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So Who's Watching Constantine? Spoiler discussion


Confused Thanagarian
I'm loving the shit out of this show, watching episode 4 right now. I didn't think they'd do the Gary Lester thing (first original John Constantine storyline) so soon, but I'm liking all the different threads they are dangling to set up later storylines. Thoughts? Hate the show? Don't watch? Forgot this existed? I don't have cable, so I haven't seen ads for it


My blades will find your heart
It has gotten way better after the first one. I didnt see last nights but when I do ill definitely get in on the discussion.


Confused Thanagarian
Yeah, it started out cheesy, then reeled it back in. I think that may have something to do with the story change, that psychic girl from the first episode was supposed to fill Zed's role, but they decided to swap them. I'm actually ok with that, because I figured the show would have turned into "HEY! I DON"T KNOW ABOUT THIS" then Constantine would explain to give some clunky exposition. We sort of get that with Zed, but it could have been worse

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Its interesting so far, i think the show is waiting for something else, each episode felt like its own until now, i'm waiting for them to start ending with connections, so that will make we wish to wait for the next episode.

The most intriguing thing so far is the house, that door way with a infinite corridor took me back to the Dark Souls days against Gwyndolin.


Confused Thanagarian
Right? I kind of prefer the mystery thing, like John knows all this shit we don't, and should just accept it. No need to teach us everything.

How do y'all feel about the changes to Zed and Chas?


My blades will find your heart
I liked zed as the older woman personally. Still dont mind the new one though.

I like their version of Chas, makes him seem even more badass.


Neutral Skipper
Only seen the first episode so far, there was some cheese (the bad kind) and there's room for improvement but it was good. Either way I'll still keep watching because Constantine is rad.

A bit miffed that Liv was written out after the pilot though... and it wasn't because she was fine as all hell, I swear to God.


My blades will find your heart
Only seen the first episode so far, there was some cheese (the bad kind) and there's room for improvement but it was good. Either way I'll still keep watching because Constantine is rad.

A bit miffed that Liv was written out after the pilot though... and it wasn't because she was fine as all hell, I swear to God.
It only gets better from there.