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TFC 2014 Injustice Pools Released! Place your bets! (event schedule inside!)

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
88 members?! 86?! 15 even?! Ain't nobody GOTS time fo' dat!

That's right. Team GOTS only has three members - three fucking members! - because Team GOTS is the best of the best. There's no room for all you suckaz in GOTS and there's no room for GOTS in all you suckaz' hearts. This is the mantra of an elite crew of champions and before you ask, no, you don't even know:

I mean do you even play Injustice? All about that hatemail when you fail and get your butts kicked?

But do you even lift, bruh? Got some sick-ass tits when you Get up On Them Sticks, bruh?

You call yourself a real man? Do you even understand how to 17 a frac team and howl up at these other clans?

GOTS is an elite crew. Very few who talk that shit when we can't even beat you.





So anyway, I'd have Manhunter taking TFC free but he's not even going so this tourny is bunz anyway and nobody cares who wins. Go outside, nerds.


Zyos aka Mr Mix ya Girl
Why am I not the most deserving? :p I don't think a Canadian has won an American major before, would be cool
I mean i feel allot of players deserve it you included but just for the swag factor i don't want you to lose, but send me Canadian maple syrup and i shall rig the tourney for you


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Will oxygen get his revenge on honeybee for beating him to the pools thread.

Will honeybee style on people for our amusement

Will saltface be able to beat both KDZ and Sonic Fox

Will Lance take a selfie before every match

Will indecisive make a secret appearance to TFC or will one of his clones do it for him

Will honeybee get stuck with KDZ in his pool again

Can KDZ overcome sonic fox

Will sloth make Cupcakes for NEC

Will Mr. Aquaman and Pig settle their differences over a nice steak dinner

Will forever King get top 8 in Pokemon

Will i stop asking questions without putting question Marks

Will i be able to increase my like Ratio with pointless posts.

Last edited:

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Will oxygen get his revenge on honeybee for beating him to the pools thread.

Will honeybee style on people for our amusement

Will saltface be able to beat both KDZ and Sonic Fox

Will Lance take a selfie before every match

Will indecisive make a secret appearance to TFC or will one of his clones do it for him

Will honeybee get stuck with KDZ in his pool again

Can KDZ overcome sonic fox

Will sloth make Cupcakes for NEC

Will Mr. Aquaman and Pig settle their differences over a nice steak dinner

Will forever King get top 8 in Pokemon

Will i stop asking questions without putting question Marks
But I thought this thread was for TFC not NEC? I'm so confused Indie.

And I'll make cupcakes if Mr Aquaman swings by to pick them up. I guess I could make Extras for @Decay II , @Indecisive , and @AK SaltFace though if I'm being really nice


In two days The Fall Classic officially kicks off and the Injustice: Gods Among Us pools finally came out! To view the event's tournament schedule, see below! Injustice: Gods Among Us pool play os set to begin on Saturday at 1PM EST via www.twitch.tv/kombatnetwork.

Notable players include: EMPR Jupiter, RM Biohazard, AK EMPR Saltface, PI Blackula, The Steam Co CD Jr, icyblackdeep, KIT FOREVER KING, RM HoneyBee, PTH RM Oxygen, Zyphox and more!


Who hired this guy, WTF?
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