My blades will find your heart
Just so you know, it helps if you post your sources. Makes it much harder(but not impossible) to disregard your facts. Good job though.@DuBBer Kiir
If you were pulled over by a cop, you are three times less likely to be searched
Numbers vary but either way you are right on this one.
If you committed a crime as a young man, you are more likely to receive a lighter punishment
Right again.
If you are caught with drugs, you are 48 times less likely to go to jail than your black friend with the same crime
This is an exaggeration. It is more like 4 times as likely. There is a discrepancy though.
If you apply for a home mortgage, you are half as likely to be turned down
If you violate school rules, you are less likely to be suspended or expelled than a minority student.
If you apply for a business loan, you are more likely to be approved than your minority friend
This isn't correct. Whether you get a business loan or not depends on the size of your business and your business plan. If a white person comes in with no plan and a small business they wont get a loan, same with a woman or minority owned business.
If you apply for a job, you are 50% more likely to receive a callback because of your "white name" than your black friend with a "black name".
http://wikis.la.utexas.edu/theory/page/name-discrimination(ToC has three independent studies)
Right Again.
Your own personal anecdotes don't cancel out statistics and facts.
Educate yourself and try to understand how your experiences aren't the entire world.
8/9 aint bad.LOL, I thought the same thing man. I assume they are probably MSNBC factoids...