King of the Bill

Sure, Lex is super smart and reads a lot and crap like that, but DOOMSDAY cares not about books. He only cares about one thing, and that's shaking the damned Earth. Lex gears up for battle but Doomsday makes Lex realize that without the suit, Lex doesn't even lift bro. Good ol' Doomsday has been bulking all year and proves that technology isn't as reliable as rock hard muscle. (No seriously, rock hard. He's legit covered in rock-like stalagmites)
Notable Mentions:
-Newcomer PickelledEggs says, "come on step it up! gotta go fast!" in an epic Sanic the Hegehoge suit!
-@KDZ using Doomsday again primarily. @Cossner knows the matchup apparently and zones him out in a convincing match. KDZ picks superman and wins the match, but shout out to Cossner for putting up a good fight with Green Arrow!
-@Dartharma asks the stream what they'd rather see this week: Big Dick (or Damien) or Lex Lexington. The stream votes for one of the two bills and Lex is chosen!
-Again makes it out.. again. Again again? Again to the second power? Whatever, he's rootin and tootin and cupcakin as usual.
-@AVN PTH jonnitti Brings the stream some DEATHSTROKE HYPE. According to the
-Two new challengers await! @HellblazerHawkman and oNe87 DrNire make it out to the break as well. We very much appreciate the added support to the game, even while it's in its deathbed. I hope anyone else out there who is hesitant of coming out to the break makes it out soon!
-@rapzilla54 ALSO makes it out this week and gets a few wins under his belt. Also attempts to counterpick against Decay using Bane. NOT SUCCESSFULLY.
-@IcyBlackDeep had a nice Cody costume with REAL metal chains for no damn reason. I reminded him that he could kill any of us at any given moment. He just chuckled...
-@Indecisive miraculously eliminates Decay! After months of complaining that the matchup is unwinnable, he plays cautiously and extra gimmicky and takes 3rd place and gives Decay salty 4th. GOOD JOB BRO.
Now I'll get Icy to kill you in your sleep
-Decay plays flawlessly against all his opponents except for Indecisive. Goes home and cries liquid metal tears. Khrome hear our prayer.
-@StevoSuprem0 decides to NOT eat our planet and let us live just a little longer, for even the mighty GALACTUS is patiently waiting for the next MKX reveal!
People Missing:
To be honest, many people showed up who haven't in the last couple weeks. We're more than happy we had a good tournament.
-@Rolz420 Did not cartwheel, uppercut, vortex, bola, batarang, or teleport his way to the Break this week. Why batgirl has a freakin' teleport is beyond me. She's just a little ass chick with no super powers!
-@KingJamez12 suspiciously missing this week. Could he be in a post-halloween candy coma? We shall find out in the next episode!
-Newcomer from last week Kidcendiary could not make it back this week.
-Jupiter "WUT"
-Grr has literally entered the matrix. He took the blue pill and chose not to wake up from the computer driven "reality" in which he currently resides as a mind-slave... (League of Legends)
Winner's Finals: KDZ vs Dartharma
Loser's Finals: Dartharma vs Indecisive
Grand Finals: KDZ vs Dartharma

First Place: RM|EMP|KDZ (Doomsday, Superman)
Second Place: RM|Dartharma (Lex Luthor)
Third Place: RM|Indecisive (Captain Marvel)

Costume party and contest! The winner was chosen... the winner is...
Drum roll please!

Challonge Brackets:
Due to a larger number of players this week, we did have the tournament on stream and many of the matches will be found on Jaxel's youtube:
Feel free to donate to him to keep this stuff going!
Ultra Street Fighter 4:
After the IGAU tournament, the remainder of the matches for USF4 were streamed and can be found on Jaxel's youtube. Below is the link to Jaxel's YouTube Channel were you will be able to view some of the SF Matches from this Week:
8 On the Break is Located:
Address: 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: (732) 752-8880
The Tournament is Hosted by KDZ Every Tuesday at around 8:30pm 9:00pm. The Tournament is also Streamed by Jaxel over at 8 Way Run. And the Brackets are made and called by Hacker. Please Make sure to support the stream by following, Subscribing, Turning off ad block, or subscribing to his YouTube channel. Tournament entry is $10 Dollars. With no venue fee. Thats right. NO VENUE FEE. Stop by and play with some of the best Injustice Players the Area has to Offer. Meet new people and level up. If you are in the area you should also check out the Break which holds many different games. And is home to the Break Steak Special.
@RM GamerBlake