I'm kinda in the same boat as @
Vagrant here on this one. Keep in mind this post is nothing negative toward the aforementioned reviews of the title; it is just my opinion.
I believe the posts relative to the negative aspects of this game compare the game to way too many other titles that are only similar, and in some cases not even the same kind of game. I don't believe it was Bungie's goal to make anything simliar in fashion or anything close to the same as previous titles that COULD be comparable. I think it should be kept close that this game is NOT Borderlands, NOT Elder Scrolls, NOT Diablo, etc. This game is totally new and refreshes the idea of online gaming. Remember awhile back at E3 when a small company introduced No Man's Sky? Let's think about future games in that context now. These past titles did things that were revolutionary for their time period and as a result, games released after these titles are immediately compared to, say Borderlands, if it has ANY similar aspect to said game. For example, there is loot in the game, therefore, it MUST be the same as Borederlands or Diablo because "that is the only way a loot system should be." Now I'm not saying that these posts represent this opinion, however, they sure make it seem like it. As if anything other than the Borderlands system is downright wrong.
Niavity in video game creation is a double edge sword. Think about it like this. If every person that picked up the game was not interested in obtaining level 30 in 2 hours (in reality the quickest possible time, not literally 2 hours), do you think that the drastic difference in loot drops compared to Borderlands would even be an issue? Not at all, but because most gamers out there simply cannot wait and enjoy what the game has to offer, then it becomes a problem that everyone is not level 30 with all exotic gear right now. I don't believe you should earn gear simply by putting in the time. By that token, I should be able to turn on my console, sit in the tower for about a week, then come back and play the game fresh and get all those monster loot drops. Finding something of extreme rarity in the game should be first and foresmost rare, exciting, and you should feel like you got lucky in many ways. Buddy of mine had the PC version of Borderlands and he created his own guns with an outside program. To beat it all, he wanted me to play with him! Not fun at all! You running around with literally the very best peices of equipment in the game that you didn't even find and you want me to play with you? Hell no!
I believe the creators of Destiny wanted to make the rare items unlike any other rare items in game history. They were being naive to the fact that gamers would go around mob whoring to find the best because they have to have that now and not later. Great idea, but something that gets broken in reality. It's like asking people to give more of what they earn to people less fortunate. Not saying it's the exact same because they have no relation, just saying that it will never happen and that only exists in a perfect world.
I think all games get boring after awhile. I'll compare again to Borderlands. What was there to do after the story and side missionas were completed? Nothing except wait on the DLC that increased the level cap. How is this different from Destiny? Aren't we all juust sitting and waiting for an increase in the level cap or something similar so that we can continue the "grind" we have been doing since it came out? You can probably tell from my posts that I am nowhere near level 30. I'm actually level 25 with all legendary armor (that I purchased through a vendor by the way). I think that if it is turning monotonous then you need to put the damn game down for a bit. Anything and everything gets boring after you put in a 22 hour session in one day.
This game could have been the height of FPS...PERIOD. The negativity swirling is only in relation to other games that are completely different in their base concepts and principals. It was not meant to be the same games as those that it is compared to. Hell, it isn't even meant to be similar. Just because it has borrowed the very best concepts from some of the very best games does not mean it should be held in the same light. Take the competitive for instance. EVERY GUN CAN COMPETE WITH EVERY GUN. There is no exception to this except maybe light machine guns. Even with the LMG's you have to acquire the ammo to use these weapons. Same with shotguns. Just think if you got two teams knowing what they were doing at all times and circled their map control around the green ammo boxes; wouldn't that be a sight to see? Remember hardpoint in COD? There is a mini-harpoint in EVERY game of Destiny. What do you mean? I mean the heavy ammo crates. What if a team got together and timed the heavy ammo drops BEOFRE the announcer came over the action saying, "Heavy ammo on the way" similar to how you would pre-rotate in COD for hardpoints? Hell, I haven't even seen a competitive team spawn hunt yet in relation to ammo crates and pre-rotation for heavy drops. Now tell me this Crucible can't be competitive and tell me shotguns have a chance when a team is playing in this manner! Now something that is ridiculous is the Blade Dancer. I don't think anyone can disagree with that one. Even working together this motherfucker can just run in and hit melee and call GG's.
I'm sorry that I ranted a bit but I strongly feel that this game needs to be looked at a little differently than the others. Most things haven't even been hashed out yet properly in the game. I guess I'm lucky with engrams as well because I have a full legendary Hunter waiting on me when I start one up. Grant it, it does kinda stink when i'm playing my Titan and I decrypt a legendary for a completely different class! Part of things being rare though, and it makes you want to play every class in the long-run! Had to get these things off the chest...rant over!