Eric The Scruffy
Can't remember if there's ever been a thread discussing this subject, but its something that I was thinking about earlier and I've been wondering how other people felt. As we all know (or should), getting the first hit at the start of the match scores you a full bar of meter.
We often talk about just how important momentum is to Injustice as a just how big a role do you feel that plays in a match?
As Green Arrow, I sometimes feel like who gets that first bar can dictate a huge portion of the fight. Even though Arrow doesn't make much usage of meter; simply preventing the other player from having it can be huge for the opening of the round because it limits their damage output and ways to get off my pressure. Its so important I often will spend the first few moments usually not even bothering to load an arrow in favor of simply trying to hit them with a measily 1%, exclusively to take that bar.
I honestly believe that just winning this first part of the meta significantly improves my chances to win the overall fight....though I would hesitate to put a number on the percentage.
What say you all?
We often talk about just how important momentum is to Injustice as a just how big a role do you feel that plays in a match?
As Green Arrow, I sometimes feel like who gets that first bar can dictate a huge portion of the fight. Even though Arrow doesn't make much usage of meter; simply preventing the other player from having it can be huge for the opening of the round because it limits their damage output and ways to get off my pressure. Its so important I often will spend the first few moments usually not even bothering to load an arrow in favor of simply trying to hit them with a measily 1%, exclusively to take that bar.
I honestly believe that just winning this first part of the meta significantly improves my chances to win the overall fight....though I would hesitate to put a number on the percentage.
What say you all?