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Looking to pick up a new main.


UPR DanableLector
Any ideas? I play Raiden at the moment, but Im not sure he suits my style. I like to rush opponents, but Raidens combos can be slow at times.. Id like to be able to throw out some better mix ups, any suggestions?


Any ideas? I play Raiden at the moment, but Im not sure he suits my style. I like to rush opponents, but Raidens combos can be slow at times.. Id like to be able to throw out some better mix ups, any suggestions?
You think Kabal or Liu Kang would suit you?

Try them out in practice mode for a while, try to get some 20%-30% combos and get IAF down. Kabal is more of a 50/50 character with his F32 dash cancel to saw/tornado slam (low/overhead mixup) while Liu Kang has F+3 and B+312 to get overheads and lows in. All up to preference, just throwing out ideas.


UPR DanableLector
Thanks for the suggestions. Ive actually tried kabal since i posted this. I have mastered his dash cancel, but i cannot for the life of me execute online..often times the cancel fails or the timing is off ajd my dash is blocked and punished..lame. ill look more at lui kang. His low and over head strings are really easy to link, so he might be a good choice. Can you think of any charcters with a solid rush that also have a great anti air. I struggle with jumpy characters particularly kung lao. Getting crossed over is really annoying, and i cant punish with njp consistantly enough to acare opponents away from this tactic.
Johnny Cage has amazing rush down and you can nut punch people as they cross-over JIP. You'll have to practice this a lot of course.

Liu Kang is rush down fun and his combos annoy everyone, so if you like trolling people and having a laugh, go with Liu Kang. You can parry every cross-over JIP.
JC, he's fun to play and specialised in RUSHDOWN! he has alot of AA Moves wich leads into damage, every string leaves you at neutral or +1. Very good wake-up, FlipKick. His B4D1 reset, or B4Uppercut.
I've said this about a thousand times, and i'll say it again.
If you are having trouble finding a main, make a list of wich characters you like best.

Here is a list of good rush-down characters:
-Cyber sub-zero- notably, if your new to him you'll shit out bombs from rushing down with 33 or 34. But it's able to overcome.
-Johnny Cage- Good Frame traps, and good rushdown.
-Kung Lao- Good rushdown with 24low hat or 24OH or 24 throw,don't know too much about him but he builds INSANE meter.
-Sonya- as FrothyOmen said, she's underused and great at rushdown with that f*cking military stance. Watch some Morty Seinfeld vid's.
-Liu Kang- He can rush down without a doubt man. low starter string, and an overhead string. Atl_Redd is a good liu kang player.
-Kabal- Oh god...Kabal. Good rushdown, and reset with knee to prevent wake-ups and continue pressure, build's WAY too much meter with his nomad dash cancel(sorry the name escapes my mind right now)
-Sub-Zero- Now..He CAN rushdown, and it's his best option. The fact that he can tell you"you want to lose 30% of your life, or would you like to not be able to move?" is great. If your opponent blocks one of your string's you cancel into a clone to keep them out, then you go in for more pressure. His Corner game is the best, hard to get out of against a good sub-zero.
-Smoke-This isn't your typical rush-down character. He only has OH strings but the fact that you can do B23, d3, d4, B23 is incredible. He has a fast sweep and great pokes, using all of this to your advantage can mind-f*ck the opponent.

Those are the rush-downs that I know.
Pick a character that fits you. Gameplay, story-line, outfit/color, everthing.
Best of luck to you man!


Jax - The head basher of the cast.
Cage - Best rushdown EVER.
Kang - If you like to 123 123 123 123 combo for 40% damage with no effort.
Lao - Nuff said.
Sonya - Fun but hard.
Smoke - If you like to 123 123 123 123 combo for 40% damage with no effort.
QuanChi - Tricky but lethal if used right.
Kano - Trololol. No, really. He has nice rush potential.