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Worst move for your character

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Ares' 3,3 literally has no use when you have 3,D2 which scales less and is + on block.

Also...Downward Axe is an absolute piece of shit. It's untechable, yes...but i'm - FUCKING ONE. Fuck that move.

Downward Sword I keep forgetting that that move exists because...well it sucks! GO FUCKING FIGURE!

I can speak for Raven players that 1,1,3 and F1,3 have no reason to exist. At all.


D1 xx trait is pretty decent.

I also think that scatter bombs are pretty bad.
D1~trait is hella negative on block. Your opponent gets a guaranteed counterpoke check.

Scatter bombs are pretty good and have their use. Instant scatter bombs are really good in air-to-airs. Moreover, they add to Batman's mobility. For example if you're trying to get around zoning and you double jump forward (glide), you can cancel into scatter bombs to avoid being punished upon landing since you then recover much faster (and thus make the window for trip guarding much smaller, certainly compared to dive bomb/dive kick).

Who punishes it?
122 is punished by Nightwing (full combo), Flash (full combo), Superman (Superman punch), Aquaman (full combo), Green Lantern (full combo), Harley (guns), Deathstroke (guns and Sword Flip), Lex (Corp Charge), Catwoman (full combo), Doomsday (Venom), Killer Frost (full combo), Grundy (Walking Corps), Batman himself (trait), Sinestro (full combo), Joker (gun shot), Black Adam (lighting and probably dive kick too), and I'm sure there are others like Martian, Batgirl etc...
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Hawkgirl - WE 1. The chances of ever hitting with it are slim as is, and I'm pretty sure that even on the rare chance you can hit with it, it's hardly her best option.
Harley Quinn - b121 - slow, doesn't grant anything, doesn't set up anything, just all around pointless. 2d3 and 2b3 are pretty pointless too.
Zatanna - 11d3. Such a pointless string ender. Oh, and non-MB Fire Kiss. :p
Raven - f13. Admittedly this one has very, very situational use in the sense that if you do hit with it, it sets up an ambiguous cross-up... but it's still 98% useless.
Catwoman - f2u31. It looks cool, but... yeah.
Killer Frost - d3. Because realistically, if you're in a situation where you could use d3, you may as well use her slide instead. Lol.
Wonder Woman - 3 while in Shield Stance.
Batgirl - Her 11u2 strings.
Absolutely not.
11 can be cancelled into RLG for a full combo on hit and is our fastest punishing string, which is necessary for several punishes.
The full 112 also has uses for unblockable setups, similar to f21.
And when used alone, it has a sneaky overhead at the end and is +8 on block.
Far from his worst.
yeah but 113 is better though.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Nightwing's B112 is literally pointless. At least with Scatterbombs I occasionally anti-air them after failing my Instant-Air Wingdings


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
223 is godlike wtf are you talking about? Atleast it's overhead and you can cancel the 22. 3 just does nothing. That's like saying f123 it's bad. There is never point in 3.
What do you get off of 223 though? 223 is also full combo punishable on block, I really don't see the need for it. I'm just talking about the 3 at the end, the 22 is fine obviously. F123 is slightly less bad. I mean if I knew what 223 or f123 were useful for then fine but I really don't know of any use for them. Wonder Woman's standing 3 in shield is good- sets up a wakeup reversal in the corner on hit at the very least and is +3 on block.
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xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Some others...

Cyborg: B231. It sucks.

DS: B1,D3

Flash: 1,1,3

Lex: 2,1,3

Martian: D2. Completely outclassed by Standing 3. No point.

Nightwing: Everything.

Scorpion: F2,2,D3

Shazam: 1,2,F3/B3. Was already mentioned, but yeah.

Sinestro: 1,1,U3. Does this need explanantion?

Grundy: F2,2,3

Supes: 1,1,2. Techable on juggled opponents and worthless.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Sinestro's impact event (boulder) is one of the worst special moves in the game. It is mega punishable on block, has shitty tracking, and can be forward dashed for a full combo punish. Even in the MUs where it's semi useful to control the air (Superman, HG), there are plenty of ways for them to mess with the tracking and punish Sinestro severely. It also leads to very little damage on hit. This move sucks.
Worst post in years

Deserves infractions

You picked boulder over some of his useless god awful strings



Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I literally forget that this move exists. I spent so long in the lab trying to find a practical use for this and still nothing. You can't even viably combo into it without meter or an interactableb. Although pretty sure it's a hard knockdown (but it leads to no setups :/)
Bat Evade 2 though...

Wonder Woman - 3 while in Shield Stance.
Batgirl - Her 11u2 strings.
WoWo's shield 3 is good in the corner. Batgirl's 11u2 strings are relatively useless though yeah.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I REALLY want to agree, but I find that I use that I still occasionally use the move (Like for chip, certain frame traps, or as a bait), which is more than I can say for F21 and 112. In fact if you ever see me input 112 it means I messed up a cancel.

So you mean 112 is 113 with less frame advantage, that can't be canceled and that some characters can duck (Because ducking overheads is a thing against Joker).

Seriously, it's not even that the move itself is bad, but there is literally no reason to use it as long as 113 exists.

Similarly, I cannot think of a single instance where F21 is a better option than B2 or IA J2.
113 being better in most situations than 112 does not make HLG a better move than 112. Just look at the design of each move.
If someone is comfortable with how HLG works, they will never ever ever get hit by it. The same is not true of 112, because it has it's uses, through is generally outshined by 113.


Bane's standing 3, f1 are both horrible normals. For his worst special, I don't really know because all of his specials have good uses. Maybe air grab or venom uppercut?