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q4 qanba/bigbenz arcade stick

I've been playing MK9 for a few months now, been maining mostly cyrax and a little rain on the side. I've always been a competitive gamer. I used to play BF3 and some other games competitively(5x a week training, theory training, etc)

A few months ago I decided I wanted to start going competitively in fighting games, (Was already playing SF4 then, but never got really into it, just fun casuals with friends and such).specifically MK9, I know the competitive scene at the moment isn't at its peak but I really love the game, and want to get serious about it.

I've lost lots of matches or got into setups that transition in high damage combos simply because of input failure( I go for anti air, instead it inputs a jab etc) which can turn the whole match around.

I currently use Thrustmaster gpx lightblack edition, which is similair to a xbox360 remote, except the dpad is 8 directional, so its more similair to the ps3 then the original xbox 360 remote.
I bought it specifically for fighting games because of the dpad, but its not satisfying me, I feel like no matter how much I train with it, theres always a few flaws here and there.

I've been talking to a friend who used to play fighting games competitively a few years back, he's currently selling his q4 qanba/bigbenz arcade stick because he doesn't use it anymore. I was immediatly interested in buying it, but offcourse I want to do my research first, so besides from googling bunch of stuff related to that, I wanted to ask on TYM aswell.

So here are my questions:
I heard the transition from dpad to stick is pretty rough(I'm prepared to grime it out).

1.Are the inputs on sticks more accurate then on dpad?

2.Is this arcade stick good in general for mk9?

3. I've read lots of posts where people say that for MK9 its actually harder to play with stick because the block button layout( You need block button to perform EX moves), is this true? Aren't there any ways around this?(I'm talking specifically about the q4 qanba/bigbenz arcade stick button layouts).

4. I main cyrax, any one out there use sticks with cyrax? Specifically the q4 qanba/bigbenz arcade stick? Share results

*Feel free to answer questions which you think might be important for a first time stick user/buyer
which I haven't mentioned yet.

Here's a picture of the stick incase you don't know which one I mean.

Thanks in advance TYM community.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
That is the stick I use, I played on a ps2 pad for the first year of the games life (Injustice), it's a hard transition for sure, I will tell you how I did it.

At casuals I would break out a stick or borrow someones just for fun, hell I remember at Winterbrawl my pad broke after tournament and I used kdzs stick for funsies against glass sword and still got wins. I would always just try it for fun, and noticed a difference in play when I was on stick. I got less input errors and negative edges which were huge on pad for me, I hold the dpad very odd and it made for mistakes. Stick is so much better for me. For mk9 I used it for abit but stuck with pad, block button hurts a lot depending on your layout, but thats my only exp with it. But honestly, anything is doable so long as you put forth the effort into not only learning how to use it, but to stick with it through trying times. In the end you will have the results you want.

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
@Relaxedstate has this stick I believe. So he can tell you about the stick. Now for the very long war of pad v. Stick.... it honestly all comes down to preference. Now you won't know if you like stick until you try it obviously. I bought my first one a year ago, grinded it out getting used to it (took about a month) and never looked back. I love playing on stick now as apposed to pad.(all games too) so yea there is a weird learning curve and you can mess with the layout so it's not as weird like i did.

Edit: I can personally do the inputs on stick way better than on pad (especially back - foward motions oddly enough, and command grabs like in injustice down-back-foward)
@Relaxedstate has this stick I believe. So he can tell you about the stick. Now for the very long war of pad v. Stick.... it honestly all comes down to preference. Now you won't know if you like stick until you try it obviously. I bought my first one a year ago, grinded it out getting used to it (took about a month) and never looked back. I love playing on stick now as apposed to pad.(all games too) so yea there is a weird learning curve and you can mess with the layout so it's not as weird like i did.

Edit: I can personally do the inputs on stick way better than on pad (especially back - foward motions oddly enough, and command grabs like in injustice down-back-foward)
Another question I had was, is the movement and feel of the stick similair to the analog sticks of the 360 remote or does it have its own feel to it. Because I hate analog sticks on remote controllers for fighting games:S I hope the stick isn't similair to it.

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
Another question I had was, is the movement and feel of the stick similair to the analog sticks of the 360 remote or does it have its own feel to it. Because I hate analog sticks on remote controllers for fighting games:S I hope the stick isn't similair to it.
No it has its on feel, and way better. (At least to me)


Green Lantern Corps.
Not exactly a stick i'm getting used to more a Hitbox but I can tell you that even after a few months I'm still not the level I am on pad in Injustice. It all comes down to personal preference in the end, even with a worn down xbox dpad I've play so much of this game now I've conditioned myself to be extremely accurate and more importantly got commands down to muscle memory which only comes from practice practice practice,

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Tell me, what exactly do you like from the stick? Name some pros and cons
@Relaxedstate You have any pros and cons aswell and general info on the stick and how it interacts with mk9?
Well the felt on the bottom is nice so that it doesn't shift positions like crazy, but it (the felt) isn't going to last forever. Mine's starting to fade away not even 2 years into it.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Square gate? What do you mean by that?
Well an octo gate has 8 sides on the inside of the stick where the stick can travel similar to an analog stick on ps and xbox controllers. A square gate only has 4 sides resembing well...a square. It's more of a preference than anything performance based, but square gate is pretty much the standard on most sticks.