Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Fair enough, valid point.Maybe there's a reason more people played Superman than Batgirl? Could it be that he was far more OP? That's the whole argument here. You're trying to debate semantics to save face, while ignoring the real point at hand.
Also, the idea that quantity increases the chances of a character winning is utter bullshit. Do you have data as to how many players played Batgirl at EVO 2014? Even if there were 20 batgirl players, who cares when only one or two of them are any good?
And finally, my argument was not baseless. It was based on a common fact that YOU were oblivious to. When I make a claim that is correct, you could at least research before calling it baseless. That has to be the dumbest line of thinking I've seen in a while. So if I somehow was not aware of who won KIT, and claim that MMH has never won a major outside of the EC, and you reply "yes, he has, Jupiter won KIT" but don't provide a link to the results, does that make your argument baseless, or me ignorant? Because all I did was point out how KDZ, Slayer and Theo were Superman mains initially. Which was a fact.
Good to see that #YearOfTheYouph means you're still making cringe-worthy posts.
As far as condescension, be my guest and condescend, but at least be fucking right.
Because there's more than one or two Batgirl players in the entire world, and most of the better ones obviously couldn't make it to EVO. Pretty obvious.
It was baseless because you didn't back it up with any sort of evidence, like how many matchups Slayer played as Superman for example since he played both Superman and Wonder Woman. You seemed to be fine with counting up how many MIT played with Batgirl, so why not do the same for yourself? When you make a claim, don't expect me to do YOUR work. If you're going to claim something have the common sense to back it up instead of just wording your post so that you sound like you're right even without evidence.
Aren't you a lawyer? Isn't part of your JOB making arguments AND backing them up with evidence? Or do you just make empty claims and expect people to know what you're talking about?
If you claimed Jupiter never won a major outside of EC and I said yes he won KIT without any sort of evidence then both my argument would be just as baseless as yours until proven otherwise and you would be ignorant for not having researched it previously. I would expect to be asked to prove it for it to be a legit argument. Empty claims mean nothing without evidence. Once I was called out on not providing evidence I would then go and find it and back up my argument. It's not hard, it's common sense.
Glad to see you think you can treat TYM like lessers even though you yourself have about as much credibility as I do.
No, I will not condescend. I am not going to stoop to your level. I try and keep my posts to a tone as if I were talking to someone of an equal position but you don't seem to have that attitude for some reason although you have proved absolutely nothing in this community competition-wise. The same as I.
But at least I provide something useful to this site like tech. Have you noticed that most of the threads you're in happen to turn into arguments? Why do you think that is?