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The Good Deeds / Straightedge Thread

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
So since the latest obsession on TYM is sharing either how drunk/high/wasted you can get or if you can beat up someone, I want to counter that with sharing your good deeds and/or "straightedgeness." Yes this might be stupid but I'm not a fan of imbalance, and this is to simply balance the scale. So share your good deeds that you're proud of or share that you love to not get wasted and puke on yourself.

I'll start. My story is simple and quick. I was in high school and there was a classic case of bullying going on. Three guys were ganging up on a more "nerdy" kid, and have been doing it for a while. Well I see them taunting him in the hallway, and it's just going too far. So I simply say, "guys seriously, just leave him alone." They did, and he was much happier going foward.


Kytinn King
Pretty much the same as your story, these guys were trying to gang up on my friend so I intervened and took a couple of the guys out. I can't stand when people gang up on one person in a fight. One time I also ran for a train that wasn't mine to hold the door open for a lady that was chasing it behind me.

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
Pretty much the same as your story, these guys were trying to gang up on my friend so I intervened and took a couple of the guys out. I can't stand when people gang up on one person in a fight. One time I also ran for a train that wasn't mine to hold the door open for a lady that was chasing it behind me.
Yea, I wasn't really bullied my whole life. I just really hate seeing people gang up on people like that.


Every other Friday I go to cash my check and I drive by Wal-Mart to give this homeless war veteran $10 to help him out with whatever he needs.

I'm a sap for people in need. I really am. A few weeks ago, my wife and I had left the grocery store and we saw a lady with a sign that said "Need help for gas and diapers." While we haven't been in that exact situation before, we know what it's like to struggle, so I told my wife to stop and I got out of the car and gave the lady enough money for gas and diapers.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Once I came up with an idea for a friend who smoked, since I can't stand to be around smokers (unless they're my friends, in which case I might hang around for a minute or two but I still don't condone it). Every time I saw him smoking or even smelled smoke on him, I would add one to what I called the "Punch Tab". Basically if I had any indication that he'd been smoking I was allowed one free punch, as hard as I can if I wanted, and he wasn't allowed to do anything about it. No retaliation. I've already used a few but I still have twelve on the Punch Tab I can use any time. I mean that might not sound like a "good deed" but it's to help him not ruin his health ;)


Kytinn King
Every other Friday I go to cash my check and I drive by Wal-Mart to give this homeless war veteran $10 to help him out with whatever he needs.

I'm a sap for people in need. I really am. A few weeks ago, my wife and I had left the grocery store and we saw a lady with a sign that said "Need help for gas and diapers." While we haven't been in that exact situation before, we know what it's like to struggle, so I told my wife to stop and I got out of the car and gave the lady enough money for gas and diapers.
Dude I know what you mean, I was homeless before as a child and it's not fun, I try to give money anytime I can to people in that situation.
I've been burned on giving people straight cash before, but when the situation is appropriate I will help out.
A guy asked me for 5 bucks for gas so he could go see his mom who was in the hospital, while he was at the gas station. I was already inside paying for mine, so I gave the attendant 20 for the pump that guy was at.
A lady at mcdonalds asked me for a buck so she could buy a sausage biscuit. I didn't have any cash so I just went to the checkout counter and ordered some for her.
I'm fortunate to be in a position where I can help people when they need it, so I try to do my best to.


I like Tekken 8
Every other Friday I go to cash my check and I drive by Wal-Mart to give this homeless war veteran $10 to help him out with whatever he needs.

I'm a sap for people in need. I really am. A few weeks ago, my wife and I had left the grocery store and we saw a lady with a sign that said "Need help for gas and diapers." While we haven't been in that exact situation before, we know what it's like to struggle, so I told my wife to stop and I got out of the car and gave the lady enough money for gas and diapers.
Yeah but over here in Houston I can never tell if it's for their well being or for drugs. I'm a bit skeptical about giving money. Seeing homeless people with cigarettes can be annoying.


Yeah but over here in Houston I can never tell if it's for their well being or for drugs. I'm a bit skeptical about giving money. Seeing homeless people with cigarettes can be annoying.
I've been burned once and it was my own fault for not being able to tell it was an obvious hoax.

However, the homeless war veteran really looked like he could use the help. Any time I would see him there, he wouldn't have booze or cigarettes, it was always a bottle of Gatorade and whatever he had to eat from an earlier time.

The lady I helped at the grocery store was crying her eyes out and looked so ashamed to be there.

If either of them are duping me or anyone else, then they need to get into acting. But until I see that they duped me, I'm going to say that they're legit in need of help.


Kytinn King
I've been burned once and it was my own fault for not being able to tell it was an obvious hoax.

However, the homeless war veteran really looked like he could use the help. Any time I would see him there, he wouldn't have booze or cigarettes, it was always a bottle of Gatorade and whatever he had to eat from an earlier time.

The lady I helped at the grocery store was crying her eyes out and looked so ashamed to be there.

If either of them are duping me or anyone else, then they need to get into acting. But until I see that they duped me, I'm going to say that they're legit in need of help.
It's also a shame that people who defend our country and rights come back and get no support...but that's another topic


cr. HP Master
I've volunteered for Habitat for Humanity if that counts lol.

One time this lady at the gas station approached me asking for $5 for gas so she can get to work. I gave her the $5 and and she actually got gas. After that she told me where she worked and to come by and she would hook me up with a sandwich. Felt good lol.
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smoke reset bot
okay here goes...... I had just left wal mart one night (fairly late) and as I was walking towards the car near the back of the parking lot I noticed a guy snatch an older ladies purse as she was loading her groceries and took off. so I chased him down and tackled him, as I had him pinned to the ground I incanted a satanic hex on him, I then proceeded to dislocate both of his legs. once I was sure he was sufficiently maimed, I pulled out a fifth of jagermeister and chugged it, puking on him repeatedly shortly afterwards. I was thanked quite graciously as I handed the woman her purse back. and then I found $5..... best night ever :)


*Holds door open for pretty girl*
Me: Oh she's about to say thank you
Girl: Just walks in and says nothing.
The stars had aligned perfectly one time after a snobby ass woman did that to me. She needed help with something and I just so happened to walk by and she asked me if I could help her and I told her that I don't help people who are unable to thank people for even the smallest of things. She looked confused, so I reminded her that I had held open the door for her and didn't even receive a simple "thank you" which takes all of 1.5 seconds to say. I told her if she couldn't spare that, then I wasn't going to spare 10 seconds of my life to help her and walked off.

More often than not, I just pay it no mind, but I was in a mood that day.