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Stress, and fear of death.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I feel like there is something terribly wrong with me. I've recently been waking up with bloody noses and randomly begin to feel dizzy; I don't know why but I have an idea. Ever since I went into Health class and we learned about symptoms of heart attacks, strokes, and more, I've begun to get.. scared in way. The smallest chest pain on my chest or headache makes me go into a panic attack. I start thinking "I'm having a heart attack! I'm having a stroke!" Soon hyperventilating starts and I can't get the damn thing out of my head. My mother says its stress but I don't see how I could be stre- well actually maybe I could. School, my relationship, hell even my future are all factors I've considered for this. I believe its mostly me over thinking this situation. I get all my work done but does that mean I'll be able to keep doing it? Its stuff like that turns this "fear" into anger, cause it annoys me how I can't stop doing it! I've decided what college I'm going to, I work in order to prepare for it and my classes are relatively easy as they are all electives; I have no more required classes I need to take. So what is wrong with me!?

I know posting personal issues are usually ignored or found annoying but I wanted to share this cause I feel like its been kept a secret way to long. Have any of you guys experienced what I'm going through? How did you get rid of it? I know some of us are in school and around my age but I can't be the only one.. like this. Hell, some of you are parents, I can't imagine what a task like that is like. Anyway, I've said enough. Please feel free to comment or message me what I should do or your own life experiences. Thank you for your time FGC.


I'd recommend going to a doctor first and foremost before doing anything. Waking up with bloody noses and randomly beginning to feel dizzy should be concerning you to that point, even if you think it's stress related. Why take the risk of it being something more serious and not finding out, y'know?

Secondly, if all this started after a certain period in your Health class, perhaps you could be thinking about it entirely too much which adds even more undo stress?

But seriously, my best advice is just going to the doctor. You never know if it's just coincidence or not that this started to happen until you find out.

Best of luck getting this taken care of, dude.


Big Poppa Pump
Yeah, I suffer from the same. It's all in your mind. I would accept that you will die anyway, any time, any day, so it is pointless worrying about it. Just try and avoid things that may increase your risk i guess. Allthough its the luck of the draw.

Some are lucky some aren't.


Noob Saibot
From a medical atandpoint there are over 100 different diseases that could be associated with your symptoms.

Goto your primary care physician and let them run labs to see if anything is abnormal.

Being an ICU doc for two years Ive dealt with families who ise WebMD to diagnose themselves or their family without consulting a physician and what could have been prevented with a routine checkup turns into a lengthy stay in the hospital or even worse death.

No matter how trivial the problem it's best to be examined to r/o severe problems.

Good luck.


From what I understand, the Health class you took was mostly about cardiovascular system (heart and vessels). At your age, strokes and heart attacks are very unlikely; nose bleeds at night may indicate high blood or intracranial pressure, maybe some vessel problems. What you ought to do is go to your physician and check yourself up for cardiovascuar problems. If everything's ok, check a psychologist.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
May i ask...do you go to the gym or work-out in anyway..?
No, closest gym is like a 6 hour drive where I live. So excercise every weekend by running about 3 miles or a set amount of pushups or sit ups in the afternoon.


The First Element
No, closest gym is like a 6 hour drive where I live. So excercise every weekend by running about 3 miles or a set amount of pushups or sit ups in the afternoon.
Ok..it's just when i was a fitness finatic back in 2009.I bought some "Over the counter" muscle enhancing products and i was having bad palpatations and my heart would skip beats often.i'd have panic attacks and i became a bit of a nervous wreck..similar to what you explained above.it was a weird stage but it soon fucked off and went back to the norm again.So that's why i was curious if you worked out or not


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Long post will be long. If you do not wish to read then oh well.

Starting off with the bloody nose thing. I would suggest that you get that checked out first and foremost. It could be nothing, or it could be nothing. If its something then you will have to take that one step at a time. If its nothing then it may just be the way your are sleeping. Or the stress getting to you.

Next up. Being stressed is 100% normal. Your in school, Your future is something you have to think about, And your in a relationship. Being stressed is normal for a person. But don't let it take over your life. Find ways to calm yourself both mentally and physically. That way you feel refreshed. If you continue to let the stress build then you will start dealing with many different problems. Talking to someone is also helpful. Such as people you can trust, School Psychologist, Etc. Take your pick on who to talk to. So to answer that question nothing is wrong with you. Because everyone has their own amount stress.

For me im always stressed. I personally am not able to get rid of it. But i find ways to calm myself. Such as watching Streams, Talking to people, Playing Magic the Gathering, Hanging with friends, etc. My local Scene did a good job helping me with my stress to some extent. So i thank them for that. But you can never fully get rid of stress. There will always be something that can make you stressful. But you need to either if possible get rid of the stressful thing in your life. Or figure out a way to deal with it. If its school then you just have to get through it one step at a time and you will be done in no time. As for the future well its going to be scary because we do not no what it holds. But think in the here and now and a little bit into the future. Thats what i do sometimes. It helps.

As for death. My view point is that i have accepted it already. If i die then its whatever. Not much i can do about it. Im not afraid of dying. Everyone has their own view point on this and i may not be the best person for this since i have accepted it and am okay with dying at any point basically.

Hopefully this help.


The First Element
No, closest gym is like a 6 hour drive where I live. So excercise every weekend by running about 3 miles or a set amount of pushups or sit ups in the afternoon.
6 hour drive to the closest gym? Do you live in the middle of a desert man or something ;)


it sounds like you are definitely suffering from anxiety to some extent. But feeling dizzy and having nose bleeds in the morning is a bit abnormal. Go to a doctor and get a check up. Describe what has been happening to you as accurately as possible.

The concern about having a heart attack or stroke is clearly the result of anxiety though; I know because I suffer from the exact same thing and have had anxiety/panic attacks for years. when that happens to you try to relax and breathe deeply. The feelings of panic will pass and you just have to ride it out.

Please take care.


I get you on the fear of death thing, but ive never experienced anything physical from it besides a tiny panic attack. I wish I could comfort you more, but all i can offer is telling you how i was freaking out in my room when i found out theres a chance i could die from going under general anesthesia for my oral surgery to remove my 3 remaining wisdom teeth. I almost didnt go through with it last minute because the idea of just being put out, and never waking up scares the fuck out of me. 1 out of 400,000 people die from a wisdom tooth extraction, some because of infection and not taking their medication, some because of anesthesia complications.

I guess i want you to know that you arent alone


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
6 hour drive to the closest gym? Do you live in the middle of a desert man or something ;)
That might be an exaggeration but really the town I live in is small and could be considered delosate at times. To give you an idea there is no Walmart, dollar store, fast food except DQ, etc. All that is in Grants Pass which is about 45 minutes away from me. I plan on going back to Cali or Idaho when I graduate. Who knows, I might be able to show off my Supes on a stream. ;)


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I get you on the fear of death thing, but ive never experienced anything physical from it besides a tiny panic attack. I wish I could comfort you more, but all i can offer is telling you how i was freaking out in my room when i found out theres a chance i could die from going under general anesthesia for my oral surgery to remove my 3 remaining wisdom teeth. I almost didnt go through with it last minute because the idea of just being put out, and never waking up scares the fuck out of me. 1 out of 400,000 people die from a wisdom tooth extraction, some because of infection and not taking their medication, some because of anesthesia complications.

I guess i want you to know that you arent alone
Thank you Arma. :'(


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Long post will be long. If you do not wish to read then oh well.

Starting off with the bloody nose thing. I would suggest that you get that checked out first and foremost. It could be nothing, or it could be nothing. If its something then you will have to take that one step at a time. If its nothing then it may just be the way your are sleeping. Or the stress getting to you.

Next up. Being stressed is 100% normal. Your in school, Your future is something you have to think about, And your in a relationship. Being stressed is normal for a person. But don't let it take over your life. Find ways to calm yourself both mentally and physically. That way you feel refreshed. If you continue to let the stress build then you will start dealing with many different problems. Talking to someone is also helpful. Such as people you can trust, School Psychologist, Etc. Take your pick on who to talk to. So to answer that question nothing is wrong with you. Because everyone has their own amount stress.

For me im always stressed. I personally am not able to get rid of it. But i find ways to calm myself. Such as watching Streams, Talking to people, Playing Magic the Gathering, Hanging with friends, etc. My local Scene did a good job helping me with my stress to some extent. So i thank them for that. But you can never fully get rid of stress. There will always be something that can make you stressful. But you need to either if possible get rid of the stressful thing in your life. Or figure out a way to deal with it. If its school then you just have to get through it one step at a time and you will be done in no time. As for the future well its going to be scary because we do not no what it holds. But think in the here and now and a little bit into the future. Thats what i do sometimes. It helps.

As for death. My view point is that i have accepted it already. If i die then its whatever. Not much i can do about it. Im not afraid of dying. Everyone has their own view point on this and i may not be the best person for this since i have accepted it and am okay with dying at any point basically.

Hopefully this help.
Inde.. This more than helped, thank you.


Stress and anxiety can really suck. And alot of the time when you go to the doctor, they just say nothing is wrong with you and send you out.

I suggest finding a hobby that you really enjoy, I know your into video games obviously but you may find other things that you can have a great time with too like drawing or something. Working out usually relieves stress and makes you feel awesome afterwards. I'd say start doing some form of working out everyday whether it be going to the gym, biking/walking, doing pushups in your house or anything.

Hope that helps


The First Element
Well i think if you connect with the community a lot and are all ways engaged with talking to friends and stuff then your anxiety/condition will drift away.....and all ways i repeat ALL WAYS smile..it'l make you feel better! ;)
Nose bleeds in the morning can be weather-related. I live in an extremely arid climate where overnight nose bleeds are a relatively common occurrence for myself, my friends and family.

Random dizziness can be lots of things but its most likely low blood sugar or anemia.

Regardless, if you're really worried you should see a doctor. He or she will tell you heart attacks and strokes are very rare for people under 40 years of age.

Best of luck.


A spaceman
My Father and brother have had nose bleeds every once and awhile when they have woken up from bed. But they've never said anything about being dizzy after.

As for the stress thing. I don't know what to tell you. I'm a pretty care free guy. But I do suggest listening to some music.

What is your preferred taste in music or what calms you down the most? I generally listen to Metal. It's odd to say but listening to a guy growling, screaming or guitars riffing and drums blasting is an odd way to relax but it just works for me. It also helps since I enjoy that type of music. It helps me "zone" everything out.

There's been times when my brother, who generally is a "Live-Wire" type of kid; gets himself into trouble along with pissing off our parents and even his girlfriend with arguments and the such.

So I generally tune everything out by playing music and playing games. Cause most of the time the stuff that my brother argues about is pretty stupid. But thats really the only thing stressful that I deal with. Nothing on your level with school and your future collegiate career.