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Guide FOREVER EL1TE'S Nightwing Guide.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
First thing I have to say about this guide is that, without reading it, is you need some colours and bigger more vibrant headings. There's nothing I personally hate more than huge walls of text. I also personally like spoilers, headings, context page/section thing at the top. But the information is definitely solid. You should be proud of your hard work. Coming from a person with ADD, keep in mind :p
First thing I have to say about this guide is that, without reading it, is you need some colours and bigger more vibrant headings. There's nothing I personally hate more than huge walls of text. I also personally like spoilers, headings, context page/section thing at the top. But the information is definitely solid. You should be proud of your hard work. Coming from a person with ADD, keep in mind :p
How do I color it?


I want Kronika to step on my face

Emperor Eevee

Learn to take a joke pal!
Vs Harley, that MU is 5-5. Everything you put is pretty much correct. This MU can do either way depending on who has the health lead. Its hard for both characters to approach the other as well. Harley, with her guns and cupcakes. And Nightwing, with his flying dick, ground spark/pound, and wingdings. I hate wingdings.......This is one of my problem MUs and we should run it sometimes Elite.
Vs Harley, that MU is 5-5. Everything you put is pretty much correct. This MU can do either way depending on who has the health lead. Its hard for both characters to approach the other as well. Harley, with her guns and cupcakes. And Nightwing, with his flying dick, ground spark/pound, and wingdings. I hate wingdings.......This is one of my problem MUs and we should run it sometimes Elite.
You know where to find me
Great job! I'm very impressed with your line up here :). Entertaining to read and you cover everything extremely well. Agree on Zatanna numbers ;). Although if NW doesn't react immediately to a trait up in staff mode then they be screwed!!
I believe the mu can be 4-6 for nw. On select stage such as Ferris aircraft or themiscara. (However you spell it)