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In a slump


UPR DanableLector
I have no one to play MK with offline. The only practice I get is by myself, against the cpu, and onilne. I used to do quite well online, now I am garbage. What has happened to my game!? I main Raiden, but Ive been getting lit up lately by players who i should dominate (Not to say im any sort of pro, but im far from a noob) I freeze up in front of a solid rush down, get crossed over all the time, get hit by random specials, and xrays all day. I am in a big time slump! Anyone else ever hit a slump like this? I am at an all time low!
Your problem is that you bother with the highly predictable CPU. Playing against the CPU makes you worse IMO.. at least it does for me. I didn't lose a match yesterday until I attempted to get the "You Found Me" achievement. After i did.. I lost 5 matches in a row on XBL. Playing the CPU gives you habits you really don't need against real people!



UPR DanableLector
Well that worries me even more, because i dont play the cpu often if ever. I just meant to list my only means of competition. I think what messes me up maybe is playing online against extreme casual players, and then really good players. The casuals gets you in the habit of throwing out things that are unsafe, which get you in trouble against good players.. conversely i have issues going from good players to casuals because of the unpredictable nature. there are things i get caught by from time to time because its almost like i assume there is no way in hell they would try something so unsafe.


Online Punching Bag
Maybe its because alot of Raiden players play similarly and people have just gotten more used to them. They used to seem near impossible to beat when they first came out but now I find Raiden mostly manageable unless I go up a really good one. Alot of people I'm assuming myself included have just learned how Raiden plays and we know what to expect. Maybe change up your playstyle so you don't play like all the rest and maybe people won't expect it.


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
I think everyone has there good days, and bad days. most the time i do pretty good, i can handle spammers, and hold my own against higher level players, but every now and then good ol mr duck block scorpion will get me, or just like you said, i will get hit with random xrays, specials, ect...
I find myself getting bored of my main as well, ( cyrax ) not to say i don't love that robot, but after so long i get restless and need a switch up for a day or so.


Aquaman is dead lel
Maybe its because alot of Raiden players play similarly and people have just gotten more used to them. They used to seem near impossible to beat when they first came out but now I find Raiden mostly manageable unless I go up a really good one. Alot of people I'm assuming myself included have just learned how Raiden plays and we know what to expect. Maybe change up your playstyle so you don't play like all the rest and maybe people won't expect it.
Good Raiden online? You must be kidding me.


Your problem is that you bother with the highly predictable CPU. Playing against the CPU makes you worse IMO.. at least it does for me. I didn't lose a match yesterday until I attempted to get the "You Found Me" achievement. After i did.. I lost 5 matches in a row on XBL. Playing the CPU gives you habits you really don't need against real people!
Its not toally useless. Also trying to get You Found Me, and fighting Tsung gave me chance to practice my combos. Also it helps to try out what the best punishment for a specific move is.

I was much better online after I tried yesterday as once I setup my combo, I was executing it more consistently.

Still haven't gotten the trophy yet though... *sigh*

Maybe its because alot of Raiden players play similarly and people have just gotten more used to them. They used to seem near impossible to beat when they first came out but now I find Raiden mostly manageable unless I go up a really good one. Alot of people I'm assuming myself included have just learned how Raiden plays and we know what to expect. Maybe change up your playstyle so you don't play like all the rest and maybe people won't expect it.
I agree with this. Most Raidens play the same boring thing. I have to be careful and precise (as you can online, anyway), but the typical playstyle is pretty well known.

The Raidens I have the most problems with are the ones that DONT teleport alot and mix it up. I play Kitty and playing the average Raiden has made very patient.