Fuck this week's Weekly Heroic. I was at the end (put it on level 28 for the extra awards) and was on the last Vex wave with all those stupid Minotaurs and I got kicked back to orbit due to a "connection error" or some shit. I went back to go do it and the one-time rewards were no longer available.This weeks Nightfall you could probably solo it is so easy. Just have to be careful and bring 7 or 8 ammo synthesis with you. There is a cover spot in the diagonal corner from where you enter the last room where no one can enter and no one can hit you when you take cover. I was doing 8k a shot with my sniper and he went down SUPPPPER fast. I actually thought the Nightfall was easier than the Weekly Heroic.
Fuck. This. Mission. All those Minotaurs on level 28 during the last wave are fucking dumb. I'll just do it at its base level if it ever shows up again. -.-