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Red Hot sundays....will it continue?

I know we're all reeling from the revelation that Pig may be gone forever and people are interested in answers.....and that is a subject for another thread.
For right now, I want to talk about this awesome thing we have going called redhot sundays and whether or not it can continue. Right now, if you're like me, you're *starved* for high level injustice action so much that you're even willing to put up with watching online sets and telling yourself they're almost as good as the real thing. This has quickly become something I look forward too each week and I don't want to lose it. Someone needs to take over....and if no one more connected in the community is able I would be willing to step up.

I know that REO has said he's restarting his own stream but it seems like he's more interested ATM in streaming his own matches and I'm not sure if he wants to continue with the exhibition format pig has set up. P2W was offering to provide a second stream during the now cancelled tournament...but if for no other reason I feel like the logistics of having him run it will be problematic considering that he's banned.

I'm still working on getting all of my streaming equipment and graphics properly organized and its kind of rough right now but here's some capture footage I took the other day: http://www.twitch.tv/eric_z19/b/581211956

Not the best quality but I am looking into upgrading to a higher quality capture card in the near future hopefully. So...anyone else interested in keeping it going?

Some suggestions people have made include:
@Mr Aquaman , @AK RM Blake , @Decay II @Catnip_Her0

Will you heed the call?
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I really hope this continues in some shape and form, but it's going to be hard for anyone to fill Pigs shoes.
It seemed like Pig was really good at getting players to participate and show up on stream and on top of that he really knew how to promote and get the community hype. He was always the only one who seemed to be able to get online tournaments to be successful. Hopefully this isn't the same
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@Catnip_Her0 :) if he can, of course....
I put in a vote for @Catnip_Her0

But I'm sure people won't tune into his stream due to the fact he doesn't frequent TYM or is Hollywood enough for TYM standards. Even if he brings matches every week pretty much for 24 hours.
Not really against Catnip_Her0...but isn't he also on PS3? Majority of events and people here seem like they're on xbox to me so that could be an issue.
It's hard to replace Pig. Along with being a great hype-man and a take-no-shit attitude, he also posessed the connections to text top tournament players to participate in Red Hot Sundays.

Any fool can just have a stream.
100,000,000% true. This is exactly why I would honestly prefer someone with a little bit more history/weight in the community to take over. Actually spending each Sunday night hosting/streaming one of these things actually sounds really appealing to me...but I'm not a big enough figure here to have all these names on speed dial like Pig did. Seriously...if not for this drama we were going to get Tom "I DONT LIKE YOU" Brady on the next red hot sunday! What the hell would my chances of doing that be?
Love or hate Pig he really was one of a kind.