Here in America and abroad the hip hop/rap culture for years now has encouraged most of the criminal behavior most, and I say MOST, not ALL (so don't do selective reading and call it racism) black youth both men and women practice today as a way of life.
Hmm. Show me the studies to back this? Err, no, wait, there are none. Seems like the usual speculative, stereotypical trash pulled straight from, let me see... your ass, right?
Oh and by the way, its not being racist when a fellow American, not of of the black race, here in the U.S. discusses the problems, issues, and negative behaviors that are so frequently exhibited and practice by a particular race more than the other races to such a disruptive and damaging degree that affects the entire nation. Its called Demographics.
It's not racist to make up facts and statistics based on your own racial prejudice, despite the real data taken from the FBI stating the exact opposite?
It's not racism, its the truth. If you can't deal with the reality of the reasons because it hurts to much.
I'm not all that surprised, this was a "truth" that you'd been taught, whether from the media, your upbringing, or any number of sources where minorities are painted as violent people.
Ignoring the gross oversimplification and painfully obvious racist interpretation you have provided here, let's talk about the riots in Ferguson then:
No. It's a matter of showing respect for authority that in turn will only work towards your benefit even saving your life! But if you decided to be like "Yo what du F*%K you stop me fo pig". Then the Officer says; "get out of the car and place your hands on the car" and you respond; "But wat did i do yo?"...Sir, I said place your hands on the car now!'...'But what du F#*k i did yo?". So now for being stupid and disrespectful to an Officer by refusing to place your hands on the car he, then decides to arrest you. Then you decide to squirm out of him grabbing to cuff you. Now he has to use more force to subdue you, because you are now resisting arrest, so you then fight harder; "Nah yo, f#@k dat shit!". Or you choose to then get all hard and go into thug mode; "I ain't gunnu let this pig cracker cuff me"...then you decide to rush him and try to grab his gun. Then you get shot.
Then the incident ends up on the news showing his mother who wasn't even there when it happened or knowing why it happened, crying and saying" he was such a good boy...they killed him for no reason!..aaaaaah" and then you see a black activist say" Our black cheerin are being killed because of the color of their skin!" Then the press releases a video of him robbing a store just hours prior to the altercation showing what a bad boy he really is and then the neighborhood is all pissed off because they now look stupid as hell and RACIST for predetermining the reasons and outcome of the situation for THEM basing it on race.
Example: Michael Brown.
I'm not the one posting a picture of the kkk lol. Just like all those other stupid idiots in ferguson you hide behind the word racist to not deal with the real problems the black community is facing and needs to fix(address). I know you know the problems facing the black community run deep to its culture here in the United States and because the path of least resistance is sooo much easier you choose to adopt the idea of "well if I can't beat'em then I'll join'em". So keep making yourself look like a stupid ignorant in denial by trying to step on the shit so people won't see it. But guess what, they all smell it.
It's not racism or the fault of the respectable and positively contributing black citizen that he/she is looked upon suspiciously when carrying a weapon or anything that can be used a weapon or anything that looks like a real weapon. Because that kind of person would not be exhibiting such behavior first of all. Its the high percentage of young black males and a growing percentage of black females that keep repeating and committing crimes and acts of violence. It's not racism, its the truth. If you can't deal with the reality of the reasons because it hurts to much. If you want to see this kind of stupidity come to a near end then start putting real pressure on the black community leaders and lobby people to discourage the hip hop/rap mentality and promote proper and productive education and an improvement of culture to better fit with the 21st century and not live a life of blaming every other race for the incompetency, slackness and low pride of your own.
I guess you were one of those idiots who got tear gassed in ferguson and pissed off after finding out what a thug piece of garbage "Big Mike" was. But still rioted because it was fun. lol You shut the hell up you dumb sheep.
What a complete, non-bigoted view of an entire race. Spot on. I agree, after all, black people take a flimsy excuse like spending their entire lives being treated as second class citizens, being persecuted on a daily basis by security and police, being red-lined out of prospering neighborhoods, being cheated out of a decent education, being unable to get decent jobs because of racism, being incarcerated an order of magnitude more often than other groups, and being continually portrayed as ugly and threatening in every corner of mass media, and just because of that decide to lose their shit. Just because blacks have learned over a lifetime that the rules the rest of society benefit from don't apply to them, and that regardless of whether they attempt to follow those rules or not they'll still be treated unfairly and will never be given an honest chance, they can't just explode in rage and break them.
They have to respect the system that has been overwhelmingly rigged against them for over 200 years. They have to keep eating the shit plate they've been served and express any dissatisfaction with it in a nice non-threatening calm way that's acceptable to the upstanding white society whose acceptance they have yet to earn. If they let a never ending lifetime of enduring insult after insult and injury after injury provoke them into sudden outbursts of anger, they'll never convince the rest of us that they deserve to stop being insulted and injured. Riot and ruin those already ruined and economically suppressed places they can't afford transportation out of? They're clearly just doing it to themselves.
When are black people finally going to take responsibility for being persecuted and properly react to that persecution in an approved fashion? America's been benevolently waiting so long for them to get their necks out from under our boots, but without jostling us in the process, of course. I guess they'll just stay where we forced them to be until they wise up. The ball is in their court.
Now let's watch you write more posts focusing on thuggish black males with their sagging pants or this idea of being influenced by rap to commit crimes
(everybody knows only black people listen to rap, right?), since that's a far more serious issue than the sanctioned systemic murder and incarceration of young black men./s