This logic is dumbfounding. What happens if you're not as informed about a subject as you would like to be? You research and defer to "experts." In this case, clearly, the most qualified opinion about the character is NOT Ra Helios (unless you'd like to debate that), but rather, GGA 16 Bit. Now, when you take that into consideration, combined with the discrepancy in the reliability of evidence put forth by both parties, the logic that they both advance, and their credentials/experience with the character, you can't actually blame anyone for taking 16 Bit's opinion over Ra. Especially because, in the end, while we don't play Catwoman, we can actually tangibly see 16 Bit's arguments unfold through actual gameplay, whereas Ra's are a bunch of debatable theory fighting and even more debatable online exploits.
You can take the "neutral" road by saying "why does it matter?" but yeah, this is nothing but a copout that is meant to justify idiocy (talking about Ra here, not you).
100% untrue. We've all actually discussed gameplay before, including match-up specific gameplay (and others, such as Wound Cowboy and Max, who play characters in which match-ups were in question chimed in). It's just that this has been going on for so long that nobody will bother relaying the same points over and over, because well, why bother?