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An Aussie video!

Hello all,

Just thought I would post this:

Just a quick cam job of x5iVE STAR and I battling on Xbox Live. We figured theres no really any videos of Australian players so we thought we'd give it a shot.

Probably not the best from both of us, although I do manage to get a 49% x-ray combo at one point (which is amazing to do online).

5STAR is maining Kung Lao and I'm attempting to main Sektor. It's a bit hard for us over here :( (due to the game being banned from sale), theres a small selection of players and a small time frame when we are all online together.

Comments extremely welcome.. we are just trying to learn more and more :)

PS: Apologies for the camera being on a tiny angle.. makes it a bit awkward. Also, apologies for my talking on the XBL mic throughout the match :/



not quite a stunning display of class but a fast and close game with a decent sektor combo by chem (awesome sektor)

hopefully chem and myself will record more games in future and perhaps more characters!

look forward to TYM criticism and advice :)


Joker here~
Woohoo other Aussies!!!
I only play on psn
dam it lol
havent watch the vid yet cuz on mobile
but i'll be sure to check it out once i get home


You random uppercut too much Chem :p. Main reason I beat you so easily with my main the other night (Cage), got spooned by you with characters that weren't my main though, I stuff around with other chars way too much xD. Relying on random uppercuts is stupid imo, but I did like that you were punishing 5 stars teleports with uppercuts which is what you should be doing lol. But yea other then that you need to get in there more with Sektor take risks find out more safe strings that you can use, do crossovers (maybe not against Lao though because Spin hits fucking everything lol), use enhanced teleports on your combos to get more damage out of it etc etc.

As for you x5ive_Star Eight has a guide for KL players:

Thanks for the replies! :)
5STAR is probably like me.. you get into habits against some people and they stick.. my random uppercuts are one example :)

I couldn't escape your rushdown Ulturas! I remember that match.. it was painful for me (but very good xp).

I'm on after 8 most nights.. Let's do it all again :D



you get into habits against some people and they stick

yep you said it chem - although even at the time we both knew we werent playing our best games, watching over this game offers a great and different perspective that comes in the form of replays if it were any other game. alas, its our beloved MK and there are no replays as far as i know. when i was playing i was on autopilot a lot of the time - totally unsafe and brainless dive kicks and teleports, dropping combos, for example. in future ill keep this in mind while playing and be more innovative in my approach.

anyway, it was some friendly casual games after all, there was no prize money or scenefame riding on this. all's i can say is you will see hopefully a lot more of what myself and chem are capable of in future!


Joker here~
Just watched the vid
Awesome game guys
we needa get our own OZ community going!!!
we got barely any regulars
we need our own thing

Anyways, as for the vid
Pretty good stuff lol
Only stuff i got for you is stop random teleport uppercutting so much lol
You keep getting blocked and punished
also the combo i like to use is if i launch with the teleport uppercut, i njp into f4,4, ex teleport uppercut, b2 flamethrower
if you land the full thing as in
jip, b2 tele uppercut, njp, f4,4, ex teleport uppercut, b2 flamethrower
its about 45%ish

also i might upload some of my vids up here too lol
we need a thread for aussie vids lol
BeiNg able to watch yourself back, even in our friendlies is fantastic IMO.


You need to get an xbox dude, lol. How many PSN people do you usually see? From playing against 5STAR last night we obviously could scrape at least 10 regulars up (on xbl)

And yes.. I rely heavily on jump-back-kick cancels into teleport uppercut.. 5STAR actually adapted to that after only a couple of games lol. The only time I caught him was when he obviously forgot.. After that though I couldn't land another one for the match!



Thanks for the replies! :)
5STAR is probably like me.. you get into habits against some people and they stick.. my random uppercuts are one example :)

I couldn't escape your rushdown Ulturas! I remember that match.. it was painful for me (but very good xp).

I'm on after 8 most nights.. Let's do it all again :D

Haha I remember random uppercuts when the game pretty much first came out people did like jump punch uppercut jump punch uppercut or if someone was blocking jump kick uppercut jumpkick uppercut lol. So many people didn't know how to play at the start but yea agree habits are pretty hard to break it's kinda like me with Scorpion I'll always do a teleport on wakeup even though I shouldn't be doing that at all unless I know they aren't going to block it :p and it's weird like it's 50/50 with Scorp as well with the block button being an enhanced attack so if I try to do a safe teleport (Enhanced) it rarely works on wakeup -_-. Makes zero sense that and negative edge are a real pain in the ass.

Haha I swear you like rage quit out of that KOTH after that match which was kinda my goal xD coz I was getting annoyed at those random uppercuts winning it for you lol, they work... sometimes but majority of the time yea not worth it imo. There's plenty of data on this site to figure out how to play your characters better though :).

yep you said it chem - although even at the time we both knew we werent playing our best games, watching over this game offers a great and different perspective that comes in the form of replays if it were any other game. alas, its our beloved MK and there are no replays as far as i know. when i was playing i was on autopilot a lot of the time - totally unsafe and brainless dive kicks and teleports, dropping combos, for example. in future ill keep this in mind while playing and be more innovative in my approach.

anyway, it was some friendly casual games after all, there was no prize money or scenefame riding on this. all's i can say is you will see hopefully a lot more of what myself and chem are capable of in future!
You always seem like you're trying hard against me lol except the other night I was lagging balls so I couldn't really do much back :(. Love online for us Aussies it always lags or desyncs but generally you get good games I guess :p. But yea it's just like you're playing to have fun so you don't realize you're playing against someone good until you lose a couple of times. Then you try get your head in the game because you get salty from losing lol.


Joker here~

lol cant man, still a school kid
dont have the money, and dont wanna make my parents dish out 400 or however much one is
ps3 is alrite
theres about 5-6 regulars
nothing substantial though
hate when i play koth, and then people be gay and give 1's wen i was giving them 10's the whole time lol


Joker here~

obviously not top notch play :L
i dropped heaps of combos and messed up alot of crap cuz of lag
but hey thought i'd finally upload some vids lol
pardon me and my friend, he was playing limbo and needed help lol