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Geforce ShadowPlay Output Stuttering + Youtube Upload


I want Kronika to step on my face
So last night was my first time trying ShadowPlay. I wanted to record something in Injustice and I noticed that at 1080p the ShadowPlay output has stuttering/frame skipping when the game is running at 1080p. I tried recording the same video a few times and every time it has different stuttering but it's always there. The game itself doesn't stutter at all, just the ShadowPlay output.

When the game is running at 1600x900 the Shadow output doesn't stutter at all and the video is smooth.

Also when running the videos that stutter on Windows Media Player they seem a little smoother than on VLC. However when I uploaded to Youtube it was worse than both, here's an example of the disappointment:

I tried to google this, I saw a few threads of people having the same problem but no one had any solution.

Anyone here has any ideas?

@FrothyOmen I imagine you'd know about this.
@Anyone else who'd know lol.
Well, Shadowplay doesn't record at a locked 60fps. It records at a variable framerate. When you are saving your videos, are you writing everything to an SSD or an HDD?
HDD. I don't have an SSD - yet.
Yeah like, if you can get an SSD that's only for dumping shadowplay data to, you might have better luck recording at a steady 60fps. Trying to read info from your hard drive while simultaneously trying to write a gigantic video file to it is just a hard thing for a single hard drive to do. Plus the NVENC encoder is pants on head retarded a lot of the time, so there's that to keep in mind as well.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Yeah like, if you can get an SSD that's only for dumping shadowplay data to, you might have better luck recording at a steady 60fps. Trying to read info from your hard drive while simultaneously trying to write a gigantic video file to it is just a hard thing for a single hard drive to do. Plus the NVENC encoder is pants on head retarded a lot of the time, so there's that to keep in mind as well.
Damn I really fell in love with ShadowPlay yesterday but it is still in beta after all.
Damn I really fell in love with ShadowPlay yesterday but it is still in beta after all.
Yeah it does so much right but so much wrong. Even in it's terrible-ness it's still better than Dxtory or Fraps unless you need higher-than-60fps recordings or uncompressed file output. The shadow mode and overall convenience of use is just too good to pass up though.


hi, i wanted to ask you something, with what are you recording and with what are you rendering and compressing your videos? because i have been struggling lately to find good recording software, which will work with my very ancient CPU, it's core 2 quad q6600 2.4 .
Everything i tried, starting from fraps, dxtory, bandicam, playclaw, msf afterburner all more or less worked same way with same results. as you can see in all my videos i have set MK video options to lowest possible with lowest resolution https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM0VKffSY3oNSuQpquKWSFv2C_f7iLFJy
and even then, i still barely manage to keep 60 fps in-game so that slow-mo of mk wont start. ( if fps drops ingame while recording then slomo starts ) .
so yesterday my friend told me about this recording software of nvidia's called Shadowplay, he said it was amazing i didnt believe him. but when i tried i was shocked. i was literally shocked. this is some serious advancement in technology i swear. I installed upped my game to 1080p ultra high x8 AA x16 AF and put on the most laggy stages and started recording : fps didnt even blink! at first i wasnt sure i actually was recording but then i checked video file and got even more stunned. I have no idea how but the 1 minute file was only 300 mb, compared to 3gb of fraps...
but of course there had to be a somekind of drawback.
First i uploaded original shadowplay footage (1min 300mb) to youtube to check how it will look, and needless to say i was disappointed. I knew Youtube re-renders videos, and that downscales them from 60 fps to 30 fps, but it was much worse then that. Original footage on my machine was amazing, as in quality as in fps. But when uploading it became just awful.
So i rerendered it in SonyVegas12 for main concept internet 1080p High profile : the size of final video was very nice, but when uploaded to youtube it was exactly the same in quality as before at the time of first upload, if not worse.
then i started reading net and apparently this is some serious issue. Many people have it, and the solution is not so clear.
then i saw you topic and lol'd a bit. small world.
anyway, people suggest rerendering it locally in more higher bitrate & resolution so that when youtube downscales it, it wouldn't be that bad.


I want Kronika to step on my face
hi, i wanted to ask you something, with what are you recording and with what are you rendering and compressing your videos? because i have been struggling lately to find good recording software, which will work with my very ancient CPU, it's core 2 quad q6600 2.4 .
Everything i tried, starting from fraps, dxtory, bandicam, playclaw, msf afterburner all more or less worked same way with same results. as you can see in all my videos i have set MK video options to lowest possible with lowest resolution https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM0VKffSY3oNSuQpquKWSFv2C_f7iLFJy
and even then, i still barely manage to keep 60 fps in-game so that slow-mo of mk wont start. ( if fps drops ingame while recording then slomo starts ) .
so yesterday my friend told me about this recording software of nvidia's called Shadowplay, he said it was amazing i didnt believe him. but when i tried i was shocked. i was literally shocked. this is some serious advancement in technology i swear. I installed upped my game to 1080p ultra high x8 AA x16 AF and put on the most laggy stages and started recording : fps didnt even blink! at first i wasnt sure i actually was recording but then i checked video file and got even more stunned. I have no idea how but the 1 minute file was only 300 mb, compared to 3gb of fraps...
but of course there had to be a somekind of drawback.
First i uploaded original shadowplay footage (1min 300mb) to youtube to check how it will look, and needless to say i was disappointed. I knew Youtube re-renders videos, and that downscales them from 60 fps to 30 fps, but it was much worse then that. Original footage on my machine was amazing, as in quality as in fps. But when uploading it became just awful.
So i rerendered it in SonyVegas12 for main concept internet 1080p High profile : the size of final video was very nice, but when uploaded to youtube it was exactly the same in quality as before at the time of first upload, if not worse.
then i started reading net and apparently this is some serious issue. Many people have it, and the solution is not so clear.
then i saw you topic and lol'd a bit. small world.
anyway, people suggest rerendering it locally in more higher bitrate & resolution so that when youtube downscales it, it wouldn't be that bad.
I think I read somewhere that Youtube shouldn't downscale to 30 fps if the video has HD resolution. But I don't know.

I don't think it's worth all the trouble to re-render and edit all the videos before uploading them. I'm just gonna upload what I have and let be stuttery on Youtube, fuck it. Lol.