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Mortal Kombat X and it’s future with “patches”.

Jack Burton

Mortal Kombat X is on the horizon and anticipation for the game is keeping fans on the edge of their seats. Excitement for the game is only growing thanks to the strong marketing efforts of NetherRealm Studios. It’s their strong suit. Mortal Kombat fans eagerly await Ed Boon’s tweets to gather clues to new reveals. Youtube Mortal Kombat X reveal trailers getting millions of views. NRS can build hype for an upcoming release that other companies who make fighting games can’t compete with.

Even though their marketing in general is strong, they are some areas in need of improvement.

First of all, the timing of the major patches needs to coincide with the timing of EVO. EVO is the largest FGC event with Twitch viewers, fighting game enthusiasts and the general gaming public. It’s a huge marketing event for fighting games, especially games with recent releases. The way a game looks, whether boring or exciting, can determine how long a game can survive in the competitive scene and how long people play the game on Twitch or other stream avenues, all of which keep the excitement of the game going. It is good marketing for NRS and the MK brand that can impact sales (and can inspire upgrades to the game that can be an additional revenue stream for NRS).

With MK9 and Injustice, the games didn’t look as good at EVO compared to when those games received their last patches, usually around October, long after EVO has passed. For example, Injustice lost a lot of players at it’s first EVO with the dominance of Superman and Black Adam and system issues that turned off a lot of players and viewers alike. Many called the game boring as characters often sat at opposite sides of the screen shooting lazers at each other and action moved at a crawl. Injustice’s last patch made the game a lot better. But it came too little too late and players had already made up their mind about the game and many left the Injustice scene.

If Injustice’s and MK9’s last patch, their best patch, came before EVO, those games would have the potential to keep players while building interest from the FGC and viewers. EVO is a huge marketing opportunity and I’m surprised that NRS with it’s strong marketing background would still release their best patch after the world’s largest fighting game event rather than before.

It doesn’t make sense to have a game at EVO if it isn’t going to look good.

Perhaps a good idea would be to do beta tests of the games balance before the game’s release. Especially after the previews for MKX’s new variation mechanic, testing the balance, glitches and such for the game, already looks to be a nightmare. Why not have thousands of people testing it during a beta phase of the game and get valuable info and fix potential glitches and such before the game’s release? Better to have that many people finding exploits, infinities and glitches in the game than just a few quality assurance employees and tournament players on the payroll testing the game.

Another issue is the use of the term “patch” to describe updates to the game. The word “patch” has a negative connotation in regards to consumer products in general. They bring to mind something broken that needs fixing. For example, no one wants to buy a suit that needs to be “patched” and walk out of the store with their suit all “patched” up. The term sounds jankey and people don’t like wearing or playing janky stuff. Revision sounds better. The term brings to mind another take at what they created or a new look on something. NRS should go back and call them revisions like they used to when they were Midway and released “revisions” for all their Mortal Kombat arcade games. Choosing terms carefully is part of good marketing.

If NRS goes back to calling their upgrades “revisions” instead of patches and timing their revisions to make the game look as good at EVO and take advantage of the that marketing opportunity then the game could have a chance of maintaining players and growing the NRS scene (and maybe give Street Fighter a run for it’s money).


Trust me, I'm a doctor
So lets patch just before the biggest gaming tournament, that always plays out well with people (It doesn't).

I remember the "Ban the testers" movement, beta testing is a double edged sword, and most people aren't going to find game-breaking glitches right off the bat.

"Patch" is what it is, and while you wouldn't wanna buy a suit for it to get patched, I'm sure you would prefer it to one with a lot of holes in it.

Using patches, NRS made Injustice pretty okay. Its a little top heavy, sure, but its far superior to most other games on the market (MK9, MvC3, and so on) balance wise.
Saying "Revision" won't make people stop calling them patches, because that's what they are. They can play to the market all the want, but the people who care know what they are: patches.

Making the game "look good" at EVO is going to be hard if, a week before EVO starts, people have to revise everything they've practiced up to that point because it no longer applies.

The idea behind the post has good intentions, and in some mindset you are right about some things, namely finding a semblance of balance before EVO...
However, the truth is this: no game comes out perfect. No game will reach its peak in the first 4 months its released, and dirt likely won't be found for months down the line, even a year.
A lack of balance is inevitable, and the only way to fix it is to take baby steps. EVO can't just be saved from people who put in more work, or that a certain tool can't be fixed in time.

Nerfs and buffs will be done, but they can't just sweep superman f.23 under the rug or Black Adam backdash out and be like "there you go, deal with it". They aren't watching every match.
Hell, in the beginning of the game's life, Green Arrow and Aquaman were winning most majors, and only close to EVO did Superman pop into the picture.
They have to go off of what we present as a clear, dominant factor. We have to work as a community to show them what is problematic.
EVO is the biggest stage, you are right, and when we get boo'd because Superman is too strong, you know a fix is on the way.

Until then? Have faith. People bitch about too many patches, not enough patches, no matter what not everyone will be happy.
Just enjoy what you can.


Bacon Lettuce Tomato
I disagree with what you're saying here. This isn't a discussion about the current state of the game, it's a discussion about the release of patches throughout the game's life. If anyone thinks there's not gonna be any patches, that's ridiculous, there will be broken tech found, it's the nature of the genre.

As for Jack's point, I think that they should release fixes according to marketability, but also based on how broken shit is. Superman and Adam went into EVO and got us booed. That can't happen again. But will they do this? Probably not. WB will support the game for a few months while they wait for that arkham knight revenue to start pouring in, then they'll drop it like a bad habit, just like injustice.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Idk. We should keep on topic so we don't get Infractions for pointless posts. The thing about patches is they should only patch glitches that affect the game. So things like batgirls infinite/Bola, Meter Drain Glitch and things of that such. Patches characters and game mechanics are a whole different story. You have things that may seem broken to you but to others its not that bad.

Let the game evolve a bit before asking or patches left and right. If this game came out during the arcade days there was a chance for there to be no patch. You had to do something called "adapt", and "learn". Also if you want to patch the game to keep it "Hot" and "Spicy" In about 2 months your going to just get bored with the game again.

Having updates like SF 4 did can only keep the game alive for so long. Just have to work with what you have and grow from that. There is always new things to find. Just have to the take the time to find it. Although if you patch everything left and right every Month your not going to find the time to find those things or they will miss something really big. Like in Injustice when they missed 3 game breaking glitches after patch 1.06.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
My solution: Wait 6 months. Patch. Wait 6 months. Patch. etc.
This is not a horrible idea. Although we know there is going to be a day 1 patch. Its going to happen. Although what they could do is spread out the DLC characters more. And try to have them release before Majors. So Majors will technically ban them. Then people have to time to practice up for the next major. Then release the patch with the characters. BUT. Have a 3-6 month wait time so its not 3 characters in less than like 2 months like Injustice.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I think 6 months is too much, rather EVO will be stuck in the initial time frame.
I feel like a day 1, month 2, and then every 6 will be better.

The month 2 will fall right inbetween release and EVO, and 2 months is more than enough time for us to find anything truly earthshattering that is obvious that early on.

Jack Burton

Thanks for the responses, guys!

I understand the argument of waiting 6 months before doing another revision for the game. It seems to work with a game like Street Fighter. But do you think they'd still be a scene left in 6 months if updates were spaced that far away from each other? I understand Street Fighter can do that because that scene is large enough and the game is at a stable state where players can wait that long. But can the much smaller NRS scene wait that long for a patch to fix major issues?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Thanks for the responses, guys!

I understand the argument of waiting 6 months before doing another revision for the game. It seems to work with a game like Street Fighter. But do you think they'd still be a scene left in 6 months if updates were spaced that far away from each other? I understand Street Fighter can do that because that scene is large enough and the game is at a stable state where players can wait that long. But can the much smaller NRS scene wait that long for a patch to fix major issues?
Depends how generous NRS is with hotfixes. If they slice out clearly broken stuff, then yeah I can imagine a scene will still exist.
Hell, MK9 is like 3 years old and hasn't been patched in like 2, and its still got a minor scene.


Scrub God Lord
All I want is at least one or two patches after they release the last DLC character.
stop assuming that the NRS patches are aimed towards the tournament community.


Goro Lives 
We have to stop these pipe dreams. They will patch/revise it for 6 months and move on to the next big thing. WB Games is only interested in the bottom line, and giving support to a game for over year is apparently not what they like to do.

Jack Burton

I disagree with what you're saying here. This isn't a discussion about the current state of the game, it's a discussion about the release of patches throughout the game's life. If anyone thinks there's not gonna be any patches, that's ridiculous, there will be broken tech found, it's the nature of the genre.

As for Jack's point, I think that they should release fixes according to marketability, but also based on how broken shit is. Superman and Adam went into EVO and got us booed. That can't happen again. But will they do this? Probably not. WB will support the game for a few months while they wait for that arkham knight revenue to start pouring in, then they'll drop it like a bad habit, just like injustice.
There's a good possibility that NRS/WB will just follow the same upgrade schedule they had for previous games. If that's the case, should the community step forward and go, "Ok, so NRS/WB isn't going to give us the patch we want/need to keep this game hype and there's still broken stuff in this game. Let's try to find broken stuff to counter the broken stuff and see if there's something buried in the game to make things work"? I know a lot of Marvel players ( and that community in general) that have that kind of attitude. They'll readily admit Marvel is a bullshit game ( one that'll never be patched or upgraded), but they'll play that game and keep the hype no matter what.

PS- Nice to meet another Norcal NRS player! lol :)


bye felicia
It's really weird that the smallest market is always the most demanding. Let us test it, forever, for free, because we're better than you. Then ship it balanced and be ready to rebalance and patch it when we say, and how we say it. Here's what they would say if they could; you want more support for your game, buy another copy.

Injustice was better balanced than MK9, MKX will be better than Injustice. Barking about the needs of some tournament that makes Warner Bros. zero dollars and adds zero value to their brand is irrelevant. The game will be patched and evaluated every time they go back to the dlc well for petty cash, the same as MK9, the same as Injustice. When the well runs dry, so will the patches.


Meta saltmine
It's really weird that the smallest market is always the most demanding. Let us test it, forever, for free, because we're better than you. Then ship it balanced and be ready to rebalance and patch it when we say, and how we say it. Here's what they would say if they could; you want more support for your game, buy another copy.

Injustice was better balanced than MK9, MKX will be better than Injustice. Barking about the needs of some tournament that makes Warner Bros. zero dollars and adds zero value to their brand is irrelevant. The game will be patched and evaluated every time they go back to the dlc well for petty cash, the same as MK9, the same as Injustice. When the well runs dry, so will the patches.
And then you realize that Capcom essentially makes paid patches for its SF and people are generally okay with it because in the end they don't want completely new game, and if they do, they just pick another one letting SF be SF.

There's no reason why WB can't let NRS keep a few guys on patching duty if they can make a few bucks this way. I don't even play at tournaments yet I'd still buy another "updating season" even if there's no new content.

Now, I do think that it's going to be minority who are ready to buy product as such, but expenses to release it also don't seem to be as monumental as making completely new game, so in the end this may actually work.

That is if we ignore that some companies do keep releasing patches for marketing purposes. Think Blizzard and their 1.15 (IIRC) version of Diablo 2 that was released like 10 years into game's life and was actually pretty good - but they wanted to rekindle some interest for franchise prior to Diablo 3 release, so they just made a few touches upon most useless abilities and added some long-desired quality of life changes and it was still an improvement.


Meta saltmine
-rebalance after gaining community feedback for more than one year
I'll just ask if you really think that f23~breath had to stay for a year more?

IMO "reactionary patches" aren't a bad thing as long as support is maintained for longer periods than 6 months and devs are willing to backtrack on their changes if they are deemed bad in the end.


I'll just ask if you really think that f23~breath had to stay for a year more?

IMO "reactionary patches" aren't a bad thing as long as support is maintained for longer periods than 6 months and devs are willing to backtrack on their changes if they are deemed bad in the end.
flip flopping on poorly conceived patches is exactly the kind of thing to repel players en masse. too many changes and players lose interest as well as make it harder for new players.