I don't recall any good horror movies within the last decade at all. Some had potential or were OK but could've been better.
It's very hard to define what is truly "HORROR!" because some are mixed with comedy, slasher, monster, serial killer, infections, alien, mutants, sci-fi, thriller.
I like the original 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it had true terror it was unlike anything during its time. All its follow-ups with Dennis Hopper, Viggo Mortenson, relaunch of Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger were disappointing. The more recent TCM last year was easily one of the worst movies I ever watched, it was extremely bad but all I can say what I did like about it was the final cameo from Marilyn Burns, RIP her soul.
Suspiria and Inferno were intense art horror movies. I watched Mother of Tears which was the last part of the long overdue trilogy, I have no words.
I actually like the first movies of their franchise that the followups were only for cashing in at the box office. Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Saw, Paranormal Activity, Chucky, Halloween
The originals sting a lot hard to explain but remakes can't live up to the expectations. My Bloody Valentine, Dawn of the Dead, Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes, Predator, Evil Dead
The real oddball movies I actually enjoyed because of screwed up it really is like Splice, the whole concept psychologically how to interfere creating life with science.
Back to the subject of OK movies within the last decade I liked them still Insidious, Sinister, Devil Inside, Dead Silence, Drag Me To Hell, Hostel, Howling Reborn, The Descent
I tend to watch the low budget horror movies more often they are more appealing Henry, Maniac, Re-Animator, Subspecies, Puppet Master, Watchers, Creepshow, Happy Birthday to Me, Initiation
Foreign Horror movies are more appealing to me: The Orphanage, Julia's Eyes, [REC], Ringu, The Eye
What category does Blue Velvet fall under? The Thing? Wicker Man? The Fly? When A Stranger Calls? Black Christmas? Phantasm? Don't Look Now? Silence of the Lambs? Open Water? Eyes of Laura Mars? Dressed to Kill? Phantom of Paradise?
Stephen King Classics? Cujo, Misery, Cat's Eye, Pet Sematary, Christine, The Shining, Carrie, Children of the Corn, Firestarter, Graveyard Shift, It, Thinner, Mangler, Langoliers.
I might as well re-watch and re-read every R.L. Stine's Goosebumps books and TV episodes to recapture nostalgia.
I don't know what kind of horror moves does the today's audience expect movie studios to produce, you know bring back the original horror in movie theaters. Every horror movie attempt comes back with people recommend it, get false bad word of mouth, some despised the movie, end up with mix reviews from everyone. I don't think it's even possible to get a movie where majority of the audience and viewers of today can solidify the movie as one of the greatest of our time. Recently Conjuring had people interested in Annabelle doll but the reviews of prequel have been mixed - I haven't seen it yet.
Cabin in the Woods is its own kind don't think anyone can deny how great it was. The Exorcist still stood the test of time, easily one of the most terrifying movies involving religion.
Last horror movie off the top of my head I purely enjoyed was Dog Soldiers, over a decade ago. Similar to what someone posted earlier, growing up. The real world is more scary than a movie.