From General Pig...
"Start time 9pm est don't be a minute late even if you play at 11, be ready I will not fetch for you. You must be in the chat room "Pigsstream" by your estimated scheduled time. Period.
@ak Xenomorph vs @
Bugman ft3
Estimated time of start 9:00 est
AK Ace Universe @OG manimal ft3
Estimated time of start 9:20pm est
DarthArma vs @
gross ft5
Estimated time of start 9:40pm est
WoundCowboy ft10 estimated time of start 10:10pm est
P2W vs @
Tm_whiteboi ft10
Estimated time of start 11pm est
Noobe vs @
Peckapowa ft5
Estimated time of start 11:30pm est
Also pig will explain and discuss w blow ups why he was banned and answer any questions if there are any.
Also pig asks if @
AK RM Blake can refrain further from providing any articles for this series as he wants Blake to be disconnected from these events."