

I doubt it will help that much though, I just figured something is better than nothing.
Thanks man, as you said, anything is better than nothing and I'm happy at least someone responded pretty quick, unlike Steam forums. I'll try running this program as u recommended.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Yeah I already thought about my CPU having something to do with this, I kinda doubt the graphics card is to blame, but who would even know, it could be anything really...
It could just be shitty programming. Sometimes it takes awhile for me to launch as well.

Injustice itself takes a few minutes the first launch. After that its quick for the day.


At least you can play it.
Mine it loads the first time after download then it never worked again.
And Injustice it has the slowdown bug that you need to get into Joker's asylum do a transition and mash pause until the end. It was over a minute to do this so I quit the pc games by nrs that are all bad ports.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
At least you can play it.
Mine it loads the first time after download then it never worked again.
And Injustice it has the slowdown bug that you need to get into Joker's asylum do a transition and mash pause until the end. It was over a minute to do this so I quit the pc games by nrs that are all bad ports.
Yea, blame it on NRS.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Aren't AMD drivers notoriously garbage? I'd post in the Steam community page since we aren't the best people to ask.


I want Kronika to step on my face
I used to had that problem with my old laptop. It would run the game fine but it takes like a minute to start. It's a bit annoying for the first 60 seconds but then it's not a big deal.
The problem was gone when I got a better laptop. I doubt there's much you can do about it.