RM NoBrows
Supah hawt fiyah
First of all, I wanna give a huge shoutout to @Clark Luthor and @Decay for taking the time out of there weekend to be able to stream this hype tournament! Really appreciate it, guys.
For those of you who missed out or was busy during the tournament, you guys missed out on some of the hypest matches I've seen from online play. This tournament was stacked with killers (4 RMs in top 8
), and to be taken by the Flash God Lord!
Round 1 - RM Honeybee vs. RM Billy Dha Kid
The Flash god lord vs. the grab immune god lord. the inevitable of RMs meeting to see what RM will continue into winners. The first match started off with a pretty convincing win from Honeybee. The 50/50 game was too stronk! But that didn't shake Billy. Second match comes up and this one not too different from the first. Trying to find a way to stop the worlds fastest man, Billy would have to utilize his characters specialty... "GRUNDY SMASH!". The 3rd match begins, and the speedster was too much for the oversized undead to handle. "GRUNDY NOT LIKE YOU!"
RM Honeybee (Flash)- 3 vs. RM Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 0
Round 2 - FOREVER EL1TE vs. RM Biohazard
Before coming into the tournament, elite was really feeling himself as of late in the Injustice realm (motto on 360 profile- I beat REO 3-1). But would that be enough to take out the venom-addicted brute standing in his way? The first match begins. Elite takes a pretty commanding lead on the first lifebar, but that didn't stop Bio from giving any fucks and armoring his way through everything elite has to throw at him. A few broken backs later, bio takes the first match. Elite wasn't ready to call it quits yet, match 2 starts pretty much the same way as elite convincingly takes the first lifebar. But bio is but a few uppercuts away from evening it up. It's a tight match, but elite throws a few wing dings here and there, getting him the W for match 2. Keeping his cool, bio comes out swinging in match 3. This one comes down to the wire. Both players a touch away from lsing the round, bio throws out a raw backbreaker. MB AND MASH TRAIT FOR THE WIN! Not rattled, elite believes in the dick (grayson) and staff spins his way to a victory in the 4th match. Round 5. Winner takes it. Both down to their final lifebar, bio hits elite. Elite with no other option has to clash. Bane only has one thing to say to NW, "You are petite, no?" With that being said, Bane grabs NW for one last final breaking of the back to take the set.
FOREVER EL1TE (NW)- 2 vs. RM Biohazard (Bane)- 3
Winners Finals- RM Honeybee vs. RM Biohazard
Once I saw that bio and honeybee were both in winners, I knew that they would have to wind up fighting eachother at some point. Unfortunately, this match could not be streamed, so they had to play offline (thank goodness this match wasn't grand finals
RM Honeybee (Flash)- 3 vs. RM Biohazard (NW)- 1
Loser's Round 1- RM Yoaks vs. Bugman
Srsly guyz? SCORPION made top 8? C'MON MAN! All jokes aside, Bugman did not disappoint once throughout the entire tournament, bringing what I thought didn't exist.... SCORPION HYPE. Match 1 begins. Starting out what looked like would be a close set, Bug's setups and vortex was too much for the man man to handle. Nuke shells and hook charging wouldn't get the Czarnian out of this predicament. Bugman takes the first set. Not ready to give up yet, yoaks is ready to liven up this joint. Match 2 comes down to the wire. BUGMAN GOT THE VORTEX! It comes down to one guess ruling them all. He goes for the crossup j3. Yoaks is ready for it, already walking forward. BUT HE DOESNT HIT 3 AND GOES FOR A TELE?! No one saw it coming, as bugman takes the second match. Starting to get rattled, Yoaks isn't ready to give up yet. Match 3 starts and scorpions vortex is too much to handle. 20% here and 20% there, bug vortexes his way to the W for the set.
RM Yoaks (Lobo)- 0 vs. Bugman (Scorpion)- 3
Loser's Round 2- STB Shujinkydink vs. NeckBreakerx
NeckBreakerx with his troll post "Is there anyone who isn't free on XBL" gave me a good laugh beofre the tournament. BUT WAS IT A TROLL THREAD?! I put that into serious consideration once I saw what he was capable with with Zatanna, taking FOREVER KING out of the tournament in losers after losing to him in the beginning of the tournament. This dude is not to be slept on, and dink knew what he would be going up against (a MU in his favor
). Match one begins. Dink takes a nice life lead while neckbreaker is desperately looking for something to open up martian. After evening up the life, dink is but a few safe OH teles away from taking the match. He gets a confirmed hit and teles away taking the first match. Going into his arsenal, Neckbreaker pulls out his WoWo in an attempt to better his results. But this wouldn't help as dink takes the second match. Neckbreaker chooses to go back to Zatanna, but this time gets the results he wanted. Match 3 starts and zatanna starts off strong with some swag setups I've never seen before. Then comes the vortex, the ever so sexy vortex. IA j1 crossups for days as Neckbreaker takes match 3. Dink, after yelling at the tv "WILL YOU NOT LISTEN TO REASON?!", composes himself for what would be the final match in the set. Both players coming out of the gate strong, it's just about tied up in health. One blow after another, it comes down to the wire. Neckbreaker makes the ultimate mistake of teleporting at the wrong time. Dink reads the tele with a tele of his own FTW.
STB Shujinkydink (MMH)- 3 vs. NeckBreakerx (Zatanna, WoWo)- 1
Losers Quarterfinals- FOREVER EL1TE vs. Bugman
On a serious note, who thought Scorpion would make it this deep into a tournament? I never saw this coming and I couldn't be happier to see what this character is truly capable of under the right hands. Match one begins. Scorpion throwing out hellfire, NW throwing out wing dings. Scorpion tele's, NW staff spins! The fight goes back and forth, until bugman converts a vortex! This is it, one guess to rule them all! Elite guesses wrong, costing him the first match. Elite breaks out the hot sauce and goes to work in round 2. Not letting up an inch, NW staff spin and 50/50's are too strong for scorpion to handle as elite takes the second match. Keeping his composure, bugman is ready for match 3. Getting back to his roots, bugman is back to his old self and vortexing left and right for his second win in the set. Elite isn't about to call it quits yet with his secrot top tier character. He shows us all why he says NW is secrot top tier, taking a pretty convincing win to tie the set up. Final match. Winner takes all. Both players wasting no time getting into it. The entire match is down to the wire. BUGMAN HITS A LOW TO START THE VORTEX! It comes down to this again, one guess to rule them all! He teles again to start the vortex. He stares his opponent down and then it happens... GRAB FOR THE WIN!
FOREVER EL1TE (NW)- 2 vs. Bugman (Scorpion)- 3
Losers Quarterfinals- Billy Dha Kid vs. STB Shujinkydink
GRUNDY NOT LIKE YOU! The first match starts as they go at it. Dink throwing out orbs left and right. Billy taking his time to get in on martian pays off. A walking corpse here and there, he gets the pressure going and hits a combo for the reset! B1 walking corpse cancel to keep the pressure on dink. Slowly but surely pushing martians back to the wall, Billy takes the first match. Dink, finding himself yelling at the tv again, "YOU CANNOT BEST MARTIAN MIGHT!", is able to pull himself together for the start of the second match. Dink starts showing off some nice spacing while traited up. The undead brute can't handle the martian might, taking match two. Dink starts popping off at the tv "YOU'RE MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF!". But Billy was avid on proving dink wrong, showing who the fool really is. Grundy smashes through the next two matches to take the set. "LITTLE MAN FIT IN POCKET!"
Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 3 vs. STB Shujinkydink (MMH)- 1
Losers Semifinals- Bugman vs. Billy Dha Kid
The two meet again in this tourney as they came out of the same pool. Will the results be the same?
Match 1 begins. Billy, afraid to walking corpse because of scorpions tele, billy patiently walks in on bugman. Then doing what he was afraid to do, bugman takes advantage of billy's mistake with a mb tele to start the vortex up. After making a right guess, billy works his way to corner bugman, where he would stay as billy takes the first round. Bugman, determined to not have the same results from the first set the day before, gets a second wind. Match two starts and bug is looking stronger than ever. Hit confirms a tele and gets the wheels spinning. Full of gimmicks billy wasn't ready for, bugman takes the second match. "GRUNDY CRUSH TINY ANT" is what billy is thinking going into the third match. Once again, grundy works his way to the corner, pushing scorpions back to the wall once again. Grundy's corner game is too much for scorpion to handle, as billy takes the third match. Bugman is determined to prove himself, as he trades punch for punch with grundy until he hits him with the spear! "GET OVER HERE!". He starts up the vortex again, goes for the crossup j3, BUT TELES INSTEAD OF THE J3 AGAIN! WHO DOES THAT?! Bugman takes the fourth match. It comes down to the last game to see who will play the breaker of backs. Bugman becomes jump happy in the last game. JUST AIR GRAB HIM MAN! Billy finally dashes in and air grabs him and continues the pressure. After one wrong guess, billy takes the set!
Bugman (Scorpion)- 2 vs. Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 3
Losers Finals- Biohazard vs. Billy Dha Kid
Trying to give the breaker of backs a break, bio goes into his arsenal to pull out his dick (grayson). I don't know if anyone has ever told bio this, but billy has a nickname. BILLY DHA NIGHTWING KILLA. Billy wastes no time pounding Bio's dick (grayson) into the ground.
Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 3 vs. Biohazard (NW)- 0
Grand Finals- Billy Dha Kid vs. Honeybee
This is how I would have felt going up against the flash god lord with grundy ^^
So it begins, Grand finals. Like their last set, honeybee starts off looking untouchable and just flat out too fast for the undead brute to take the first match. Billy feeling the hurt of this dumb MU, hes ready for the next match. Match two starts. Billy starts off pretty strong with the undead strength of grundy to take a very close match two. Honeybee pulling out all of his setups, its too much to handle for the slow grundy. Desperate to find an answer for the flash, Billy thinks to himself "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em" and chooses.... THE FLASH!? Honeybee thinking to himself as he lets out a little chuckle "why you mirroring me, bro?". Honeybee wastes no time taking out billy's flash to take the tournament!
Billy Dha Kid (Grundy, Flash)- 1 vs. Honeybee (flash)- 3
1. RM @HoneyBee
2. RM @Billy Dha Kid
3. @RM_Biohazard
4. @Bugman
T5. @STB Shujinkydink
T7. @NeckBreakerX
T7. RM @Yoaksssss
@RM GamerBlake
For those of you who missed out or was busy during the tournament, you guys missed out on some of the hypest matches I've seen from online play. This tournament was stacked with killers (4 RMs in top 8

), and to be taken by the Flash God Lord!
Round 1 - RM Honeybee vs. RM Billy Dha Kid
The Flash god lord vs. the grab immune god lord. the inevitable of RMs meeting to see what RM will continue into winners. The first match started off with a pretty convincing win from Honeybee. The 50/50 game was too stronk! But that didn't shake Billy. Second match comes up and this one not too different from the first. Trying to find a way to stop the worlds fastest man, Billy would have to utilize his characters specialty... "GRUNDY SMASH!". The 3rd match begins, and the speedster was too much for the oversized undead to handle. "GRUNDY NOT LIKE YOU!"
RM Honeybee (Flash)- 3 vs. RM Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 0
Round 2 - FOREVER EL1TE vs. RM Biohazard
Before coming into the tournament, elite was really feeling himself as of late in the Injustice realm (motto on 360 profile- I beat REO 3-1). But would that be enough to take out the venom-addicted brute standing in his way? The first match begins. Elite takes a pretty commanding lead on the first lifebar, but that didn't stop Bio from giving any fucks and armoring his way through everything elite has to throw at him. A few broken backs later, bio takes the first match. Elite wasn't ready to call it quits yet, match 2 starts pretty much the same way as elite convincingly takes the first lifebar. But bio is but a few uppercuts away from evening it up. It's a tight match, but elite throws a few wing dings here and there, getting him the W for match 2. Keeping his cool, bio comes out swinging in match 3. This one comes down to the wire. Both players a touch away from lsing the round, bio throws out a raw backbreaker. MB AND MASH TRAIT FOR THE WIN! Not rattled, elite believes in the dick (grayson) and staff spins his way to a victory in the 4th match. Round 5. Winner takes it. Both down to their final lifebar, bio hits elite. Elite with no other option has to clash. Bane only has one thing to say to NW, "You are petite, no?" With that being said, Bane grabs NW for one last final breaking of the back to take the set.
FOREVER EL1TE (NW)- 2 vs. RM Biohazard (Bane)- 3
Winners Finals- RM Honeybee vs. RM Biohazard
Once I saw that bio and honeybee were both in winners, I knew that they would have to wind up fighting eachother at some point. Unfortunately, this match could not be streamed, so they had to play offline (thank goodness this match wasn't grand finals

RM Honeybee (Flash)- 3 vs. RM Biohazard (NW)- 1
Loser's Round 1- RM Yoaks vs. Bugman
Srsly guyz? SCORPION made top 8? C'MON MAN! All jokes aside, Bugman did not disappoint once throughout the entire tournament, bringing what I thought didn't exist.... SCORPION HYPE. Match 1 begins. Starting out what looked like would be a close set, Bug's setups and vortex was too much for the man man to handle. Nuke shells and hook charging wouldn't get the Czarnian out of this predicament. Bugman takes the first set. Not ready to give up yet, yoaks is ready to liven up this joint. Match 2 comes down to the wire. BUGMAN GOT THE VORTEX! It comes down to one guess ruling them all. He goes for the crossup j3. Yoaks is ready for it, already walking forward. BUT HE DOESNT HIT 3 AND GOES FOR A TELE?! No one saw it coming, as bugman takes the second match. Starting to get rattled, Yoaks isn't ready to give up yet. Match 3 starts and scorpions vortex is too much to handle. 20% here and 20% there, bug vortexes his way to the W for the set.
RM Yoaks (Lobo)- 0 vs. Bugman (Scorpion)- 3
Loser's Round 2- STB Shujinkydink vs. NeckBreakerx
NeckBreakerx with his troll post "Is there anyone who isn't free on XBL" gave me a good laugh beofre the tournament. BUT WAS IT A TROLL THREAD?! I put that into serious consideration once I saw what he was capable with with Zatanna, taking FOREVER KING out of the tournament in losers after losing to him in the beginning of the tournament. This dude is not to be slept on, and dink knew what he would be going up against (a MU in his favor

STB Shujinkydink (MMH)- 3 vs. NeckBreakerx (Zatanna, WoWo)- 1
Losers Quarterfinals- FOREVER EL1TE vs. Bugman
On a serious note, who thought Scorpion would make it this deep into a tournament? I never saw this coming and I couldn't be happier to see what this character is truly capable of under the right hands. Match one begins. Scorpion throwing out hellfire, NW throwing out wing dings. Scorpion tele's, NW staff spins! The fight goes back and forth, until bugman converts a vortex! This is it, one guess to rule them all! Elite guesses wrong, costing him the first match. Elite breaks out the hot sauce and goes to work in round 2. Not letting up an inch, NW staff spin and 50/50's are too strong for scorpion to handle as elite takes the second match. Keeping his composure, bugman is ready for match 3. Getting back to his roots, bugman is back to his old self and vortexing left and right for his second win in the set. Elite isn't about to call it quits yet with his secrot top tier character. He shows us all why he says NW is secrot top tier, taking a pretty convincing win to tie the set up. Final match. Winner takes all. Both players wasting no time getting into it. The entire match is down to the wire. BUGMAN HITS A LOW TO START THE VORTEX! It comes down to this again, one guess to rule them all! He teles again to start the vortex. He stares his opponent down and then it happens... GRAB FOR THE WIN!
FOREVER EL1TE (NW)- 2 vs. Bugman (Scorpion)- 3
Losers Quarterfinals- Billy Dha Kid vs. STB Shujinkydink
GRUNDY NOT LIKE YOU! The first match starts as they go at it. Dink throwing out orbs left and right. Billy taking his time to get in on martian pays off. A walking corpse here and there, he gets the pressure going and hits a combo for the reset! B1 walking corpse cancel to keep the pressure on dink. Slowly but surely pushing martians back to the wall, Billy takes the first match. Dink, finding himself yelling at the tv again, "YOU CANNOT BEST MARTIAN MIGHT!", is able to pull himself together for the start of the second match. Dink starts showing off some nice spacing while traited up. The undead brute can't handle the martian might, taking match two. Dink starts popping off at the tv "YOU'RE MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF!". But Billy was avid on proving dink wrong, showing who the fool really is. Grundy smashes through the next two matches to take the set. "LITTLE MAN FIT IN POCKET!"
Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 3 vs. STB Shujinkydink (MMH)- 1
Losers Semifinals- Bugman vs. Billy Dha Kid
The two meet again in this tourney as they came out of the same pool. Will the results be the same?
Match 1 begins. Billy, afraid to walking corpse because of scorpions tele, billy patiently walks in on bugman. Then doing what he was afraid to do, bugman takes advantage of billy's mistake with a mb tele to start the vortex up. After making a right guess, billy works his way to corner bugman, where he would stay as billy takes the first round. Bugman, determined to not have the same results from the first set the day before, gets a second wind. Match two starts and bug is looking stronger than ever. Hit confirms a tele and gets the wheels spinning. Full of gimmicks billy wasn't ready for, bugman takes the second match. "GRUNDY CRUSH TINY ANT" is what billy is thinking going into the third match. Once again, grundy works his way to the corner, pushing scorpions back to the wall once again. Grundy's corner game is too much for scorpion to handle, as billy takes the third match. Bugman is determined to prove himself, as he trades punch for punch with grundy until he hits him with the spear! "GET OVER HERE!". He starts up the vortex again, goes for the crossup j3, BUT TELES INSTEAD OF THE J3 AGAIN! WHO DOES THAT?! Bugman takes the fourth match. It comes down to the last game to see who will play the breaker of backs. Bugman becomes jump happy in the last game. JUST AIR GRAB HIM MAN! Billy finally dashes in and air grabs him and continues the pressure. After one wrong guess, billy takes the set!
Bugman (Scorpion)- 2 vs. Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 3
Losers Finals- Biohazard vs. Billy Dha Kid
Trying to give the breaker of backs a break, bio goes into his arsenal to pull out his dick (grayson). I don't know if anyone has ever told bio this, but billy has a nickname. BILLY DHA NIGHTWING KILLA. Billy wastes no time pounding Bio's dick (grayson) into the ground.
Billy Dha Kid (Grundy)- 3 vs. Biohazard (NW)- 0
Grand Finals- Billy Dha Kid vs. Honeybee

This is how I would have felt going up against the flash god lord with grundy ^^
So it begins, Grand finals. Like their last set, honeybee starts off looking untouchable and just flat out too fast for the undead brute to take the first match. Billy feeling the hurt of this dumb MU, hes ready for the next match. Match two starts. Billy starts off pretty strong with the undead strength of grundy to take a very close match two. Honeybee pulling out all of his setups, its too much to handle for the slow grundy. Desperate to find an answer for the flash, Billy thinks to himself "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em" and chooses.... THE FLASH!? Honeybee thinking to himself as he lets out a little chuckle "why you mirroring me, bro?". Honeybee wastes no time taking out billy's flash to take the tournament!
Billy Dha Kid (Grundy, Flash)- 1 vs. Honeybee (flash)- 3

1. RM @HoneyBee
2. RM @Billy Dha Kid
3. @RM_Biohazard
4. @Bugman
T5. @STB Shujinkydink
T7. @NeckBreakerX
T7. RM @Yoaksssss
@RM GamerBlake
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