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Seeing Kid's Films As An Adult


Confused Thanagarian
I know some are uncomfortable about it, but I think they're really missing out. Saw the Boxtrolls and was blown away by the claymation and the SFX. Feeling the same on the Book of Life and How to Train Your Dragon 2 was one of the best movies this year. Anyone have any thoughts?

Tony at Home


But to clarify, there's a difference between "Kid's film = made for kids" and "Kid's film = easily watchable for kids". Frozen is a great film. Its reputation as a "kid's film" is not meant to mean anything more than "this film is easily digestable for kids". It doesn't mean it's one of those films that goes out of its way to be a kid's film only so it can eschew the responsibility of actually having to be good- on the assumption its audience has zero taste due to their age.

To quote C.S. Lewis:

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)

But to clarify, there's a difference between "Kid's film = made for kids" and "Kid's film = easily watchable for kids". Frozen is a great film. Its reputation as a "kid's film" is not meant to mean anything more than "this film is easily digestable for kids". It doesn't mean it's one of those films that goes out of its way to be a kid's film only so it can eschew the responsibility of actually having to be good- on the assumption its audience has zero taste due to their age.

To quote C.S. Lewis:

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
Ugh I hate this argument, and by the way quoting someone famous doesn't make them right. The "watching kids stuff is fine because if you're not watching them you're trying to be grown up and that makes you the child" argument is hypocritical and an excuse in my opinion. If you're still watching kids movies and trying to pass them off as anything else you're lying to yourself. I don't watch kids movies not because I'm trying to be an adult but because kids movies are directed at kids. I only watched Frozen because the rest of my family wanted to watch it, and I found it annoying- because it's a kids movie, and the elements in it that made it a kids movie annoyed me. But of course I'm not saying I'm right or you're wrong I'm just saying it's stupid to hastily judge someone for not watching kids movies because apparently they're trying to be adult and that's not growing up.

But I don't want to derail the thread, by all means discuss which movies you like as adults. I'm actually interested to see which elements of which kids movies people enjoy.

Tony at Home

Ugh I hate this argument, and by the way quoting someone famous doesn't make them right.
And by the way, quoting someone famous doesn't mean I'm saying "they're right because they're famous" as opposed to "They're right because their argument is logically sound".
Thus this is a straw-man argument/

If you're still watching kids movies and trying to pass them off as anything else you're lying to yourself.
you must not have read the quote in its entirety, because nowhere does it say kid's movies aren't kids movies. It only says that being a kid's movie doesn't inherently determine it's value, hence the quote says "as a term of approval instead of merely a descriptive term". The gist is that "kid's movie" describes a movie that is fit for kids to watch, NOT a movie that is only made for kids to watch and has no value to anyone else.

I don't watch kids movies not because I'm trying to be an adult but because kids movies are directed at kids.
Here's the kicker, if you don't watch it because it's directed at kids, you can apply this to just about 50% of PG-13 movies out there. Many PG-13 movies today are only that way because they started out as R-rated movies that were bullied into a PG-13 rating because family movies make more money *cough* Expendables 3 *cough*. Once again, go back to the quote, kids are obsessed with adult things. Expendables 3 is more of a "kid's movie" because during it's creation it was more concerned with targeting kids who wanted to see a badass aciton film but weren't old enough to buy tickets to a rated R movie, because they would boost sales. Thus they forciably shafted what should have been an R-rated movie into heavily blurred, shaky-cam PG-13 action scenes

I'm just saying it's stupid to hastily judge someone for not watching kids movies because apparently they're trying to be adult and that's not growing up.
Ok last part where you're wrong. You assume I'm saying people who don't watch kids movies are trying to be an adult and that's not growing up. It says people who avoid kid stuff because they think that makes them an adult are childish. It targets the INTENTION, not the ACTION. If you avoid kids stuff just because you don't like it- the quote has nothing to do with you.


Confused Thanagarian
Ugh I hate this argument, and by the way quoting someone famous doesn't make them right. The "watching kids stuff is fine because if you're not watching them you're trying to be grown up and that makes you the child" argument is hypocritical and an excuse in my opinion. If you're still watching kids movies and trying to pass them off as anything else you're lying to yourself. I don't watch kids movies not because I'm trying to be an adult but because kids movies are directed at kids. I only watched Frozen because the rest of my family wanted to watch it, and I found it annoying- because it's a kids movie, and the elements in it that made it a kids movie annoyed me. But of course I'm not saying I'm right or you're wrong I'm just saying it's stupid to hastily judge someone for not watching kids movies because apparently they're trying to be adult and that's not growing up.

But I don't want to derail the thread, by all means discuss which movies you like as adults. I'm actually interested to see which elements of which kids movies people enjoy.
I'm going to spoil How to Train Your Dragon 2, so warning for the second paragraph. It's crazy to see animation now as compared to my childhood. Like my last claymation flick was the Corpse Bride, so since then they've been able to add motion to hair and clothing and smoke effects while keeping that same artstyle. The Book of Life comes out on my birthday. I'm interested to see it because I love marionette art and the Mexican Day of the Dead motif looks great.

As for How to Train Your Dragon 2, the story was great as well as the animation. There was a shot that really resonated with me where Stoic (the dad) sees his wife is still alive. She's surrounded by all her dragons making these threatening gestures and she's expecting him to start yelling about how she abandoned him and their child to care for some monsters. He doesn't even notice the dragons, nor her talking and just slowly walks towards her and says "You are just as beautiful as the day I (it was either met you or lost you)". The shot was done from her angle facing downward I think, so you see her and all of the pissed off dragons as he's walking 'towards the camera', it was fantastic, don't see that stuff in a lot of 'proper' movies


I will always continue to watch movies made for kids. I don't fucking care. I don't have to have a reason other than that. If I enjoy them, so what?

I don't even have to use my three children as an excuse why I watch them. I watch the movies without them around and it pisses them off. :joker:


Confused Thanagarian
I will always continue to watch movies made for kids. I don't fucking care. I don't have to have a reason other than that. If I enjoy them, so what?

I don't even have to use my three children as an excuse why I watch them. I watch the movies without them around and it pisses them off. :joker:
"Hey Dad, can we go see The Boxtrolls?"

"No, I already saw it, it was great"


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
And by the way, quoting someone famous doesn't mean I'm saying "they're right because they're famous" as opposed to "They're right because their argument is logically sound".
Thus this is a straw-man argument/
But how is his argument "logically sound"? He's saying that avoiding things aimed at children is childish, isn't that contradictory?

you must not have read the quote in its entirety, because nowhere does it say kid's movies aren't kids movies. It only says that being a kid's movie doesn't inherently determine it's value, hence the quote says "as a term of approval instead of merely a descriptive term". The gist is that "kid's movie" describes a movie that is fit for kids to watch, NOT a movie that is only made for kids to watch and has no value to anyone else.
No I read the whole thing. I think I may have worded it wrong though. I meant if you're still watching kids movies and trying to pass it off (the whole watching kids movies) as anything else you're lying to yourself. I'm not saying it being a kids movie decreases its value, I said no such thing, and that part of the quote has no relevance to your argument because it's talking about the term adult not the value of kids movies. A kids movie describes a movie that has certain elements aimed at kids and are included for the purpose of the kids' enjoyment.

Here's the kicker, if you don't watch it because it's directed at kids, you can apply this to just about 50% of PG-13 movies out there. Many PG-13 movies today are only that way because they started out as R-rated movies that were bullied into a PG-13 rating because family movies make more money *cough* Expendables 3 *cough*. Once again, go back to the quote, kids are obsessed with adult things. Expendables 3 is more of a "kid's movie" because during it's creation it was more concerned with targeting kids who wanted to see a badass aciton film but weren't old enough to buy tickets to a rated R movie, because they would boost sales. Thus they forciably shafted what should have been an R-rated movie into heavily blurred, shaky-cam PG-13 action scenes
PG-13 movies don't tend to have cheesy songs and all that crap though, so no you don't necessarily have to apply it to 50% of PG-13 movies. I've never seen Expendables 3 so I can't comment on any of your arguments there...

Ok last part where you're wrong. You assume I'm saying people who don't watch kids movies are trying to be an adult and that's not growing up. It says people who avoid kid stuff because they think that makes them an adult are childish. It targets the INTENTION, not the ACTION. If you avoid kids stuff just because you don't like it- the quote has nothing to do with you.
I'm not saying you're saying that, but you're using a quote that says that:
“To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence.”

Tony at Home

But how is his argument "logically sound"? He's saying that avoiding things aimed at children is childish, isn't that contradictory?
No, because he says it's healthy in moderation.

It's somewhat good to admire being an adult as a child, because it encourages maturity.

But it's also good to indulge in the things we liked as kids, because otherwise we're not being genuine adults- only our constructed idea of what they should act like.'



Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
No, because he says it's healthy in moderation.

It's somewhat good to admire being an adult as a child, because it encourages maturity.

But it's also good to indulge in the things we liked as kids, because otherwise we're not being genuine adults- only our constructed idea of what they should act like.'

See this is my point, why does moving on from what we did as children not make us "genuine adults"? Surely a genuine adult is mature enough to move on?

And no, in my opinion, it is not. It's another one of those cheesy songs designed to provoke emotion. BUT MY SOUL IS BLACK AND I FEEL NOTHING. I have a heart

of ice.


Mid Tier
I will always continue to watch movies made for kids. I don't fucking care. I don't have to have a reason other than that. If I enjoy them, so what?

I don't even have to use my three children as an excuse why I watch them. I watch the movies without them around and it pisses them off. :joker:
lol, this was going to be my post, almost word for word lol.

I'm on a Wreck it Ralph kick right now,

Running around the house yellin "IMMA WRECK IT!!!" lol good times.


lol, this was going to be my post, almost word for word lol.

I'm on a Wreck it Ralph kick right now,

Running around the house yellin "IMMA WRECK IT!!!" lol good times.
Nothing beats walking around yelling out random quotes from my favorite "kids'" movies.


Mid Tier
Despicable Me movies have some great stuff in them. If a dude watches those movies and doesn't laugh, well then I just feel sorry for you.

Who doesn't want a freeze ray and Fart Gun, ????